
Three Kingdoms: Live as Lu Bu

What if you were to reborn as the strongest warrior in the world? Serve the warlord or be your own lord? Crossing the end of the Han Dynasty, reborn as Lu Bu. More valiant and fearless, no longer lacking in strategy. Recruiting renowned generals, gathering accomplished women. Not just a loyal subject, but a righteous father. Sweeping across the world, unifying the chaotic era. After Lu Bu, there is no more Three Kingdoms

Robert_Peterson_1945 · Celebrities
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Finally, the rewards for Lu Zhi, Lu Bu, and Lu Bu's subordinates were announced.

When it came to Lu Zhi's appointment, he calmly read the imperial edict, "Due to the death of the former Inspector of Jizhou, Jia Cong, and the current lack of governance in Jizhou, I hereby appoint the Minister of the Imperial Secretariat, Lu Zhi, as the Governor of Jizhou. Lu Zhi will temporarily assume the duties of the Minister of the Imperial Secretariat until a suitable candidate is appointed."

Lu Zhi, known for both civil and martial achievements, especially compared to figures like Yuan Wei and Yang Biao who relied solely on their family backgrounds, held much higher prestige. Many prominent ministers, especially Yuan Wei, felt relieved to hear Lu Zhi's appointment. Without Lu Zhi obstructing matters in the capital, they believed that the Yuan family's grand plan would proceed more smoothly. Other ministers had no objections to Lu Zhi's appointment.

When it came to Lu Bu's appointment, Empress Dowager He started reading, "Due to the illness and death of the former Inspector of Bingzhou, Ding Yuan, and the refusal of the General of the Front, Dong Zhuo, to assume the position of Governor of Bingzhou (Note 1), it is to be... " At this point, the court erupted in a commotion.

Yuan Shao was stunned. Ding Yuan had seemed fine just the day before. How could he have suddenly died? They had planned to recommend Lu Bu to replace Ding Yuan and be appointed as a regional general, thus gaining control over Ding Yuan's forces. However, with Ding Yuan's sudden death, their well-laid plans had fallen apart.

Some people familiar with Ding Yuan questioned his sudden death.

Suddenly, a voice rang out, "Lord Ding did not die of illness; he was murdered by Dong Zhuo."

Everyone looked over to see that it was Lu Bu's subordinates, Gao Shun and Gao Zhong, who had spoken.

Dong Min, Dong Zhuo's brother, had been sent to Luoyang by Dong Zhuo several months ago. Recommended by Yuan Shao to He Jin, Dong Min was appointed as the Commandant of the Palace Chariots. Although nominally a subordinate of General-in-Chief He Jin, in reality, he was Dong Zhuo's inside man in Luoyang, preparing to take over the city with internal and external cooperation. At this moment, Dong Min, mixed among the ministers, heard Gao Shun's words and shouted, "An unnamed junior officer dares to slander a senior minister? My brother is broad-minded and virtuous, always maintaining a good relationship with Lord Ding. How could he send someone to kill Lord Ding?"

Empress Dowager He also frowned and said, "Gao Shun, the memorial you presented just now from the Glorious Marquis Lu contains evidence that Dong Zhuo gifted horses and armor to Hao Meng, who then led twenty men to kill Ding Yuan. However, there is no direct evidence proving that Dong Zhuo instigated Hao Meng to assassinate Ding Yuan. Without clear evidence, I cannot believe this accusation."

Gao Shun, amused by Empress Dowager He's words, was about to retort but was pulled back by Lu Bu. Gao Shun suddenly realized that Empress Dowager He was speaking ironically.

Dong Min was about to say, "The horses and armor were given to Lu Bu," to counter Empress Dowager He's statement. However, seeing the slightly mocking look in Lu Bu's eyes, Dong Min suddenly realized that if he revealed the truth, he would confirm his brother's involvement in Ding Yuan's assassination and might also offend Lu Bu. If Lu Bu decided to reveal everything, Li Ru's plan would be ruined.

Dong Min made a humble and fearful appearance, saying, "My elder brother has always been loyal, kind, and cautious. He would never commit such a heinous act. I suspect it was the Southern Xiongnu within Bingzhou's borders or the Qiang and Hu outside the borders. They must hold a grudge because Lord Ding had repeatedly suppressed them. I hope the Empress Dowager will investigate this matter thoroughly."

With Dong Min's words, the truth was still concealed, and the ministers, fearing Dong Zhuo's vast army from the Western Liang, dared not speak out against him.

However, Lu Bu had to make a statement. He drew his Seven Star Sword and waved it towards the sky, saying, "If Dong Zhuo killed my adoptive father, regardless of whether he has a hundred thousand iron cavalry or a million, I, Lu Bu, will definitely kill him. Without avenging this grudge, I swear not to be a man!" His words were impassioned and carried a hint of sorrow. The ministers were inadvertently moved by Lu Bu's filial piety, unaware that Lu Bu was secretly pleased with his superb acting skills.

Empress Dowager He also believed it to be true and spoke sternly, "If it's really Dong Zhuo's doing, I will definitely take charge for you!"

With the conclusion of Ding Yuan's death, Lu Zhi cleared his throat and announced the new appointment, "Due to the untimely death of the former Inspector of Bingzhou, Ding Yuan, and the refusal of the General of the Front, Dong Zhuo, to take over as the Governor of Bingzhou, the position will be transferred to the Glorious Marquis Lu Bu. Lu Bu will concurrently serve as the General for the Northern Expedition and will command the military affairs of Youzhou, Jizhou, and Bingzhou."

Yuan Shu immediately shouted, "How can a commoner's son become the governor of a region? What military achievements does he have to be the General for the Northern Expedition?"

Other influential ministers also questioned the decision, turning the court into a marketplace for a while.

Lu Bu disdainfully glanced at Yuan Shu. "Yuan Shu, you road of a broken public figure will be crushed sooner or later."

Huang Zhong, serving as the Captain of the Feathered Forest, maintained order in the court and shouted, "No clamor in the court!" Thousands of soldiers from the Feathered Forest echoed, "Silence!"

Yuan Shu, who had indulged in a dissolute life in his youth, looked quite pale. Startled, frightened, and angry after Huang Zhong's shout, his face turned even paler. Seeing Huang Zhong wielding a large knife and glaring angrily, Yuan Shu hastily retracted his head and kept silent. He was very afraid that Huang Zhong's knife would strike him in the next moment.

Other influential ministers, intimidated by Huang Zhong's imposing aura, remained silent.

Empress Dowager He, with a slight smile, looked at Huang Zhong and nodded approvingly. Lu Bu's recommendation was correct; this Huang Zhong, being from the same hometown as Empress Dowager He, had a reputation for being proficient in both the sword and bow. Empress Dowager He was satisfied, especially since Huang Zhong actively upheld the authority of the imperial court, earning her trust.

Empress Dowager He instructed palace maids to bring out a thick stack of silk and instructed Lu Zhi to read it for everyone.

Lu Zhi first read about Lu Bu's family background, "Lu Bu's ancestors were Taishi Lu Shang of the Western Zhou Dynasty (Note 1). Lu Shang was granted the land of the Qi state. Later, Qi was seized by the Tian family, and Lu Shang's descendants assisted Qin Shi Huang in overthrowing the Tian Qi. After Lu Buwei was granted a posthumous death by Qin Shi Huang, Lu Buwei's grandson, Lu Bosi, roamed the Jiangdong region and served under Chu's Hegemon, Xiang Yu's horse boy, taking the name Lu Matong. After the Battle of Wujian, Xiang Yu committed suicide, and Lu Matong took one of his arms, later being titled the Marquis of Wuzhong. He also obtained Xiang Yu's spear technique, passing it down through generations. Lu Matong's eighth-generation descendant, Lu Hao, served as the Cavalry Commander under General Dou Xian during the reign of Emperor Zhang. After Dou Xian's suicide, Lu Hao was demoted to the magistrate of Jiuyuan County. After Lu Hao's death, his son, Lu Liang, succeeded him. Lu Bu is the only son of Lu Liang, who later surrendered to Ding Yuan after the invasion of the Xianbei."

After Lu Zhi finished reading, Empress Dowager He sneered, "Lu Bu is the descendant of Lu Shang and Lu Buwei, the descendant of the Wu Zhong Marquis of our great Han Dynasty. He is also the descendant of Lu Hao, the hero who fought against the Northern Xiongnu. With such a distinguished lineage, how can he be compared to some descendants of those who have merely held positions without contributing to society!"

Saying this, Empress Dowager He glanced over at Cao Cao.

Cao Cao hurriedly knelt and argued, "Reporting to the Empress Dowager, I am the descendant of the founding prime minister Cao Can. My ancestor, Cao Can, made contributions to the state, far from being compared to those who have merely held positions without contributing. Please, Empress Dowager, do not belittle me."

Empress Dowager He smiled faintly, "I was not talking about you."

Cao Cao knew that Empress Dowager He harbored great resentment against the Yuan faction, and he secretly chuckled, not speaking further.