
Three Kingdoms: Live as Lu Bu

What if you were to reborn as the strongest warrior in the world? Serve the warlord or be your own lord? Crossing the end of the Han Dynasty, reborn as Lu Bu. More valiant and fearless, no longer lacking in strategy. Recruiting renowned generals, gathering accomplished women. Not just a loyal subject, but a righteous father. Sweeping across the world, unifying the chaotic era. After Lu Bu, there is no more Three Kingdoms

Robert_Peterson_1945 · Celebrities
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Tiger Guard General

Upon seeing the expression on Wang Yue's face, Lu Bu solemnly spoke, "Master Wang, your swordsmanship is extraordinary, far surpassing Lu Bu. This skill is the foundation of your existence. Don't blame yourself for not encountering a discerning eye in the first half of your life, nor blame the world for lacking insight. If you are willing to join me, I will recommend you to the Empress Dowager and appoint you as the Tiger Guard General of the Central Army."

Lu Bu had initially appointed Gao Shun as the Tiger Guard General. Now, with Ding Yuan's demise, Gao Shun assumed the role of Cavalry Commandant, and Lu Bu intended to offer the position of Tiger Guard General to Wang Yue. This position held significant importance, as Lu Bu planned to have Wang Yue train a group of swordsmen, forming a special task force responsible for intelligence and assassination – similar to the Jin Yi Wei of the Ming Dynasty or the Military Statistics Bureau of the Republic of China.

Lu Bu observed Wang Yue's attitude, hoping he would accept the proposal.

Wang Yue, overwhelmed with joy, hesitated and humbly replied, "Lord Lu, my skills are meager; I dare not accept such an honor!"

Standing nearby, Yan Mu burst into laughter and said, "Brother, when there is no opportunity, you strive to find one; now that an opportunity has come, you modestly decline. Lord Lu values your exceptional swordsmanship and wishes the court to recognize and utilize your talents. Don't underestimate yourself."

Lu Bu also chuckled and said, "Master Wang, please believe that your swordsmanship will flourish under my command, unleashing its full potential and changing the course of this world."

With Yan Mu serving as a mediator, Lu Bu and Wang Yue reconciled their differences. Wang Yue lowered his head and respectfully said, "Wang Yue pays his respects to Lord Lu."

Understanding that Wang Yue had not completely submitted to him, Lu Bu wasn't bothered. Time would prove who could offer Wang Yue high-ranking positions, and it wouldn't be the puppet emperor but Lu Bu, who commanded military power.

Approaching Wang Yue, Lu Bu extended his hand to help him up. "You are a respected senior in martial arts, and Lu Bu dares not accept such a grand gesture."

Wang Yue persisted in bowing. "Wang Yue pays his respects to Lord Lu."

Knowing that Wang Yue still harbored reservations, Lu Bu chose not to force the issue. Smiling, he said, "Great Master Wang, please believe that your swordsmanship will be a hundredfold more powerful under my guidance. You will indeed alter the course of this world."

Realizing that the situation had reached an impasse, Yan Mu intervened, "Brother Wang, this is just a temporary camp in Bingzhou, not your official post. Before me, you are his senior and should not bow. In the martial world, you are his predecessor. Normally, he should pay his respects first. You don't need to be so formal."

Lu Bu understood Wang Yue's reluctance to submit completely, so he followed Yan Mu's suggestion. Smiling, he bowed to Wang Yue as a gesture of respect.

Wang Yue, surprised and delighted, immediately assisted Lu Bu to stand. "Wang Yue does not dare to accept such a grand gesture. How about this – in the future, we address each other by martial nicknames in private, treating each other as peers. In public, we maintain the superior-subordinate relationship."

Lu Bu was pleased with Wang Yue's proposal. "Agreed! Brother Wang, your wisdom is evident. From now on, we shall be martial brothers!"

The three men took their seats one after another. Lu Bu then inquired of Wang Yue, "Did Dong Zhuo send you to assassinate Ding Yuan?"

Wang Yue, being a first-time assassin and lacking any professional ethical code, poured out everything when questioned by Lu Bu, "In the past few months, the capital has been in turmoil, and nobody came to my martial arts school to learn swordsmanship. My savings were mostly spent on treating my ailing wife. For several months, I received no tuition fees, and coupled with the soaring food prices, I couldn't put rice on the table. In this desperate situation, Dong Zhuo's brother, Dong Min, the General of Chariots and Cavalry, found me and offered a hundred gold coins, asking me to come and assassinate Ding Yuan. Forced by circumstances, I had no choice but to comply. I never expected to find you in Ding Yuan's tent. Where is Ding Yuan now?"

Lu Bu, with an expression of resentment, replied, "That scoundrel Dong Zhuo! I swear to kill him. Last night, he sent someone to deliver a fine horse and armor to bribe Ding Yuan's trusted general, Hao Meng. Betraying loyalty and righteousness, Hao Meng accepted Dong Zhuo's bribes and led twenty loyal followers to assassinate Ding Yuan. Caught off guard, Ding Yuan's head was severed by Hao Meng. At that moment, I happened to be discussing matters with Ding Yuan. Hao Meng intended to kill me as well, but fortunately, with my martial skills and the loyal guards by my side, I managed to escape unharmed and, in turn, killed Hao Meng, avenging Ding Yuan. That villain Dong Zhuo not only wishes for Ding Yuan's death but also sent someone to finish the job!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Yue was momentarily stunned. After a while, he suddenly brightened up, thinking, "It's fortunate that Ding Yuan was killed by Hao Meng, not by my hand. If Ding Yuan had died by my sword, this position as Tiger Guard General would have been jeopardized. Naturally, this is not something I can say out loud, just a thought in my mind."

Seeing Wang Yue's puzzled expression, Yan Mu laughed and explained, "Brother Wang, you may not be aware of how much Ding Yuan oppressed Lord Lu in the past. Despite Lord Lu's numerous accomplishments, Ding Yuan suppressed them all and did not report them to the court, making Lord Lu no more than a mere registrar. With Ding Yuan's death, Lord Lu is now unrestrained, able to rise rapidly and achieve great success. By following him, you are also destined for a bright future."

Understanding the situation, Wang Yue smiled and said, "It seems that Ding Yuan got what he deserved."

Although Lu Bu didn't know why Dong Zhuo insisted on eliminating Ding Yuan, Wang Yue's confirmation added more credibility to the suspicion that Dong Zhuo had sent someone to assassinate Ding Yuan. This allowed Lu Bu to distance himself from the matter and preserve his reputation.

Thinking about his plan to establish an intelligence organization, Lu Bu said to Wang Yue, "Retreat for now. Do not underestimate the ways of an assassin. Without figures like Zhuan Zhu, Yao Li, who assassinated King Liao and Qing Ji, and assassinated Wu Wang Liao respectively, or Zizhang, Jie Zhitui, who assassinated Wu Wang Liao, Duke Wu of Jin, and was later saved by Lord Xinling, the unification of the six states by the violent Qin may not have been possible. Sima Qian wrote the 'Biographies of Assassins' in his 'Records of the Grand Historian,' detailing the exploits of such individuals. In my opinion, if we can establish an organization with many assassins, specialized in gathering intelligence and assassinating enemy generals, complementing our regular forces, it will be a highly effective endeavor."

After pondering for a moment, Wang Yue nodded in agreement. However, he was curious, "I wonder what this has to do with me?"

Lu Bu smiled and said, "I plan to recruit several hundred elite soldiers and have you teach them swordsmanship. I will personally instruct them in the ways of assassination. With this, the Assassin Organization will surely dominate the world, striking fear into the hearts of all the feudal lords."

Wang Yue, honored by Lu Bu's trust, readily accepted the assignment.