
Three Kings

The tale begins in a divine realm, where three deities—Kokou, Plutonia, and Ra—are mourning a tragic event that occurred three million years ago, an event that still weighs heavily on them. This mysterious tragedy has left the gods and demons divided, with many harboring hatred and regret. In the mortal realm, the story shifts to the Omi Kingdom, where two young brothers, Kor and Gor Kindel, are being prepared for a brutal test of strength by their cold and ruthless father, Bale Kindel. The test, resulted in Kor sacrificing himself to save Gor, triggering Gor's despair and awakening a cursed power within him. In another place Thia Leye, a young girl from a small village who, after witnessing the brutal death of her family and being captured by slavers, summons a dark curse in a desperate bid to survive. Meanwhile, in the Wize Kingdom, Prince Kin Orun struggles with his responsibilities and the betrayal of his step-uncle, who seizes the throne. The once-pampered prince is forced to flee into the desert, where he faces the harsh realities of life and ended up awakening an equally insidious curse as the previous two. The story intertwines these characters' fates, as they each grapple with their own battles, both internal and external, against forces far greater than themselves. As they confront their destinies, the lines between gods, demons, and mortals blur, leading to a climactic confrontation where the true nature of power, revenge, and redemption is revealed.

Seyfost · Fantasy
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178 Chs

Body and Spirit 1

The King got in a fighting stance while Princess Lena looked around her mother for any form of opening. Although the Queen just stood still, Lena failed to register any openings. Seeing that a staring contest was useless in this particular setting, King Stefan attacked. He ran towards the Queen getting closer and attacked with a strong fist. The Queen easily dodged and threw herself to the side. Her body twisted with the momentum allowing her to direct a kick towards the king's head. Anticipating the attack the King blocked, but her kick was quite heavy, causing him to lose balance. Princess Lena who had been observing finally found a weakness in the Queen's form and attacked instinctively. Her goal was to attack the Queen while he balance was still off but, like always, her mother surprised her. She bent her knee slightly, using the King as a cushion to propel her self upward. The strength crushed the king under the Queen's weight allowing her to move towards Lena faster than the princess anticipated. Before Lena knew what was going on the queen was right in her face, but that didn't stop her. She had been sparing with her mother all her life and she knew the queen was a devil when it came to pure martial arts. Princess Lena saw an attack coming to crush her from above and chose to block it. The Queen's kick was heavy, but it was something the princess could easily deal with.

After failing to catch her daughter off guard, Queen Vivian decided to change her course of attack, going for a hand to hand combat. They both engaged in a quick one, both of them displaying a mesmerizing display of combat.

"Amazing" Thia said from where she was watching.

"You think? You've not seen anything yet, they're still warming up" Ija said.

Soon enough something more interesting caught the attention of both of them. The King who had been watching for a while joined the frey and this time the Queen had a hard time keeping up. Lena took her from the right while her husband took the left, and they both succeeded in pushing her back.

The fight continued until the Princess finally found an opening and went in for the attack. She locked eyes with her mother for a moment and he was certain she had not expected her weakness to be exposed, she saw her face looking defeated for a second and held back her attack, she seems to have forgotten who he was dealing with. She went in with a weaker attack than she had wanted to do but the Queen easily dodged.

"You're still very Naive Lena," Queen Vivian said.

"No matter the despair in your opponents face, always make sure you go through with your attack and take the win. The bodies are not the only ones fighting, the Mind is also fighting and a weak mind can not survive a battle. No matter how strong the body is. All strengths will crumble if you're weak in your head". The Queen said.

She threw a strong punch at the Princess sending her flying back. The King tried to intervene but he felt a massive pressure behind him.

"Worry about your survival first, after that you can help your allies sweetie." Queen Vivian said before connecting a Kick to the Kings face.

Ija who was watching could only smile awkwardly.

"She's not even holding back against the King.

"She not called the Ice Queen for nothing" she thought.

The King and Princess Lena picked themselves up after their defeat, the King looked at His daughter.

"After all this years you are still falling for your moms tricks" He commented

"And after all this years she still Kicks you ass like it's nothing" Princess Lena retorted.

"Well I do defeat her in some other intense battles" the King said with a smile

"Eww, Dad" Princess Lena complained

"What? Ask her, she knows, I know. Afterall, one of our battles produced you" King Stefan said in a teasing tone making Lena more uncomfortable.

"What's he blabbing about" Queen Vivian said

"I've never lost to you in the bed room, not even once" she said.

"That's not what you said Last night" King Stefan replied making the Queen angry.

"That's it, we're having a rematch tonight, prepare yourself Stefan" the Queen said.

"Make sure you bring your A game Ice Queen, cause I'm bringing the heat" King Stefan said

"Somebody please, make them Stop" The princess said as she tried to cover her ears.

Ija, who had her hands covering Thia's ears could only stare dumbfounded. She had rarely seen the Royals like this. Their family were, the center of attraction in Omi so they didn't really have then time to spend like a normal family. Looking at the Queen now, she understood why they were really here. This was not just a training session. She wanted them to spend time together. Even with all the madness going on around the world, they needed to keep their family together. They needed to be a normal family. Even if it's for a short while.

"Maybe the Ice queen is not so cold after all" Ija thought.

A glare from the Queen immediately made her change her mind though.

"You, come here". The Queen said pointing at Thia.

Thia looked at herself for a while and although she was nervous, Ija pushed her forward.

"Your Majesty", Thia tried to curtsey but failed miserably for the second time.

"You don't need to do that" the Queen said.

"Were in a private place no one can arrest you. "She added

"Will they arrested me if we were in public?" Thia asked within her.

Queen Vivian looked at the little girl and grabbed her hand. After few seconds, Thia felt something building inside her. It was a warm and soothing feeling, something she had never felt before. The longer the Queen held her hand the more she felt the feeling spread around her body. After a while she finally let go.

"Did you feel it?" she asked after she let go of Thia.

"Yea" Thia replied.

"You have a strong spirit. Have you ever been in a battle." Queen Vivian asked.

"No, not really. I've only had spars with my uncle" she replied.

"Well, your spars opened up your spirit to be able to absorb nature energy."

"Unlike beasts that can produce energy from within, humans cannot. We can only absorb it from out side, the energy around us can be manipulated. People can manipulate it at different rates, but what most people don't Know is you need to grow your spirit in other to manipulate it better. The stronger your spirit, the better your ability to manipulate nature energy." The Queen said.

"Ok, why are you telling me this" Thia asked

"Because, having a strong spirit is a double edged sword. It helps you manipulate nature energy, wether you mean to or not. In other words, you can hurt someone if you are not careful. If your spirit leaks out, it will affect your surroundings, hereby causing harm to anything around you" Queen Vivian said.

She walked forward and drew out her hand. Although there was nothing in it Thia could feel the pressure building up in her finger tips, few seconds later, the Queen perform a Slash with her and and before anyone knew it the wall in front of her cracked as if it was cut by a sword.

Thia opened her eyes wide in shock.

"How can she cause such damage with just her finger tips" Thia thought.