
Three Kingdoms: Live as Lu Bu

What if you were to reborn as the strongest warrior in the world? Serve the warlord or be your own lord? Crossing the end of the Han Dynasty, reborn as Lu Bu. More valiant and fearless, no longer lacking in strategy. Recruiting renowned generals, gathering accomplished women. Not just a loyal subject, but a righteous father. Sweeping across the world, unifying the chaotic era. After Lu Bu, there is no more Three Kingdoms

Robert_Peterson_1945 · Celebrities
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41 Chs

Death of Ding Yuan

Ding Yuan pretended to be earnestly reading by candlelight. When he saw Lu Bu entering, he put down the scroll and presented a kind and benevolent expression, saying to Lu Bu, "My son Fengxian, you saved the Empress Dowager, the Young Emperor, and the King of Chenliu. You gained the favor of the Empress Dowager, and have been appointed as the Guanglu Xun, ranking among the Nine Ministers. As a father, I am deeply pleased!"

Lu Bu, recognizing the old man's theatrics, played along and bowed, saying, "All of this is thanks to Father's guidance!"

Suddenly, Ding Yuan's face turned iron-blue as he said, "No, no. As soon as you were appointed Guanglu Xun, Lu Zhi informed the Empress Dowager that father and son cannot hold positions in the three ministries (Neiwei, Weiwei, and Weiwei). So, my position as Weiwei Chief Commandant was taken away by that old man Lu Zhi. I can only go back to my previous post as Commander of the Cavalry under your Guanglu Xun position!"

Lu Bu cursed Ding Yuan in his heart. You suppressed my development for ten years, and now that I have power, you still want to suppress me? However, he maintained a calm demeanor and suggested, "How about I submit a memorial to the Empress Dowager, stating that my talents are insufficient to be Guanglu Xun and recommend Father to take on the position of Guanglu Xun, while I take over Father's post as Commander of the Cavalry."

Ding Yuan looked at Lu Bu with a sidelong glance, "Are you really willing to give up the position of Guanglu Xun? Tomorrow at the court meeting, you should submit a memorial to the Empress Dowager. Also, transfer the military authority of the Left and Right Feathered Forest Guards, the Five Camps of the Northern Army, the Tiger Ben Army, and the Western Garden Four Armies to my hands."

Lu Bu inwardly cursed Ding Yuan. If it weren't for the fact that the Empress Dowager saw some charm in me and, being young, I am easy to control, you wouldn't have been able to manage the palace security. But on the surface, he calmly said, "The Empress Dowager has already decreed that I shall command all the armies. I fear that a sudden change in command would unsettle the troops."

Ding Yuan thought, If I become Guanglu Xun, I can control the Left and Right Feathered Forest Guards, the Five Camps of the Northern Army, the Tiger Ben Army, and when the time comes, even if you don't want to hand over the military authority, you will have to. Thinking of this, he forcibly suppressed the killing intent in his heart and changed the subject, asking, "I heard that you had a visitor earlier. Why didn't you introduce me to them?"

Lu Bu replied calmly, "That was an old friend from ten years ago, someone you have no acquaintance with. I thought there was no need to introduce him and disturb Father's rest."

Ding Yuan snorted, "I heard that person gave you a neighing Wind Red Hare horse and a set of beast-faced, head-swallowing chained armor, and you accepted them?"

Lu Bu, seeing Ding Yuan's increasing hostility, gripped the handle of the Seven-Star Sword behind his back and replied in a deep voice, "That old friend saw that I had saved the Empress Dowager, the Young Emperor, and the King of Chenliu, achieving extraordinary merit, so he specially sent the horse and armor as a congratulation. If Father wants them, I will respectfully offer them to you."

Ding Yuan stared at Lu Bu like a hungry wolf and said fiercely, "Don't deceive me. That neighing Wind Red Hare horse is originally Dong Zhuo's beloved steed, and the beast-faced, head-swallowing chained armor is also his. He's using these to lure you into killing me. He has really invested heavily in this!"

Lu Bu hastily said, "Father, I haven't agreed to anything. I only promised not to oppose him by withdrawing from Luoyang."

Ding Yuan grew even angrier, "Wretch! If you withdraw from Luoyang and do not oppose him, what basis do I have to control the court, to be among the Three Excellencies? You dare say you haven't colluded with him! Scoundrel, taste my blade!"

With that, Ding Yuan drew his sword and attacked Lu Bu, who also drew his Seven-Star Sword to counter.

Twenty elite soldiers rushed out from behind the tent screen. They were all trusted subordinates of Ding Yuan and Hao Meng, charging towards Lu Bu under Hao Meng's command, seemingly wanting to turn Lu Bu into minced meat.

Before they could reach Lu Bu, they were stunned by the situation in front of them.

Lu Bu lifted the Seven-Star Sword and counterattacked. With a loud bang, he actually cut Ding Yuan's sword in half.

Lu Bu, harboring deep resentment towards Ding Yuan, exerted all his strength in a swing. After breaking Ding Yuan's sword, the momentum of his attack continued.

Ding Yuan didn't expect his sword to be cut by Lu Bu's, caught off guard, Lu Bu's swing landed on his neck, severing Ding Yuan's head from his body.

Hao Meng and the others, witnessing Ding Yuan's sudden death, were momentarily dumbfounded.

Lu Bu, knowing the sharpness of the Seven-Star Sword, was not shocked by Ding Yuan's death. He took a swift step towards Hao Meng, raised his sword, and struck down.

Hao Meng desperately swung his sword in defense. However, his sword was also cut in half by the Seven-Star Sword. Hao Meng hurriedly fled from the tent, but Lu Bu chased after him. With one swing, Lu Bu cut Hao Meng into two pieces. He then reached down, picked up the broken sword, and placed it next to Ding Yuan's corpse.

The remaining nineteen individuals finally woke up and shouted as they rushed forward. Lu Bu sternly roared, "Haomeng colluded with Dong Zhuo, assassinated Lord Ding, and you must not aid the tyrant!"

Lu Bu's loud voice left the nineteen people bewildered. With Ding Yuan and Haomeng dead, even if they managed to kill Lu Bu, they would not escape the pursuit of Lu Bu's Feihu Army. Realizing this, they one by one dropped their swords, preparing to surrender.

However, Lu Bu didn't give them a chance. As Qin Yi led the guards into the tent, Lu Bu raised the Seven-Star Sword and shouted, "They colluded with Dong Zhuo, plotted against Lord Ding, exterminate them all!"

Facing a hundred guards with superior martial skills, these nineteen people had no chance of defense. Lu Bu, seeing anyone who looked like they were about to speak the truth, rushed up and beheaded them without waiting for them to utter a word.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Bu, leading the guards, executed all nineteen individuals on the spot, leaving none alive.

Lu Bu, with an unkind look, glanced at Wu Chong, who immediately fell to his knees, saying, "I heard Haomeng shouted to attack just now. Those twenty people then brandished their swords and charged towards Lord Ding and General Lu. Lord Ding couldn't evade in time and was beheaded by Haomeng. General Lu then killed Haomeng with a single stroke, avenging Lord Ding!"

Lu Bu was secretly pleased. This kid is clever and adaptable, with extraordinary strength and martial skills. Moreover, he is only twenty years old. If nurtured properly, he could become a remarkable military talent. As for his character, Lu Bu had his own ways of monitoring and was not worried.

Lu Bu decided to spare his life; having an eyewitness would help clear him of the suspicion of assassinating Ding Yuan.

As for the Red Hare horse, the Beast-Faced Chained Armor, and the gold and silver treasures, they had already been placed in Haomeng's tent, disguised as evidence of Haomeng colluding with Dong Zhuo. After Ding Yuan's subordinates saw it, Lu Bu unceremoniously claimed them as his own.

After Lu Bu's hundred-man guard killed the nineteen individuals, only one person suffered serious injuries, four had minor external injuries, and the rest were unscathed. Yet, their entire bodies were splattered with crimson blood.

Lu Bu lifted the Seven-Star Sword, watching as the blood dripped down without leaving a trace on the blade. Lu Bu silently praised it as a genuine treasure.

Seeing the crimson blood and thinking about the Red Hare horse, as well as the phrase "Red Courage, Loyalty," Lu Bu loudly announced, "Your squad's name from now on will be the Red Guard. I hope you can show red courage and loyalty to protect your General. I, General Lu, will also treat you with red sincerity. Your treatment and future prospects will be the brightest and most promising in the entire army."