
Three Kingdoms Online Games without Building Village Order

[Translate] Three Kingdoms Online Games without Building Village Order Author: Shuanghai Shiyin Latest: Chapter 224 Conversation qidian44.com/qidian44/book/60663064 Tired of those Three Kingdoms virtual online games that build villages at every turn, do you dare to come up with something different? Why don't we build a village this time!

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Chapter 62 Is invixible for the benevolence

[Skill: Dipout]

With the generous iron sword, a patrol team leader in front of Xiao Yun is finally unable to fall.

"~ ~"

Plug the iron sword in the ground, Xiao Yunshui smashed the sword.

[Yunshui kills patrol small captain! Reward basic internal strength 4%, basic sword method 7%]

[Name: Yunshui]

[Master: Chen Xiao]

[Qualification: C]

[Occupation: Knight]

[Life: 600720]

[Internal force: 470720]

[Strength: 69]

[Physique: 69]

[Agile: 10]

[Intelligence: 65100 (cannot be improved by cultivation)]

[Charm: 75100 (can not be improved)]

[Exciousness: 63100 (can not be improved)]

[Talent: Smart "(this person's mind, slightly increase martial arts and skill learning speed)]

[Skills: Sword, Director]

[Wushu: Basic internal strength (32100), basic sword method (58100)]

[Skill: None]

[Equipment: iron sword (strength +75, require power 20), cloth, cloth shoes]

[Loyalty: 80]

[Evaluation: OK! ]

"Too bad!"

Chen Xiaoti came out from the side, and the sharp gun tip was constantly dropped down.

"Sister ..." Xiao Yunshui turned his head to Chen Xiao.

I looked at the corpse of the eye patrol, Chen Xiao shook his head said: "The purpose of your battle is to kill him not with him so your sword should kill him for the purpose, understand Do I mean? "

Said, Chen Xiaoqi gave a gun pointed to refer to several wounds on the body. "It is completely unnecessary," murder does not need these excess tricks called the murder not killing people! "

"I know..."

Xiao Yunshui bowed a few wounds referred to Chen Xiao and suddenly I found that Chen Xiao's gun tower drops blood!

"Sister, your gun ..."

"Oh, there is nothing ..." Chen Xiao got a tiger tube and said freely: "When you fight, I killed the people in this nearby tent and I still solved a chasing troops."

"What ?! They all ..."

The small cloud water turned his head to look around, people in more than 20 tents in this area died? !

"Is it very surprised?" Chen Xiao looked at Xiao Yunshui smiled. "If I don't kill them, what should I do if they hear the sound of your battle?

There is also the troops, that captain is also loyal and the soldiers who have found patrols will immediately bring people. If I do it, I really almost let him find it. "

Said, Xiaobai also ran back from the distance and I didn't know who's head.

"But my sister ..." Xiao Yunshui's eyes flashed, "theythose ordinary people they, are innocent ..."

"Are you mercy?"

Chen Xiao went to Xiao Yun, squatting down the eyes of Xiao Yunshui, the cold gaze made Xiao Yun water somewhat dodge.


"Yunshui you only need two kinds of people in this world, the first is to care about you, the second is the person who is worth your care, in addition to this the extra compassion and pity are not what you need. ... Do you believe that if I don't kill them I am chasing it now is you!

If your compassion and compassion will only bring you harm, what is the use of them? Are you self-abuse?

Remember my words not the benevolent invincible, but invincible is the benevolent! "

This is Chen Xiao deliberately said that Xiao Yun is listening because Xiao Yunshui has chosen to follow her then people who have killed later will only get more and more and people will kill more, they will lose themselves, Chen Xiao Xiao does not want Xiaoyong water to be entangled by anything that is useless.


Xiao Yun water looked down at the pointers and the expression on the face was extremely struggling.

Chen Xiao's words and Li Da Niang have taught her completely Li Daman is in place, but Chen Xiao has become something that is useless Li Da Niang emphasizes, but when Chen Xiao is here Want ... can be finally died Chen Xiao can take her ...


Half, Xiao Yunshuo looked up to Chen Xiao the eyes were more firm than before, "My sister, I understand!"

"Is it? That's good ..."

Chen Xiao smiled and touched the head of Xiaoyun, got up and got up to the long-standing big tent in the long-distance black water tribe and looked at it.

"Let's go, I will take your biggest enemies together with my sister!"

"Hey?" Xiao Yunshui looked at the direction of Chen Xiao, hurriedly and asked: "Sister, we will go? Will this will not be very good?"

Not Xiao Yunshui is scared, but she thinks that Chen Xiao's decision is not too hitting?

Just go directly to the leader of the black water tribe, what should I do if I am surrounded by those soldiers?

Although they have killed some patrol soldiers before, it is only one hundred and the total number of soldiers in the black water is more than the total number of this quantity!

"Not afraid." Chen Xiao smiled at the secret of Xiao Yunshui.

"Calculate the time, our aid is coming!"

"The leader! You have to believe me! The woman is really too fierce! Not only the people I brought, but I also threaten that the people in our tribes will be accompanied by those people!"

In the black water tent, the sewage is squatting on the ground, a tear and black water tells the previous thing.


Black water torn into a grilled mutage, pointed to the sewage: "You don't have to say that you will not say that you only know that your mother's woman has brought to Laozi, but also harm the 50 soldiers! If you lose it you don't say it. If your kid is still courageous? "

"No, I am back ..."


If the black water is impatiently interrupted, "Don't say it! Don't say it!

"The leader! Don't, the leader!"

After two guards, the sewage struggles.

"The leader begins to let me let me!"


"Hey! A waste!" The voice of sewage gradually went and the black water snorted very uncomfortably.

"Come on! Bring two women to Laozi ... not! How is the two? Tel 20!"

It's all this waste and he is so happy!

The sound of black water is falling, but there is no sound outside the tent.

"Well?" Black water brow wrinkled, shout again: "Come on! Have you heard it ?!"

However, there is still a little sound outside and a quiet.

The black water finally realized that a big knife beside the body and was prepared to look out.

At this time, the curtain was ignored.

"Good evening the leader!"