
Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

"M-Mr. Li, something terrible has happened. Your office has been vandalized," the secretary said as she hurriedly and anxiously approached Li Zhenteng. Li Zhenteng's rose-colored lips inched closer to Shen Ning's red lips when he was interrupted, and he growled, "Damn it, who dare to be so bold?" "M-Mr. Li, it's a four or five-year-old kid. He claimed that you bullied his mommy." "Uh..." Li Zhenteng immediately straightened his posture, his face serious. "M-Mr. Li, something terrible has happened. Your project materials have been stolen!" the flustered secretary burst into the room while Li Zhenteng was conducting an emergency senior executive meeting. "How dare they! Who dares to be so audacious?" Li Zhenteng said furiously. "M-Mr. Li, it's three little kids. They say that you've hurt their mommy." The executives couldn't help but chuckle among themselves when they heard that. Li Zhenteng shrank into himself and cleared his throat. "Ahem, let's continue the meeting..."

Spring Swallow Returns South · Urban
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200 Chs

How Dare You Beat My Woman?_1

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Shen Ning sat rigidly, her teeth grinding together.

Stay calm. She had to stay calm!

Once again, those shameless couple were flaunting their affection right in front of her!

The heartlessness and cruelty Li Zhenting had shown her six years ago became even more vivid in this moment! The image of that wicked woman pushing her into the sea exploded in her mind like a bomb.

She tightened her fists, the veins on the back of her hand standing out.

Suddenly, the phone erupted in the air.

Li Zhenting glanced at his phone, his face darkening, and he quickly stood up and rushed outside.

"Shen Ning, what do you want?" Shen Mei's face immediately turned pale as she stood up, her eyes filled with a menacing glare. "I warn you, don't even think about plotting anything. I will never give you the shares of Guqi Perfume."

She raised her hand and aimed to strike Shen Ning's face.

Shen Ning was on the verge of collapsing! Caught off guard, she was struck hard across the face by Shen Mei's slap, causing an intense burning sensation.

A flash of menace appeared in her eyes, and she abruptly stood up, grabbing Shen Mei's hair and preparing to deliver a retaliatory slap.

"Ah!" Shen Mei let out a scream, her vision blurred by the blow. She stumbled and fell to her knees, bearing five distinct finger marks on her face...


In the corridor.

"What did you say? Lanlan and Dingding are fighting again?" Li Zhenting's face turned grim.

Last night, when he entered the study, Lanlan was already fast asleep on the couch, so he refrained from reprimanding her.

But now, she was bullying Dingding again.

"You stop them for now. Shen Mei and I will be right back," Li Zhenting ordered in a deep voice before hanging up the phone. Just as he put his phone down, a scream echoed from the president's office. His expression darkened, and he quickly made his way towards the office.

Inside the president's office.

After catching her breath, Shen Mei refused to accept the situation. Never before in her life had someone dared to strike her in such a manner. Filled with rage, she lunged at Shen Ning with malicious intent.

Shen Ning smirked coldly, deftly evading her attack. She firmly grasped Shen Mei's arm and raised her hand, preparing to deliver another forceful slap.


Before she could strike, a strong and powerful hand caught hold of her arm.

"Enough! How dare you lay a hand on my woman?" Li Zhenting restrained her arm, his tone filled with anger.

This woman had really crossed the line. Not only did she dare to strike someone in front of him, but she had also struck his woman!

Shen Ning raised her gaze, meeting Li Zhenting's chilling eyes. His gaze was so sinister, like a bloodied dagger. For a moment, she shrank back, once again feeling the sense of submissiveness and fear that she had always displayed in front of him.


She quickly straightened her posture, her lips curving into a cold and merciless smile.

This man's eyes were completely blind!

Just now, it was clear that Shen Mei had struck her first. She had merely acted in self-defense.

But she couldn't be bothered to explain. He never believed her six years ago, let alone now!

"Mr. Li, please let go of me. Make sure to keep a close eye on your woman. Otherwise, if she dares to provoke me again, I will retaliate every time I see her." She spoke coldly.

Li Zhenting's face turned ashen, but his mind was preoccupied with Lanlan and Dingding. With no intention of getting entangled with Shen Ning, he forcefully let go of her arm and sternly warned, "Shen Ning, I advise you to behave and stop playing tricks. Otherwise, I will make it impossible for you to stay in the captial."

Having said that, he gently held Shen Mei's hand and walked out.

Shen Mei felt triumphant, casting a spiteful glance at Shen Ning. With tears in her eyes, she clung to Li Zhenting's arm, following closely by his side. The two of them walked away intimately, seamlessly merging into one.

Shen Ning watched their loving figures tremble uncontrollably.

Disgusting! Those despicable lovebirds!

Just wait, this is only the beginning! I will make you both pay back everything you've done to me and my mother, twofold.