
Three Kingdoms: Starting with Orator Talent, Zhang Jiao is Shocked

Wang Yan, a modern scholar, transmigrates into the body of Wang Yan, the son of a governor, during the Eastern Han Dynasty. He awakens on an execution ground amid the Yellow Turban Rebellion and discovers he has an "Orator System" that allows him to influence people through speeches. Using his new abilities, he plans to convert rebels into followers, build an army, and navigate the chaotic era to become a powerful leader.

A_Beam_of_Radiance · History
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38 Chs

Chapter 5: Chasing Horses on Foot, The Mightiest Infantryman

Upon hearing Wang Yan's command, Zhou Cang's eyes gleamed with fierce determination.


Gripping his broadsword tightly, Zhou Cang leaped from the platform like a tiger, charging after the fleeing Zhang Yan. The tall, burly man's powerful strides seemed to shake the earth with every step.

Wang Yan watched, his eyes narrowing slightly. Even the legendary divine runner couldn't be much faster.

No wonder Zhou Cang could carry Guan Yu's Green Dragon Crescent Blade and run as fast as the Red Hare. He was indeed a powerhouse.

Seeing Zhou Cang's potential, Wang Yan decided that he would make Zhou Cang a general under his command, not just a servant.

Zhang Yan, galloping away, heard the commotion behind him. Glancing back, he saw Zhou Cang approaching with a broadsword and sneered disdainfully.

"Does he think he can catch a horse on foot? Such arrogance! Let's see how he stops me!"

 He whipped his horse, raising a cloud of dust as he sped away.

In moments, Zhang Yan had galloped a mile ahead.

 He rode hard for some time, and as the gates of Guangzong appeared, he breathed a sigh of relief. But then, he felt tremendous pressure from behind. Turning around, he was shocked to see Zhou Cang still in pursuit through the dust kicked up by his horse.

"Who is this executioner? He's keeping up on foot?"

The two, one on horseback and one on foot, had been chasing each other for eight miles. Despite the long chase, Zhou Cang's speed didn't wane. His broadsword gleamed in the sunlight.

Just as Zhang Yan was taken aback, Zhou Cang surged forward, leaping into the air and swinging his broadsword with a fierce wind.


The broadsword struck Zhang Yan with a heavy blow.


Zhang Yan screamed as he fell from his horse, blood staining the ground.

Zhou Cang landed, looked coldly at the fallen Zhang Yan, and spat.


Meanwhile, back at the execution site, the Yellow Turban soldiers, leaderless after Zhang Yan fled, were at a loss. They joined the townspeople in bowing to Wang Yan, pledging allegiance.

Wang Yan surveyed the scene, contemplating his next move.

"The news will soon reach Zhang Jiao. If another leader comes with his 150,000-strong Yellow Turban army, these disorganized troops won't stand a chance."

"Guangzong is fortified. Even Lu Zhi couldn't defeat Zhang Jiao here historically. It's not a place to be taken lightly."

"I should rally the countryside, build my forces, and surround the cities. Once I'm strong enough, I'll face Zhang Jiao directly."

"Zhang Jiao wanted to kill me as a sacrifice. Let's see how I'll turn the tables on him!"

With this thought, Wang Yan signaled to Wang Er.

"Wang Er, do you know the surrounding villages well?"

Wang Er, excited, said, "Master, I'm a local. My family is gone, leaving only me. Ask anything, and I'll tell you all I know."

Wang Yan smiled, checking Wang Er's attribute panel.

[Intelligence: 81]

A rare level of intelligence indeed. Wang Er was seeking shelter and help.

"Then guide me. Many people misled by the Taiping Dao need our rescue."

Wang Er was overjoyed. "Guangzong County has Qingyun Village, Jinshi Town, and Bibo Village. Qingyun Village is the closest, with many Taiping Dao followers gathering to come here."

Qingyun Village? It is a fitting name for the next stop on my tour.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion is doomed to fail. The fate of these peasants incited by Zhang Jiao is clear.

Wang Yan's journey of undermining Zhang Jiao was about to begin.

Just then, two men dressed as commoners approached. They were Wang Fen's spies. "Young Master, we were sent by the governor to find you. This place is dangerous. Please come back to Yecheng with us."

Wang Yan shook his head. "Inform my father I'm staying to suppress the rebellion."

The spies were shocked and worried about Wang Yan's safety.

"The rebel leader will return with an army. You'll be in danger again!"

"Leave quickly with us."

Wang Yan shook his head again. "Zhou Cang will slay the rebel leader. I need to organize the remaining forces and form a militia."

The spies were skeptical.

"The man chasing on foot?"

"How many could do such a thing?"

At that moment, a rider approached from the distance.

It was Zhou Cang, holding Zhang Yan's head in one hand and his broadsword in the other.

He dismounted and bowed deeply to Wang Yan. "Master, mission accomplished!"

Wang Yan nodded in approval, internally thrilled. Zhou Cang's loyalty and courage made him an invaluable general.

He wondered if the upgraded Universal Store would offer items to boost strength, further enhancing Zhou Cang's prowess.

The spies stared in disbelief at Zhang Yan's head.

People revered Zhou Cang and admired Wang Yan's insight.

Wang Yan addressed the crowd, "We must leave quickly. Zhang Jiao may send reinforcements. Follow me to Qingyun Village!"

"Those who abandon the Yellow Turbans and reform will be forgiven. Follow me, and I promise you'll have enough to eat!"

Wang Yan's simple yet powerful promise struck a chord.

"Follow the Immortal Master, and you'll eat!"

"Follow the Immortal Master, and you'll eat!"

Emotion values and followers surged. Wang Yan, now confident, exchanged hundreds of buns, anticipating the upgraded store's offerings.

Amidst the enthusiastic crowd, Wang Yan noticed Ren Hongchang.

She approached him, smiling brightly.

"Master, you're safe! I'm so glad."

Wang Yan, considering the complex situation, suggested, "You should return to Yecheng with the spies for safety."

Ren Hongchang pouted, "No, I want to stay with you."

Wang Yan smiled, thinking he might need to train her in Qingyun Village.

As Wang Yan led the crowd towards Qingyun Village, the miraculous events spread through Guangzong, becoming the stuff of legend.