
Three Kingdoms: Live as Lu Bu

What if you were to reborn as the strongest warrior in the world? Serve the warlord or be your own lord? Crossing the end of the Han Dynasty, reborn as Lu Bu. More valiant and fearless, no longer lacking in strategy. Recruiting renowned generals, gathering accomplished women. Not just a loyal subject, but a righteous father. Sweeping across the world, unifying the chaotic era. After Lu Bu, there is no more Three Kingdoms

Robert_Peterson_1945 · Celebrities
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41 Chs

Swordmaster Wang Yue

After transferring the command of the North Army's five camps to Lu Zhi, Lu Bu led the Flying Tiger Army back to the main camp at Xiaoping Crossing.

Upon returning to Xiaoping Crossing, it was already the evening hour of the dog (around 8 PM). After having dinner with his subordinates, Lu Bu went to Ding Yuan's central military tent. He wanted to see if Ding Yuan had hidden any confidential items in the central military tent.

The Red Guard teams were dispersed, guarding around the camp.

Lu Bu flipped and searched inside the tent. He found several letters exchanged between He Jin and Ding Yuan. One of them, upon closer inspection, revealed that someone was impersonating He Jin, writing to Ding Yuan, instructing him to execute the relatives of eunuchs in Bingzhou. Lu Bu secretly gloated, realizing he could use this letter to threaten Yuan Shao into agreeing with the Empress Dowager's appointment.

Next, he discovered an account book detailing the wealth accumulated by Ding Yuan over the years. After careful calculation, there were over ten thousand catties of gold, over twenty thousand catties of silver, along with plenty of silk, satin, and jewels. It seemed that Ding Yuan's son was not meant to live. Lu Bu intended to use this money as military pay, considering it Ding Yuan's final contribution to the Bingzhou army.

While Lu Bu was silently pleased with his findings, he suddenly felt a chilling presence behind him. Sensing the intense killing intent, Lu Bu acted without hesitation. He drew his Seven-Star Sword and swung it backward, simultaneously turning to see who the assassin was.

With a resounding clash, the person behind him exclaimed, "What kind of weapon is this, that can parry against my Qingping Sword!"

Seizing the opportunity while the assailant was surprised, Lu Bu swiftly stepped out of the tent and shouted, "Assassin!"

The Red Guard teams had heard the clash of weapons inside the tent and swiftly surrounded the intruder.

The person, now surrounded by the Red Guard, calmly sheathed his Qingping Sword and looked up at Lu Bu, who was already mounted on the Red Hare and holding the Fangtian Halberd. "Lu Bu! Where is Ding Yuan?"

Lu Bu focused his gaze and realized that the person was unexpectedly Wang Yue, the number one swordsman, also known as Wang Reti.

Wang Yue had a thin face, a clear and bright expression, and his hair and beard were all white. If not for the faint killing intent between his eyebrows, he would look like a kind neighbor or a scholarly teacher.

In the later years of Emperor Huan of Han, Wang Yue gained fame throughout the land. Over the twenty years of Emperor Ling's reign, Wang Yue had transformed from a robust thirty-year-old into a man in his fifties.

At fifty, it was unusual for one's hair to turn completely white, but the twists and turns of fate had tortured Wang Yue, causing premature graying.

Having achieved mastery in his thirties, Wang Yue traveled the world, making friends through martial arts, undefeated in swordsmanship, and carving out a great reputation in the realm of sword arts. The saying "learn both civil and martial arts, sell your skills to the emperor" prompted Wang Yue to seek an official position in the capital, Luoyang. He thought his invincible swordsmanship would secure him a good position and rewards. However, the outer court was controlled by noble families, and the inner court was manipulated by the Ten Eunuchs. The noble families only wanted him to guard their homes, and Wang Yue refused to be a watchdog. The Ten Eunuchs confiscated his wealth and allowed him to serve as a low-ranking military officer, a Tiger Guard Lieutenant, within the imperial city. Later, people referred to him as Tiger Guard Wang Yue.

A few years later, Wang Yue was framed and dismissed from the position of Tiger Guard Lieutenant. He opened a martial arts school in Luoyang to teach the children of the powerful and hoped to gain their favor for official positions. Unfortunately, he offended some children of the powerful, and his martial arts school suffered.

Later, his wife fell seriously ill, and his son died in infancy. If it weren't for two disciples supporting him, Wang Yue feared he would have fallen into despair.

Lu Bu's eyes revealed a hint of pity. "Brother Reti, it has been three years since our last meeting at Hulao Pass. How did you, a renowned swordsman, end up as an assassin?"

Wang Yue bitterly smiled, "Lu Bu, you are nothing but a defeated underling, yet you hold the prestigious position of a Palace Attendant and rank among the Nine Ministers. I, Wang Yue, possessing exceptional skills, am reduced to being an assassin. This is the state of the world; what can I do about it?"

Lu Bu remembered that three years ago, during the battle at Hulao Pass, the previous Lu Bu, in his indiscriminate slaughter of innocent civilians manipulated by the Yellow Turbans, was forcefully stopped by Wang Yue. The two engaged in a fierce battle, and Lu Bu's mount was slain by Wang Yue. Forced to fight on foot, Lu Bu was no match for Wang Yue. After more than ten rounds, Wang Yue pointed the Qingping Sword at Lu Bu's throat, sternly reprimanding him and making Lu Bu swear not to indiscriminately kill the innocent again.

Lu Bu was not angered by the contempt in Wang Yue's words. He raised the Fangtian Halberd, smiling faintly, "If you can defeat me while on horseback, I'll let you keep your Palace Attendant title."

Wang Yue glanced at the Red Hare, realizing its extraordinary strength. Knowing that he might not be able to pierce the rider before piercing the horse, he sneered, "A defeated underling, dare you fight me on foot?"

Lu Bu didn't waste time on words. He gently touched the golden-red mane of the Red Hare, and with a slight kick, the Red Hare, agile and swift, leaped more than twenty feet, charging straight towards Wang Yue.

Lu Bu swung the Fangtian Halberd, taking advantage of the Red Hare's momentum, aiming to deliver a lethal blow to Wang Yue.

Wang Yue seemed motionless, without lifting his hands. However, a cold light flashed in front of Lu Bu's eyes. Wang Yue had already drawn the Qingping Sword from its scabbard, intercepting Lu Bu's lethal strike.

With a series of crisp clashes, the previously dazzling Qingping Sword suddenly broke into several pieces, falling to the ground. Wang Yue took a few steps back, his hand supporting his chest. Soon, blood slowly seeped from the corners of his mouth.

Looking at the broken Qingping Sword on the ground, Wang Yue raised his head and glared at Lu Bu, "You destroyed my precious sword?!"

Then, he asked in confusion, "We haven't seen each other in three years. How did your strength grow so much? Three years ago, even with the advantage of your horse, you couldn't do anything against my Qingping Sword. How could you shatter it today?"

Lu Bu knew that this was a benefit brought about by crossing into this world. With increased strength, he secretly rejoiced and smiled, "We meet again, and I have improved. Wang Master, you've stagnated for three years, naturally allowing me to surpass you. Besides, you are getting old, while I am still young and strong. It's a natural course of events. You should accept it."

Wang Yue, filled with anger, said, "Kid, General Lian Po was still able to fight at seventy. I'm only in my early fifties. Compared to Lian Po, I am still very young. Today, I will make you understand that sheer strength is useless."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Yue drew another precious sword from his back. Person and sword merged into a lightning bolt, heading straight for Lu Bu.

The soldiers surrounding them saw a flash, and Wang Yue appeared as a shadow, drifting before their eyes.