
Three Kings

The tale begins in a divine realm, where three deities—Kokou, Plutonia, and Ra—are mourning a tragic event that occurred three million years ago, an event that still weighs heavily on them. This mysterious tragedy has left the gods and demons divided, with many harboring hatred and regret. In the mortal realm, the story shifts to the Omi Kingdom, where two young brothers, Kor and Gor Kindel, are being prepared for a brutal test of strength by their cold and ruthless father, Bale Kindel. The test, resulted in Kor sacrificing himself to save Gor, triggering Gor's despair and awakening a cursed power within him. In another place Thia Leye, a young girl from a small village who, after witnessing the brutal death of her family and being captured by slavers, summons a dark curse in a desperate bid to survive. Meanwhile, in the Wize Kingdom, Prince Kin Orun struggles with his responsibilities and the betrayal of his step-uncle, who seizes the throne. The once-pampered prince is forced to flee into the desert, where he faces the harsh realities of life and ended up awakening an equally insidious curse as the previous two. The story intertwines these characters' fates, as they each grapple with their own battles, both internal and external, against forces far greater than themselves. As they confront their destinies, the lines between gods, demons, and mortals blur, leading to a climactic confrontation where the true nature of power, revenge, and redemption is revealed.

Seyfost · Fantasy
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178 Chs


Hana and Kin had finally agreed to help each other. Although they had different mission, there was no not to Cooperate when their goals aligned. Hana's mission in the were house was to gather information about Rashid most well guarded secret. The secret routes and method he uses to trade the massive amount of crystal he mines all over Bintan. Kin's goal, was to find something that can help him win over his Kingdom from Jai. Crystal were precious tools for anyone at this point. Just imagine him finding a buck load of white crystals down there. It would be of great use on accomplishing his mission. It didn't matter what was down there, as far as it could help him win over the Kingdom, he would gladly take it. Even if it means betraying his new found ally. 

Kin took a quick glace at the sky, it was already approaching mid-day, he needed to move quickly, he still had the enormous errands from Jamila to run. Time was no longer on his side, in fact, time was no longer on anyone's side.

"So, how do we get in?" Kin asked in a tone of urgency...

"Well If I knew how to, I'd have gotten in a long time ago," Hana replied.

"What information do you have about the passage."

"Well it is well guarded by two men. Every six hours another two men take over from the previous men."

"No one except for the guards and the manager is allowed anywhere close to the door which is also the only way in and out" Hana said.

"So you mean it's impossible to get in?".

"I never said that. Although they never allow anyone in, the guards still sometimes need to eat so, they task one of us to get them their food since they can't leave the room until their shift is over. I was fortunate to do that few days ago and that's how I got to see the room."

"So if you can get in to serve them again, maybe we can slip something into their drink" Kin said.

"Maybe, but even if we do and I stay longer than expected, the manager alerts the guards outside the werehouse and they come to deal with it."

"So we can't get in quitely then" Kin stated.

"What do you mean, stealth is.."

"Stealth is a restriction we don't need, it's a room we can't enter and even when we do, you can't stay too long, the best option is to get in, take out the guards, get into the tunnel and looked lock yourself in so you won't be followed".

"After that we can figure out how to get out"

"It's not that easy, the warehouse guards are strong and the two guarding the tunnel entrance are even stronger defeating them would take a while."

Kin thought of their options for a while, fighting strong soldiers wasn't the problem, but defeating them swiftly was one. He knew he couldn't probably take on someone as strong as Ramon, Rashid's right hand man, but at the same time he was certain it would be a very close one. But, He would need to either trap him or catch him completely off guard. Which was quite impossible. He had been her for a long time and one of the things he had learnt was that Ramon was not like any of the other guards around Rashid. He was like a wolf among pitiful sheeps. 

The guards couldn't possibly be as strong as someone like Ramon, but still, he needed to think they were strong soldiers. With him and Hana, there should be no problem, but how are they going to pull it off, and in broad daylight.

"I have an idea' Ashell said..

"Well look who decided to Join us" Kin said

"Do you want to hear it or should I keep quiet" Ashell said in rage.

"Don't mind me my lady, proceed. I'm all ears".

"Ashell shared her plan with Kin and he could not help but grin mischievously. It seems like a perfect show and a perfect distraction."

Kin shared Ashell's plan with Hana and the girl was not really convinced. 

"How's that going to work, we need something more solid than fairy-tales". 

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that, you can surely leave it to me. I'll draw them out and distract them, if you can defeat the two guards that is".

"It will be hard, but I can do it," Hana Said with assurance.

"Then let's begin" Kin said. 

"For this show I'll need a good get up, and I know just where to get it" Kin said with an excited voice.

Hana stared at the weird boy in amusement, his plan was not really a great one and relied a bit on dumb luck, but, for some reason, he seems confident it will work. 

"He probably has something up his sleeve if he's confident it will work." Hana thought.

"Well then I'll make sure I play my part, but if you fail to arrive on time, I'll leave you behind" Hana declared.

"Don't worry, everything would go according to plan." Kin said with assurance.

After they had finalized the plan, they both got into action. Hana went beck to the warehouse, while Kin went one to play his part. 

Their plan was simple, Kin would somehow draw people's attention towards himself, he would cause enough ruckus and both the workers and the guards outside the warehouse would be distracted. This would give Hana the time needed to defeat the two guards guarding the tunnel entrance.

Few minutes later, a young boy stood across the street, right in front of the ware house. He wore a green jacket and had different jewels around his neck, fingers and hands. He had a golden green turban wrapped around his head and stood on a beautiful mat. He had not started to do anything yet but the people passing the streets were already curious to see what the young boy was really doing across the streets. A show perhaps, and they were right. As if answering to their anticipation, Kin finally spoke with a loud but charming voice.

"Gather around everyone, or wait don't, for I am but a lonely voice. How can I command this lovely crowd to gather before me, I'm not a noble, neither I'm I a Sulten, and I'm definitely not a king. But, I do have something to tell you, but only for those willing to hear my story. Like I said, I'm a nobody, the son of nobody, and living the life of a nobody. But, I bring you the story of somebody. Somebody that seems to have left the hearts of many of us. Many of us probably wonder what happened to them. What happened in that night, what happened on that day? Were the stories true? When the treacherous, Ekun killed the beloved king of the forest and chased the kings cub, Forcing him into exile. Oh wait, I said tell. No, I made a mistake. Pardon my silliness. Let me show you..."

Kin stretched his right arm out and opened his palm. He stroke his right hand with his left as if performing some kind of spell, after few seconds he closed is palm and immediately he opened it again, and something appeared on his hand. A flat circular crystal appeared in his arm. And even was taken aback in amusement, the show that started as a silly rant, was becoming more interesting.

"Yes, as I was saying," Kin continued. "I'll like to show you the story, the story about the treacherous Ekun and the prince of the Sun."

Kin mysteriously placed his hand on the crystal and light came from within. The image of the Sun rising... The show has begun.