
Three Kingdoms: Live as Lu Bu

What if you were to reborn as the strongest warrior in the world? Serve the warlord or be your own lord? Crossing the end of the Han Dynasty, reborn as Lu Bu. More valiant and fearless, no longer lacking in strategy. Recruiting renowned generals, gathering accomplished women. Not just a loyal subject, but a righteous father. Sweeping across the world, unifying the chaotic era. After Lu Bu, there is no more Three Kingdoms

Robert_Peterson_1945 · Celebrities
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41 Chs

Dong Zhuo & Yuan Shao

When Lu Bu, on behalf of the Empress Dowager's decree, incorporated the four armies of the West Garden, he believed his actions were discreet. However, even if he moved quietly, it couldn't escape the notice of certain individuals with ulterior motives.

In the afternoon, at the residence of Grand Commandant Yuan Wei, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Cao Cao, Liu Biao, Zhang Miao, He Yong, Xu You, Feng Ji, Wu Kuang, Zhang Zhaung, and others gathered to discuss.

It was only at this moment that Yuan Shu learned of his younger brother Yuan Yin's death at the hands of Lu Bu, and that his Tiger Elite Army had been absorbed by Lu Bu. Furious, he wanted to raise his private soldiers immediately to seek revenge against Lu Bu.

Yuan Shao, unable to contain his frustration, said, "This Lu Bu, relying on the Empress Dowager's support, treats us, the aristocratic ministers, as if we are nothing. In just one day, he has seized all the military power we intended to acquire. It's truly infuriating! Mengde, I wish to deal with him. What plans do you have?"

Cao Cao glanced at Wu Kuang and Zhang Zhaung, "Can you two generals reclaim your own troops?"

Wu Kuang, dejected, replied, "Both of us were blocked outside. Ding Yuan's subordinates Xue Lan and Li Feng have taken command of the Bingzhou troops and executed my trusted officers, claiming to act under the Empress Dowager's orders. It seems Lu Bu distributed rewards on the spot, giving each soldier a thousand coins, with even more for officers. Lu Bu said it was the spoils confiscated from the Ten Attendants, issued under the Empress Dowager's decree."

Zhang Zhaung glared at Wu Kuang indignantly, "It was your constant urging that made our soldiers reluctant to serve wholeheartedly. Except for you and me, the rest of the officers are not willing to remain loyal!"

Wu Kuang retorted, "When you are enjoying the beauties and treasures in your mansion, you won't say such things! Commoner!"

A stern-faced Yuan Shao commanded, "You, go away!" He never liked to show respect to military men who had lost their troops.

Cao Cao stroked his beard and nodded, "Four thousand Feather Forest troops, ten thousand Northern Army soldiers, eight thousand troops under He Miao, eight thousand Tiger Elite Army soldiers, and eight thousand troops from the West Garden—after removing those unwilling to submit and their subordinates, he has likely incorporated thirty-five thousand soldiers. Issuing a thousand coins to each soldier, he would have to release 35 million coins. In the time of the late emperor, this amount of money could have bought two or three prime ministers. This Lu Bu is indeed generous!"

The leading strategist among Yuan Shao's faction, He Yong, shook his head and speculated, "How could Lu Bu, a mere martial artist at the age of twenty-eight, possess such a cunning strategy? It must be Ding Yuan instructing his adopted son Lu Bu to carry out these activities."

Yuan Shao nodded maliciously, "Ding Yuan took advantage of the situation to expand his influence. We must be cautious!"

The short and plump Xu You stroked his rat mustache, contemplating, "I have a plan. Promote Lu Bu to take command of a distant region to split Ding Yuan's forces. Ding Yuan heavily relies on Lu Bu's martial prowess. If Lu Bu leaves the capital, Ding Yuan won't be much of a threat!"

Yuan Shao and others laughed heartily, "This plan is excellent; implement it swiftly!"

After Cao Cao and others left Yuan Wei's mansion, Yuan Wei gathered Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu in a secret chamber.

Yuan Wei, initially composed and dignified, turned sly and cunning, "Shu'er, Shao'er, your father, my elder brother (Yuan Feng), once established the family strategy of 'Making Friends with Both Sides and Taking Advantage of Favorable Opportunities, Broadly Cultivating Disciples and Former Subordinates,' allowing our Yuan family to avoid offending both the external relatives and the eunuchs. We didn't align ourselves with those foolish faction members, but maneuvered between the three powers. The Yuan family subsequently had four generations of prime ministers, and our disciples and former subordinates are spread throughout the country. Now, the current political situation greatly favors our Yuan family. As the Grand Tutor, I control the government affairs, Shao'er oversees the provincial capital as the Colonel Director of the Imperial Secretariat, and Shu'er, monitoring Liu Han's imperial family, serves as the Colonel of the Tiger Elite Guards. The three of us control the entire Luoyang city. If we handle it properly, following the example of the Tian family replacing Qi during the Warring States period, the Yuan family can replace the Han. Moreover, the prophecy 'One who replaces the Han shall paint the high platform' has been passed down for hundreds of years. 'Paint the high platform' refers to 'building a road,' and Shu'er's name contains the character 'road,' and his style name 'Gonglu' also signifies this. Additionally, as Liu Han's Fire Virtue wanes, the replacement of fire corresponds to earth virtue, and Yuan has the element of earth. Our Yuan family is suited to represent the earth virtue and replace the Han. Shu'er is the legitimate son and should become the emperor, while Shao'er, as the illegitimate son, can become an assisting minister. You both must devote yourselves wholeheartedly to assisting Shu'er in achieving imperial dominance. However, be extremely cautious; don't let such a favorable situation slip away carelessly."

Upon hearing that his family intended to support him in achieving imperial dominance, Yuan Shu was overjoyed, and a smile lit up his face.

Yuan Shao, with profound political acumen, merely saluted in acknowledgment. While his face remained calm, his heart burned with resentment. As a son of the concubine, his family had provided little assistance in his career. If it weren't for his own efforts in accommodating subordinates, building connections with outstanding individuals, and, most importantly, showcasing his charisma to establish a considerable reputation before joining forces with He Jin, he would never have become the Colonel Director of the Imperial Secretariat. Furthermore, Yuan Shu, as the Colonel of the Tiger Elite Guards, now acted as the de facto commander, even though the troops under him had been reorganized by Lu Bu. This incapable person, simply because he was the legitimate son, now wanted to ride on top of Yuan Shao?

Meanwhile, at the West Liang Army's large camp, Dong Zhuo, Li Ru, and others held a meeting in the central military tent.

Dong Zhuo took a piece of silk from a pigeon's leg, unfolded it, and sighed, "Li Jue went to persuade Ding Yuan, asking him to jointly control the government with me, resist Yuan Shao, depose Liu Bian, and enthrone Liu Xie. He was scolded back by Ding Yuan. Wenyu, it seems your prediction was accurate. Ding Yuan, relying on his adopted son Lu Bu, who has absorbed the remnants of He Jin and He Miao, actually dares to harbor thoughts of monopolizing the government, rejecting our goodwill!" Dong Zhuo was tremendously fat, and when he smiled, he looked amiable, resembling Maitreya Buddha. However, when he became angry, his face, full of flesh, turned terrifyingly fierce, like a hellish Yama.

As Dong Zhuo's chief strategist and son-in-law, Li Ru was long accustomed to Dong Zhuo's dual nature—friendly on the surface but malicious underneath. He chuckled, saying, "Father, since he disagrees, let's not bother sharing power with Ding Yuan. Instead, according to my plan, let's present the Red Hare horse and the linked armor to Ding Yuan's adopted son Lu Bu, and have him kill Ding Yuan."

Dong Zhuo grinned, "Lu Bu has been appointed as the Glorious Charioteer by the Empress Dowager, ranking among the Nine Ministers. He commands tens of thousands of soldiers and doesn't need to kill Ding Yuan to control the government."

Li Ru shook his head, "Although Lu Bu currently holds the temporary position of Glorious Charioteer due to the Empress Dowager's favor, he is still Ding Yuan's adopted son. Lu Bu's main force is the several thousand iron cavalry from Bingzhou. If Ding Yuan gives an order, he won't dare to disobey. Lu Bu followed Ding Yuan in wars for ten years, achieved numerous merits, yet has been suppressed by Ding Yuan, serving as a mere chief clerk. Now, with the merits from rescuing the emperor, he suddenly gained power. How could he forget the past humiliations? How could he bear to remain under Ding Yuan's command again? I have already instructed Li Su to tell Lu Bu that, after killing Ding Yuan, you, Father, will share the government with him, placing him among the Three Excellencies. For Lu Bu, it means removing a thorn in his side and gaining assistance in opposing Yuan Shao and other aristocratic families. Why wouldn't he do it?!"

After Li Ru carefully analyzed the situation, Dong Zhuo couldn't help but clap his hands in laughter, "In that case, Ding Yuan is doomed! Send a message to Li Su; let him visit Lu Bu tonight!" Li Ru brought a piece of silk, wrote on it, "Follow the plan," and tied it to another pigeon's leg. He released the pigeon into the dark night.