
Three Kingdoms: Live as Lu Bu

What if you were to reborn as the strongest warrior in the world? Serve the warlord or be your own lord? Crossing the end of the Han Dynasty, reborn as Lu Bu. More valiant and fearless, no longer lacking in strategy. Recruiting renowned generals, gathering accomplished women. Not just a loyal subject, but a righteous father. Sweeping across the world, unifying the chaotic era. After Lu Bu, there is no more Three Kingdoms

Robert_Peterson_1945 · Celebrities
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Red Hare!

After finishing the troop deployment, an hour had passed. Li Hei came to report, "There is a person outside the gate leading a precious horse, accompanied by several soldiers, and pulling a carriage. He claims to be General's old friend from Jiuyuan County."

Surprised, Lu Bu rushed out of the camp gate himself. Simultaneously, he ordered the Flying Tiger Army to spread out on both sides to prevent other generals and their soldiers from witnessing the scene.

Since Lu Bu left Wuyuan County at the age of fifteen, he hadn't seen Li Su again. Now, upon seeing him, Lu Bu was astonished by the significant changes in Li Su. Li Su, who used to be thin and weak, had become strong and sturdy. His pale complexion had turned rosy. Wearing a silver helmet and armor with a white robe, Li Su looked majestic. He truly lived up to being the successor of the Flying General Li Guang (Note 1).

Seeing Lu Bu, Li Su was also surprised. Lu Bu had grown taller again. At the age of fifteen, he was already half a head taller than Li Su. Now, he was a full head taller. Lu Bu had shed the greenness and recklessness, displaying a calm and decisive demeanor. It seemed like the impulsive and reckless appearance from before, as fierce as fire, had disappeared completely. Could it be that he had truly been struck by lightning and undergone a transformation?

Li Su, seeing that Lu Bu, now holding a high position as one of the Nine Ministers, was treating him with great respect, felt honored and greeted, "Younger brother, how have you been?"

Lu Bu bowed, knowingly asked, "It's been almost ten years since we, brothers, last met. I wonder where my elder brother is stationed now?"

Li Su smiled slightly, not hiding anything, "Elder brother is currently serving as the Colonel under General Dong Zhuo. Hearing that younger brother executed the Ten Eunuchs, Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong, Guo Sheng, and others, rescued the Empress Dowager, the young emperor, and the King of Chenliu in a critical situation, and achieved remarkable feats, elder brother is extremely delighted. Now, elder brother has found a fine horse from the western regions, capable of traveling a thousand miles in a day, crossing water and climbing mountains as if on flat ground. It is named Red Hare (Note 2), and elder brother presents it to younger brother to assist in displaying military might."

Lu Bu, who was considering the inadequacy of his previous mount due to his large stature, the Fang Tian Hua Ji (Crescent Blade), the King of War Bow, and his own weight combined, immediately smiled with undisguised joy. He didn't hide his excitement, allowing Li Su's soldiers to lead the horse into the camp.

Upon seeing Red Hare, Lu Bu's eyes were fixed on it, just like when he saw Diaochan, a woman who fascinated him. He couldn't take his eyes off.

Red Hare was entirely reddish, like burning coals, without a single strand of mixed hair. From head to tail, it measured a zhang in length, and from hoof to neck, it stood eight chi tall. It neighed and roared, giving the impression of soaring into the sea.

Lu Bu couldn't help but recite a poem praising Red Hare: "Gallop a thousand miles, dust scattering in the wind; cross water and climb mountains, violet mist unfolds. Pulling the reins taut, shaking the jade bridle; a fire dragon descends from the ninth heaven."

Li Su, witnessing Lu Bu's expression, knew that his persuasion had been successful halfway through.

Lu Bu, stepping forward, stroked Red Hare's golden-red mane and made eye contact with the horse. Lu Bu could even sense a hint of appreciation in Red Hare's eyes, as if saying, "I, Red Hare, have finally found a true master."

Lu Bu, previously hesitating due to the potential suspicion of conspiring with Dong Zhuo in Dian Yuan's death, made up his mind at this moment. With a full smile, he asked Li Su, "Brother has bestowed such a dragon steed upon me. How can I repay this kindness?"

Li Su saw that Lu Bu was quite receptive, smiled slightly, and continued to put on a show, saying, "I came here out of loyalty, expecting no repayment!"

Seeing him like this, Lu Bu knew that the real talk had to happen at the dining table. He ordered a table full of food and wine, saying that since he and Li Su hadn't seen each other in many years, they wouldn't leave until they were both drunk.

After a while of drinking, Li Su said, "Younger brother, now that you are honored as the Glorious Excellency and ranked among the Nine Ministers, surpassing even your father's position, I wonder how your father would view you?"

Although Lu Bu knew what medicine Li Su was selling in his gourd, he couldn't expose it all at once. He responded according to the original script, "Brother Li, you've had too much to drink! My father passed away many years ago."

Li Su laughed heartily, "No! I am talking about the current Inspector Ding."

Lu Bu made a look of apprehension, "Brother, as you may have known, I was under Inspector Ding's command. I had no choice. Ten years ago, when the Xianbei invaded, the court ordered the relocation of the border residents. My father took me to seek refuge with Ding Yuan. After my father's death, I followed Ding Yuan to fight in various places, with no other opportunities to stand out."

Li Su sneered, "Younger brother possesses extraordinary talent, saved the lives of the Empress Dowager, the young emperor, and the King of Chenliu, and gained the admiration of all. Your achievements, wealth, and honor are like taking things from a bag. How can you say you are under the control of others? Younger brother followed Ding Yuan for ten years, accomplished great deeds, but has always been suppressed by Ding Yuan to be a mere registrar. Now, with the heroic feat of saving the emperor, you have risen to prominence. How can you still submit to Ding Yuan's control?"

Lu Bu spread his hands, showing a helpless expression, "I am Ding Yuan's adopted son for many years. The soldiers under my command are his long-time trusted men. What can I do?"

Li Su shook his head, "No, no! Although younger brother temporarily holds the position of Glorious Excellency due to the Empress Dowager's favor, the fact remains that you are Ding Yuan's adopted son. Moreover, our Great Han emphasizes filial piety the most. Besides, the main force under your command still consists of the several thousand iron riders inherited from Ding Yuan in Bingzhou. If Ding Yuan gives an order, you still dare not disobey. Younger brother has followed Ding Yuan for ten years, performed many feats, but has always been suppressed by Ding Yuan, only serving as a mere registrar. Now, with younger brother's heroic deeds, there is no reason to stay under Ding Yuan's command, obeying his every command."

Lu Bu frowned, "I have been favored by the Empress Dowager, appointed as the Glorious Excellency, and command tens of thousands of elite soldiers. Ding Yuan was removed from the position of Commandant, reduced to the rank of Cavalry Commandant, lower than me. Why does Brother Li say that I am under someone else's control?"

Li Su shook his head provocatively, "No, no! Younger brother, even though you have received the Empress Dowager's favor and temporarily assumed the role of Glorious Excellency, the fact remains that you are Ding Yuan's adopted son. Moreover, our Great Han Dynasty emphasizes filial piety. Additionally, the main force under your command is still the several thousand iron riders inherited from Ding Yuan in Bingzhou. If Ding Yuan gives an order, you still dare not disobey. Younger brother has followed Ding Yuan for ten years, achieved great deeds, but has always been suppressed by Ding Yuan, serving as a mere registrar. Now, with younger brother's heroic feats, there is no reason to stay under Ding Yuan's command, obediently following his orders."

Lu Bu, with a helpless expression, raised his hands, "I have been Ding Yuan's adopted son for many years. The soldiers under my command are his long-time trusted men. What can I do?"

Li Su, with a stern expression, said, "My lord Dong Zhuo leads one hundred thousand iron riders from the western regions, only a day's journey from Luoyang. My lord dispatched Li Jue to discuss sharing political power with Ding Yuan and jointly resisting Yuan Shao's strategy. Who would have thought that Ding Yuan would foolishly want to dominate the political situation alone? My lord believes that once Ding Yuan, with the help of younger brother, takes control of political power, given Ding Yuan's cruel and ungrateful nature, he will undoubtedly act like Gou Jian in the Spring and Autumn Period, killing clever rabbits and cooking sly dogs. As soon as I heard this, I hurriedly came to inform younger brother. Younger brother, with your understanding of Ding Yuan over the years, do you think he will spare you once he holds supreme power?"

Lu Bu nodded with a seemingly heavy heart, "Once he has the power, he will definitely not spare me."

Seeing Lu Bu's expression, Li Su quickly had the gifts on the carriage brought in.

Looking around, Lu Bu's eyes fell on a delicate suit of armor. The armor was made of fine iron scales, connected by golden lock pieces shaped like goose feathers. It was intricately patterned with beautiful animal faces. They say a man relies on his clothes and a horse on its saddle. For a military commander, aside from a horse, the armor is crucial in enhancing one's presence. As a warrior, wearing this armor would undoubtedly add a considerable amount of the legendary king's aura. Lu Bu looked at his original equipment, a three-forked gold crown, a Baihua battle robe, and a Lion Barbarian treasure belt. The Tang Ni armor he wore was actually a type of leather armor. Tang Ni is a fierce beast, and armor made from its hide is very tough, but no matter how sturdy it is, it can't compare to the chain armor made from gold and fine iron.

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