
Three Kingdoms Online Games without Building Village Order

[Translate] Three Kingdoms Online Games without Building Village Order Author: Shuanghai Shiyin Latest: Chapter 224 Conversation qidian44.com/qidian44/book/60663064 Tired of those Three Kingdoms virtual online games that build villages at every turn, do you dare to come up with something different? Why don't we build a village this time!

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Chapter 67 Black Dragon

"The woman's wake-up plan must stop immediately!"

"It brings it to humans, will only be endless disaster!"

"Go to find small ..."

"Tell me! Where is she!"

A series of messy and chaotic dialogue constantly echoing in the mind of Jiang Yu, with the pain of drilling heart a population gradually appeared in front of Jiang Yu.

After the figure appears everything around it quickly hidden into the dark, in front of Jiang Yu only this increasingly clear figure.

The figure of the figure is getting clearer, but his five senses are getting more and more blurred, blurring to the end Jiang Yu can only see a face with no five senses.

"Who are you?"

Jiang Yu stood up and gave a shadow of people.

The people in front of the shadows in a white coat and the pound of the horses, they stood quietly at the top three meters of Jiangyu.

Looking at the shadow, the familiarity in Jiang Yu is getting more and more serious and if you don't reach out, you want to touch the figure.

I don't know why, Jiang Yu always feels that he may know this figure ...

Just then, the movie suddenly disappeared, and the replacement is a pair of huge blood pupils!

This is unborn in the middle of its blood color it seems to contain endless abyss, just just look at it, Jiang Yu felt a strong dizziness almost lost himself.

The surrounding is still a boundless darkness, as if there is only Jiang Yu and this double blood pupil in this world.

The blood color in the pupil is getting more and more strong, and the dizziness in the river is getting heavier.


Jiang Yu took his head to the ground, and the five senses were extremely distorted because of the pain and the blood color of the plunger continued to seep, gradually shrouded to Jiang Yu.


Just in Jiang Yu I can't resist, when I was coma a sound that could not be distinguished was around.

Dizziness disappeared, Jiang Yu put his hand and looked up.

The previous darkness is no longer, Jiang Yu is actually in the edge of a huge black swamp!

The area of this black swamp is full of hundreds of miles and the pool face is large and small and countless animal bodies. It is expected that the quantity may have tens of thousands.

Langlong's moonlight shot from the night sky, and a strong stink was coming, Jiang Yu went to the swamp and looked at everything around.

What's happening here? Isn't he in the temple? How did I suddenly come here?

There is also this swamp ... Which should be the piece they are looking for?

Jiang Yu's heart suddenly took out a strong uneasiness.

The changes in the swamp have also been confirmed by Jiang Yu's uneasiness.


With a deafening loud noise, the swamp's pool is started vigorously and the body of countless animals is therefore rushed to the shore and a black cluster is neutralized from the swamp.

If you can't splash your body.Jiang Yu hurriedly looked up, then the pupil suddenly turned!


Under the moonlight, it is a black dragon with a bloody!

This black dragon is very large and the light from the predecessor is more than 100 meters!

The swamp's sewage continues to drop from the body of Black Dragon and the blood of Black Dragon is overlooking Jiang Yu from the high sky of 100 meters. It is like watching a humble antique!

"No, no! This is not a true dragon!" With the moonlight, Jiang Yu noticed this.

Although this Black Dragon has a dragon and dragon claws, but its body is smooth, there is no dragon scales whose Zhenlong should have so this should be a dragon!

Even how do you know this?

Under the pressure of Black Dragon Jiang Yu at this time is not connected to the ability, only the posture of the original look.

So, one person is so embarrassed to see the ritual of the ritual.

"Dragon brothers, are you looking enough?"

Finally, I don't know how long it takes and Jiang Yu who is so sour, first opens.

"If you look enough, can you tell me now is this all my illusion or reality?"

This question is very curious about Jiang Yu.

He is now able to determine that this swamp is the black swamp they have to find before and this black dragon is estimated to be heard outside, the huge sound manufacturer ...

The previous two questions solved, but there is a new question to appear in front of Jiang Yu, that is what he is in the reality of the game now or in the illusion?

When I heard Jiang Yu, I spurted a breath in the nose of Black Dragon and then slowed down into the swamp.


Looking at the constant Sinking Black Dragon, Jiang Yu stunned, hurriedly shouted: "Hey! Dragon brothers don't go first! It is that you make this as a responsible dragon, you should tell me at least How come back? Ah? Dragon brother? "

It is completely ignored Jiang Yu, and Black Dragon continues to sink.

"Hey! Dragon brothers are not right! You can't do this! What is your dragon?"

Finally, I watched Jiang Yu and opened the swamp.

Looking at the swamp that calm down again, Jiang Yu's face pain.

"I rely on! I am really walking ... What should I do?"

He can't always stay here?

"Jiang Xiong ... You are fine? Jiang Dynasty ..."

After the black dragon sinks into the swamp, a familiar sound suddenly sounded around.

"Liu Yun? Is you?"

Jiang Yu turned his head to look around, he just seems to hear Liu Yun's voice.

Is Liu Yun also brought here?


Just when Jiang Yu doubtfully, the surrounding scene moment moment, an invisible force suddenly pulled Jiang Yu after the body!

"Hey -"

Strong vertigo flashed in the brain, when Jiang Yu opened his eyes again, the swamp has disappeared.

He is half-squatting on the ground, holding the woman in the temple in his hand.

The woman is very beautiful and the eyebrows give people a poor feeling, once again see women's appearance, Jiang Yu's mind once again produces slight stinging like something to come out from it.

"Jiang Xie?"

Suddenly, one hand took the shoulder of Jiang Yu, pulled back Jiang Yu's consciousness.

"Liu Yun?" Jiang Yu looked back, and it was Liu Yun, but he didn't see Zhang Xin Li Er and haze.

"Too good, Jiang Xie, you finally recovered ..." Liu Yunsong touched, hurriedly pulled Jiang Yu to the temple outside.

"Faster, we must leave here right away."

"What's wrong?"

When I was hooked, Jiang Yu hooked up his woman and hurriedly followed Liu Yun's pace.

"This temple has problems, just let us ..."

"Liu brother is not good! Stone people, stone people are resurrected!"

Li Erpelly ran into the temple and then there were also some panicked Zhang Xin and haze men.

"It's been ..."

Looking at the three people panic, Liu Yinbi wrinkled, or no time.


I haven't worried about Jiang Yu, I see a stone man who is flashing in the eyes stepping into the stiff steps and slowly walking into the temple. After his body, it is the same pace of rigid two stone. people.

This scene is particularly strange in the night.

Take note of several people in the temple, three stone people reverse the shape of the body the speed is very slow and behind them there are more and more stone people!

The strange thing is that in the face of such a cumbersome man, Zhang Xin and Li Er will not attack but continue to retreat.

"Don't go!"

It seems to see that Jiang Yu's doubts, Zhang Xin explained: "Every power and physique of these stone people are as high as 2000, and there is no crit and must kill, it is dead!"

"What ?!" Jiang Yu heard the laminated.

2000 strength and physique, each is it?

Do you make sure there is a majority of zero?

The stone man is striker and Jiang Yu and others are gradually forced to the golden feet.

"At the foot of the gold, white bricks."

At this time, a mysterious voice sounded in the river.

"Who is talking?" Jiang Yu looked around.

"Don't want to die, do this, press the white brick!"

"who are you?"

"Oh! Finally, I have to have my own hands!"


The mysterious voice is just falling, and Jiang Yu's brain is again attacked by a strong vertigo!

In an instant, I saw that the eyes of Jiang Yu's eyes became a blood red and a very powerful pressure was full of river!

"Jiang Xiong? What happened to you?"

Liu Yun, the first one to pay attention to the changes in Jiang Yu.

The corner of the mouth brought a strange curvature and Jiang Yu smiled toward Liu Yun, quickly reached out to press a white brick under the golden feet.

The speed is fast, there is no one in the scene to react!


After Jiang Yu pressed the white brick, I saw the golden hand gently a high black whirlpad appeared in front of everyone.


It is too late to react Liu Yun Zhang Xin et al, including that fainted woman was sucked into the whirlpool in an instant!

"How many years ... I didn't expect this day to come out ..."

It is not affected by the whirlpool and the red eye river feather closed his eyes and he took the air in a temple.

A stone man went to the red eye river feather, raised the stone sword.


The red-eyed river feather is bombed and the powerful gas will enter all the stone people in the temple.

"Fast ... it's fast ... I can come out soon ..."

Looking at the "own" hand, the red eye river feathers hooked a trace of radians and lifted the whirlpool.

It is worth mentioning that the whirlpool at this time has become a blood red.