
Three Kingdoms: Starting with Orator Talent, Zhang Jiao is Shocked

Wang Yan, a modern scholar, transmigrates into the body of Wang Yan, the son of a governor, during the Eastern Han Dynasty. He awakens on an execution ground amid the Yellow Turban Rebellion and discovers he has an "Orator System" that allows him to influence people through speeches. Using his new abilities, he plans to convert rebels into followers, build an army, and navigate the chaotic era to become a powerful leader.

A_Beam_of_Radiance · History
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38 Chs

Chapter 7: Are They Coming with Hostile Intentions? No, We Are the Ones Who Are!

At the center of the Yellow Turban army stood their leader, Zhang Niujiao, a burly man as imposing as a mountain. His presence was both powerful and authoritative. "Leader, we've recruited another two thousand soldiers for General Ren and the Great Teacher. This is a significant achievement!" Zhang Niujiao's stern face broke into a smile, his demeanor shifting instantly. "Well done, everyone. Record the contributions of each person. When the rewards come, everyone will get their share." At that moment, a rotund soldier approached with a troubled expression. "Leader, our ranks are swelling, but the grain we took from the wealthy households has run out. What should we do?" Zhang Niujiao, still basking in his recent success, frowned and glared at the soldier. "What kind of grain officer are you?" The round soldier, sweating under Zhang Niujiao's fierce gaze, stammered, "Leader, the grain is gone. We might have to eat bark, dig up roots, or cook rats. If that doesn't suffice, we might need to mix in human flesh." "Get to the next village, and we'll have food," Zhang Niujiao grumbled. "Yes, sir!" The round soldier, terrified, quickly retreated.

The food shortage seemed like a minor hiccup compared to their success, and Zhang Niujiao quickly dismissed it. He addressed his followers, "I've heard that the charlatan Wang Yan is coming here. The Great Teacher himself wants him captured. This is our big opportunity!" "Yes, Leader! We'll make sure Wang Yan can't escape," his followers eagerly responded.

Zhang Niujiao, born into a farming family, never imagined he would rise so high thanks to the Yellow Turban Rebellion. Wealth, honor, and power—all things he once dared not dream of—were now within reach. "This Qingyun Village is a great place. I'm destined to rise to fame here!" he declared. "Ha ha ha!" With that thought, Zhang Niujiao shouted, "The Blue Heaven is dead; the Yellow Heaven shall rise!" "The year is Jiazi; the world will be blessed!" his followers echoed.

The scene was vibrant, filled with young men inspired by this enthusiasm, eagerly joining the Yellow Turbans. Wang Yan, observing this, couldn't help but sigh. He knew that most people didn't understand the true nature of the rebellion. Not realizing it led to a bottomless abyss, they thought picking up weapons would change their fate.

Unlike the emotional scene, a small group of farmers with farm tools stood off to the side, looking out of place and filled with resentment, catching Wang Yan's attention. These honest folk, their faces full of helplessness, pleaded, "Sir, this year's harvest is better. Why must we rebel?" "Yes, we have fields to till. We don't want to risk our lives. Please spare us," another pleaded. The recruiting officer scoffed, "If you won't join the army, then support it. Go home and bring your grain to the Yellow Heaven!" The farmers exchanged worried glances. Giving up their grain would leave them with nothing to survive on. They were being forced to rebel.

Historical records indicate that 184 AD was not a year of famine but plenty, especially in the fertile region of Jizhou. Hardworking farmers could scrape by. Those joining the Yellow Turbans were often displaced people or those with nothing left to lose.

Wang Yan, a history graduate student in his previous life, had a poor view of the Yellow Turban Rebellion. He knew it was a massive violent outburst from oppressed people, manipulated by religious influence against the corrupt Han dynasty. The rebellion involved looting officials and commoners, dragging many unwillingly into the fray.

Unable to bear it any longer, a farmer raised his hoe and angrily shouted at the recruiting officer, "How are you different from the extorting officials? You're nothing but robbers! The Great Teacher? More like the Great Robber!" The recruiting officer, enraged, shouted back, "Insulting the General of Heaven? That's a crime punishable by death!"

Immediately, several Yellow Turban soldiers seized the farmers, brutally pinning them to the ground. The defiant farmer, with a blade at his throat, struggled and cursed, "You're ruining lives! My son was tricked into joining you and hasn't been seen since. Now you want to deceive more people!"

Zhang Niujiao, noticing the commotion, felt his mood sour. "Ignorant fools like you will always be slaves. Drag him out and behead him!" Another life decided with a single word. Seeing this, Wang Yan felt a pang of empathy, his plight mirroring theirs. He quickly ordered Zhou Cang, "Stop them!"

Zhou Cang, without hesitation, drew his sword and charged forward, roaring, "The Great Yan Immortal Master is here. Stop this senseless killing!" Wang Yan, hands behind his back, calmly walked forward, entering everyone's view. Zhang Niujiao, surprised, murmured, "Great Yan Immortal Master?" He had assumed this group was coming to join him, not realizing it was Wang Yan delivering himself.

Eager to capture Wang Yan, Zhang Niujiao stood up, eyes fixed on the imposing figure, and laughed, "Ha ha ha! Wang Yan, I was about to hunt you down, but you've come to me!" His followers, eyes gleaming with greed, eagerly prepared to seize Wang Yan. Wang Yan, calm and composed, had a plan. Though outnumbered, he knew capturing Zhang Niujiao was vital.

Sensing the tension, Wang Er, trembling, whispered, "Master, that man is Zhang Niujiao, a ruthless killer. He means no good!" Wang Yan chuckled, "Wang Er, we are the ones coming with intent." "Watch closely. I'll show you what it means to come with hostile intentions."