
Three Kingdoms: Starting with Orator Talent, Zhang Jiao is Shocked

Wang Yan, a modern scholar, transmigrates into the body of Wang Yan, the son of a governor, during the Eastern Han Dynasty. He awakens on an execution ground amid the Yellow Turban Rebellion and discovers he has an "Orator System" that allows him to influence people through speeches. Using his new abilities, he plans to convert rebels into followers, build an army, and navigate the chaotic era to become a powerful leader.

A_Beam_of_Radiance · History
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38 Chs

Chapter 26: Zhang Jue, I Am Your Fake Father!

The sudden turn of events stunned everyone once again. At this moment, Wang Yan had become the focal point of the entire battlefield. That one man and his troops seemed to have defeated a god with mere human strength.


Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei were equally astonished, their faces showing disbelief.


Guan Yu tugged at his long beard, puzzled. "Was Zhang Jue's sorcery just broken like that?"


Zhang Fei's eyes widened so much that they looked like they might pop out. "How did Brother Wang Yan manage it?"


Looking at the sky that had cleared once again, the Han soldiers exchanged bewildered glances.


"The divine apparition has disappeared?"

"The thunderous miracle is gone too?"

"Could it be that this troop defeated a god with human strength?"


Many soldiers slowly picked up their weapons once more, their morale cautiously returning.


Previously in the depths of despair, Zong Yuan now glimpsed a ray of hope. "Maybe we can turn the tide of this battle."


From a distance, Dong Zhuo watched everything unfold, his gaze fixed firmly on Wang Yan. The figure on horseback was so heroic that it made Dong Zhuo's heart swell with excitement.


"I didn't misjudge him. Ziyuan is truly extraordinary!"

"He wasn't just boasting. Perhaps he really can kill Zhang Jue in this battle."

"If he can kill Zhang Jue, he'll win the Emperor's favor. Then he can explain the situation, and I might be saved."


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Dong Zhuo's emotional fluctuations resumed their upward trend.


Seeing this, Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang were shocked. They immediately abandoned their attack on the Han soldiers and returned to assist. As core members of the Way of Peace, they could not let their leader, Zhang Jue, fall into danger with such a weak defense around him. Even if this battle was lost, they couldn't let Zhang Jue be harmed.


On the high platform, Zhang Jue's expression was highly complex, a hint of fear in his eyes. "I've met my match today."


Wang Yan's public dismantling of Zhang Jue's illusion dealt a fatal blow to his authority. Everyone present had the same question: could the Great Teacher's power be inferior to that of a reckless youth?


If Zhang Jue didn't kill Wang Yan today, his reputation as the Great Teacher would plummet.


Conversely, Wang Yan was brimming with confidence after destroying Zhang Jue's illusion. "Zhang Jue's sorcery is just some electromagnetic projection to scare people. The seemingly useless electromagnetic grenade turned out to be incredibly effective. The system didn't deceive me!"


Seeing Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang leading two thousand cavalry towards him, Wang Yan quickly formulated a plan.


"If Zhang Jue doesn't fight and chooses to flee, what?"

"My three thousand infantry can't match Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang's cavalry."

"Instead of attacking Zhang Jue, why not make him come to me? He must hate me now."


With this in mind, Wang Yan issued orders. "Zilong, take two thousand men to intercept Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang. Do not engage directly; delay them and buy me time."

"Zhou Cang, take a thousand men and continue attacking Zhang Jue to draw their fire."


Zhao Yun and Zhou Cang promptly obeyed.


Now, Wang Yan stood alone, reining in his horse. He fixed his gaze on Zhang Jue on the high platform, raising his right hand again. Instead of raising his middle finger this time, he extended his index finger and beckoned with a slight curl.


Worried that Zhang Jue might not understand, Wang Yan added, "Come here!"


This taunt was unmistakable. Zhang Jue's eyes instantly turned as cold as ice.


Furious, Zhang Jue stood with his sword at the edge of the platform, staring at Wang Yan, who stood alone on the battlefield.


Below the platform, Zhang Jue's guards were already engaged with Zhou Cang's thousand soldiers, while Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang were rushing to Zhang Jue's aid.


"This brat broke my illusion, which shows some skill, but he doesn't realize his danger and keeps provoking me!"

"He looks like a scholar. He probably doesn't know any martial arts."


Zhang Jue coldly asked, "Who are you?"


Wang Yan sneered, "Zhang Jue, I am Wang Yan, your fake father!"


These words shocked everyone.


Liu Bei's face turned dark.


Zhang Fei was utterly stunned. He had fought Zhang Jue and knew his strength. Seeing Wang Yan taunt him so recklessly, Zhang Fei's heart clenched with worry.


"This Wang Yan is fearless, but he doesn't realize the danger. He's practically begging Zhang Jue to kill him. Doesn't he know Zhang Jue is a powerful Taoist with great martial prowess?"


Guan Yu tightened his grip on the Green Dragon Crescent Blade and pulled the reins. "Brother, should we go save him?"


Liu Bei's expression remained calm and deep. "Let's wait and see. Ziyuan seems confident, so he must have another plan."


The Han soldiers, seeing Wang Yan's open contempt for Zhang Jue, gradually shook off their fear of the Great Teacher. Zhang Jue's image had been elevated to god-like status, but Wang Yan's actions had dragged him back down to earth, even rubbing his face in the dirt.


Zong Yuan seized the moment to rally the troops. "Soldiers, if that young scholar dares to fight to the death, how can we, seasoned warriors, surrender so easily?"


The Han soldiers responded enthusiastically. "The general is right. How can we, who are used to facing death, be so cowardly?"


"Look at that brave young man. Even if faced with a god, he dares to confront him. How can we fear mere mortals like the Yellow Turbans?"


"Brothers, what are we waiting for? Let's kill these Yellow Turban rebels!"




Inspired by Wang Yan, the soldiers began to fight back.


Meanwhile, Wang Yan's system started to flash rapidly in his mind.


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Wang Yan: ???


"Insulting people can accumulate emotional values, too?"


"Why not keep it going?"


Wang Yan fixed his eyes on Zhang Jue on the high platform, a sly gleam flashing in his eyes. He switched to full-on taunting mode:


"Unfilial son Zhang Jue, you, a Taoist priest, disguise yourself in robes and claim to be the General of Heaven and the Great Teacher, pretending to control wind and rain and perform miracles?"


"From my perspective, you're just a fraud deceiving the world. Your deceit has ruined countless families. Your so-called Way of Peace is nothing but a path to chaos!"


"You have betrayed the heavens and the people, and you have even betrayed your father, Wang Yan."


"Shameless traitor, shouting about the death of Heaven and the rise of the Yellow Heaven. I've never seen anyone as brazen as you!"


In the distance, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were moved by Wang Yan's righteous fury, eager to join the battle.


Zhang Fei, puzzled amidst his excitement, asked, "Second Brother, why does Wang Yan say Zhang Jue has betrayed him?"


Guan Yu narrowed his eyes. "I heard that Zhang Jue once ordered Wang Yan to be executed, putting his life in grave danger."


Zhang Fei understood instantly. "I see. If I were him, I wouldn't want a parricidal son either!"


The Han soldiers, buoyed by Wang Yan's speech, shouted with renewed vigor. "Kill Zhang Jue!"

"Kill the traitorous Taoist!"


Wang Yan's righteous speech filled the system with emotional values.


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Zhang Jue had become Wang Yan's source of experience points. His words pierced Zhang Jue's heart like arrows, making his face darken with each passing second.


"So, you are Wang Yan!" Zhang Jue spat. "There cannot be two kings under the heavens. Today, either you die, or I do!"


Consumed by rage, Zhang Jue leaped onto his horse, brandishing his sword as he charged at Wang Yan.


Everyone watched in horror. Zhang Jue's combat prowess was unmatched, while Wang Yan appeared to be a defenseless scholar. How could he withstand Zhang Jue's onslaught?


But Wang Yan smiled faintly and dismounted, strolling casually. He gently patted his horse, sending it away, and stood on the battlefield, even turning his back on Zhang Jue.


Such disdain was beyond words. It was as if Wang Yan completely disregarded Zhang Jue.


Zhang Jue, charging furiously, was nearly spitting blood in rage, desperate to reach Wang Yan and slit his throat.


Wang Yan, meanwhile, continued his taunts. He turned slightly, raised his right hand, and extended his middle finger again.


With a smirk, he made the universal gesture and said, "Fuck!"


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