
Three Kingdoms: Starting with Orator Talent, Zhang Jiao is Shocked

Wang Yan, a modern scholar, transmigrates into the body of Wang Yan, the son of a governor, during the Eastern Han Dynasty. He awakens on an execution ground amid the Yellow Turban Rebellion and discovers he has an "Orator System" that allows him to influence people through speeches. Using his new abilities, he plans to convert rebels into followers, build an army, and navigate the chaotic era to become a powerful leader.

A_Beam_of_Radiance · History
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39 Chs

Chapter 28: Zhang Jue Also Wants to Say His Last Words

Dong Zhuo, having regained his senses, watched the heroic silhouette of Wang Yan standing tall in the wind. A mix of emotions surged within him.

"What I couldn't achieve with fifty thousand troops, Ziyuan has accomplished with just three thousand."

"Perhaps I am truly getting old. The future belongs to these young men."

Wang Yan's majestic figure reflected in Dong Zhuo's vision, and for a moment, he saw a future ruler commanding the world with ease.

"If one day, Ziyuan stands at the pinnacle of power, I would be willing to follow him."

Unknowingly, Dong Zhuo had developed a desire to follow Wang Yan.

**Emotion Value 100%**

**Follower +1**

This small, unassuming notification was lost amidst the torrent of numbers flooding Wang Yan's mind, going unnoticed by him.

With Zhang Jue dead, the tide of battle turned. Liu Bei was the first to react.

"To gain more merit, we must capture or kill Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang."

On the battlefield, Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang, seeing Zhang Jue lifeless beneath the massive horse, fell into despair. Zhao Yun seized the opportunity and speared Zhang Bao. Zhang Liang was also swiftly dispatched by the approaching Zhou Cang.

In an instant, the "Three Celestial Generals" were all defeated by Wang Yan's forces. This scene made Liu Bei gnash his teeth in frustration.

"We fought so hard, only to have others steal the glory."

However, at least the three brothers had exerted themselves to save Colonel Zong Yuan. If they had only watched, Liu Bei might not have even secured a county magistrate position.

As the commanding officer, Zong Yuan immediately organized a counterattack. His heart no longer harbored any contempt for Wang Yan. Remembering how he had once doubted Wang Yan under Lu Zhi's command, he felt guilty. Had it not been for Wang Yan's intervention, the Han army would have been utterly defeated, and Zong Yuan, if not dead, would have faced severe consequences.

On the other hand, the Yellow Turban army, now leaderless, quickly disintegrated. The once mighty force of one hundred thousand became an easy target for the Han soldiers, who took full advantage of the situation.

Initially surrendering Han soldiers now turned the tide, ultimately inflicting heavy casualties on the Yellow Turbans, capturing about thirty thousand and scattering the rest.

At this moment, Huangfu Song finally arrived with his troops from afar. Seeing the scene before him, the seasoned general was momentarily speechless.

"The battle is over? The Yellow Turbans have been utterly defeated? What about Zhang Jue's formidable sorcery?"

"An army without a commander has suddenly become incredibly effective, defeating one hundred thousand Yellow Turbans?"

Reporting this to the Emperor would indeed be met with disbelief. The charges against Lu Zhi and Dong Zhuo would be confirmed.

Shortly after, Zong Yuan rode over to report.

"General, the rebel leaders Zhang Jue, Zhang Bao, and Zhang Liang have all been killed!"

Huangfu Song's expression was complicated. He congratulated Zong Yuan, "Colonel Zong, your contributions are invaluable. I will report your merits to the Emperor."

Zong Yuan, looking awkward, replied, "General, you misunderstand. I don't possess such extraordinary abilities. Our victory is all thanks to one man."

"It was he who broke Zhang Jue's sorcery and killed him. His subordinates then killed Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang, allowing our army to turn the tide."

Huangfu Song, puzzled, asked, "Who in the Han army possesses such power? Tell me quickly!"

"Ziyuan, the son of Jizhou Inspector Wang Fen," Zong Yuan replied truthfully.

Huangfu Song was even more confused. "Why have I not heard of this person? What is his current position? Whose command is he under?"

"He... has no official military position and is only seventeen. Lu Zhi temporarily appointed him as a vanguard. Lu Zhi spoke highly of him, calling him a prodigy. Today, his assessment has been proven correct."

Huangfu Song was astonished. "Seventeen years old, yet he has slain Zhang Jue and quelled the Yellow Turban Rebellion. Such achievements are unprecedented!"

Born into a military family, Huangfu Song had a keen eye for talent. He seemed to see a rising star in Wang Yan.

At this moment, after the battle had ended, the Han soldiers did not immediately return to camp to rest. Instead, they continued to gaze at the figure on the battlefield. This man faced Zhang Jue, whom they considered a deity, without fear and personally slain the rebel leader who had thrown the world into chaos. Their eyes were filled with awe and admiration.

Faced with everyone's gaze, Wang Yan hesitated about whether to harvest more emotional values. However, he had already collected plenty from this battle.

**Host: Wang Yan**

**Emotion Value: 1,120,099**

**Followers: 15,043**

**Congratulations, Host. Emotion Value has exceeded 1,000,000**

**Reward: One mysterious lottery draw available for 400,000 Emotion Value. Would you like to draw?**

"Not now."

Knowing the risks of the lottery, Wang Yan decided to wait, first planning to bathe and change clothes, then choose an auspicious day.

**Host can choose to spend 1,000,000 Emotion Value to upgrade the Universal Shop to Level 2**



**Congratulations, Host. The Universal Shop has been upgraded to Level 2**

**Level 2 Medical Items: 1 Tranquil Pill / 100 Emotion Value, 10 Antiviral Capsules / 100 Emotion Value, 10 Ibuprofen Tablets / 100 Emotion Value, 500ml Medical Alcohol / 500 Emotion Value, one box of Sildenafil (5 pills) / 1,000 Emotion Value**

Wang Yan had already experienced the power of the Tranquil Pill. Antiviral Capsules were essential. In the Three Kingdoms era, epidemics were rampant, with viruses like smallpox and measles wreaking havoc. Having Antiviral Capsules would significantly reduce mortality rates. If an army faced a major outbreak, it would no longer be a threat. Ibuprofen could relieve pain and treat common colds. Medical alcohol could disinfect wounds and prevent infections. As for Sildenafil? It was known to treat cardiovascular issues, but Wang Yan doubted he could diagnose such conditions in others.

However, with these medical supplies, the immunity of Wang Yan's army would undoubtedly improve. 

"If Guo Jia comes to join me, I won't let him die young."

"Healing the sick and saving lives, I'm becoming more like a celestial teacher."

Just then, Zhang Jue, covered in blood, used all his remaining strength to move his lips and finally made a faint sound.


Wang Yan was slightly taken aback. Zhang Jue was still alive?

"I understand. You want to say your last words, right? I'll give you a chance. It's only fair."

Wang Yan leaned in close to hear what Zhang Jue wanted to say. As Zhang Jue's voice barely escaped his throat, Wang Yan's pupils dilated.

After speaking, Zhang Jue breathed his last, leaving Wang Yan in utter confusion.

He had heard Zhang Jue whisper, "What is your... system cheat?"