
Three Kingdoms: God-Level Choice System

Traveling back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Han Yu became the eldest son of Jizhou's Governor Han Fu. At this moment, the Warlords of the Eighteenth Route attacked Dong Zhuo. At the same time, the God-Level Choice Selection System is activated! * Please understand that my English is not excellent, I'm still learning and English is not my first language. * You can correct me if you see any mistakes * Any support and positive feedback would be appreciated and will encourage me to work harder. * Thank you for reading!

WonderingDeicide · Book&Literature
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101 Chs

Chapter 62

After the alliance was dissolved, Jizhou Governor Han Fu led his army back to Jizhou first.

As for Han Yu, Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Ju Shou, Yu Jin, Cai Wenji, Diao Chan, and the others, they along with a hundred cavalry guards, slowly marched towards Jizhou.

The prefecture and governor's house in Jizhou are in Wei County, Yecheng.

Yecheng was one of the famous big cities in the late Han Dynasty.

Even if it is not as good as Luoyang before it was burned, at least this location is among the top three cities.

Later on, Cao Cao was named the King of Wei, and he settled in Yecheng and founded the famous 'Hall of Civil Splendour' in Yecheng.

Yecheng wasn't far from Luoyang. This place can be reached from Luoyang through Dong'e County and across the Yellow River.

The crowd lined up all the way, and upon arriving at Dong'e County, Ju Shou said to Han Yu:

"Young Master wants to accomplish great things, so you naturally need talents around him. Shou has good friends who are currently in Dong'e County. If you are willing, I can introduce him to you."

Han Yu was ecstatic.

Ju Shou's talent was extraordinary, and it was definitely no ordinary person who could make Ju Shou recommend him.

During the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty, there were many talented people who were recommended by their friends.

For example, Cao Cao, Guo Jia, Xun You, and many other powerful talents depended on Xun Yu's recommendation.

Talents recommend each other, and talents from all over the world are naturally taken by Cao Cao.

Lu Su and Zhou Yu also recommended many talents for Sun Quan.

Because people like them have lots of friends and know lots of insightful people.

Ju Shou recommended talent to me, for which he already considered me as his master.

At this time Han Yu nodded and said, "Now, warlords like Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan are conspiring against me for Jizhou, and I, Han Yu, am not one to sit idly by.

I remember that I told Gongyu earlier that after the outcome of the court meeting was over, I would occupy the position of prefect of Changshan.

Once I was appointed as the prefect of Changshan, there would definitely be a shortage of talent around me. If I can get a recommendation or two, this will solve my urgent need."

Ju Shou replied: "Cheng Yu (Zhongde), a native of Dong'e County. This person is wise in military tactics, very brave, has great strategy, and is a rare talent in the world.

Previously, Qiao Mao, the prefect of Dong County, and Liu Dai, the prefect of Yanzhou, had invited him several times, but Cheng Yu refused to accept them, as he was still looking for the master he wanted. "

"Cheng Yu?"

Han Yu was taken aback.

This is a great talent!

In Han Yu's memory, Cheng Yu along with Xun Yu, Xun You, Guo Jia, and Jia Xu was known as the five great advisors under Cao Cao.

Han Yu didn't expect Ju Shou and Cheng Yu were friends, which was extremely rare.

After all, these two later, one helped Yuan Shao and the other helped Cao Cao, and the two of them competed against each other in the battle of Guandu.

If Ju Shou was a first-rate advisor, then Cheng Yu's talent should be above Ju Shou's.

Cheng Yu was very good at strategy, especially when it came to military forces and marching strategies.

Most notably, when Lü Bu attacked Yanzhou, Cheng Yu was able to protect the three cities, allowing Cao Cao to still have territory.

Otherwise, Cao Cao would not be able to gain supreme authorities in the late Han Dynasty.

During his lifetime, Cheng Yu made the greatest contribution to Yuan Shao's defeat of Cao Cao, his journey to Jingzhou in the south, and the securing of Ma Chao in the northwest.

Now the prefect of Dong, Qiao Mao, was killed by Liu Dai, the prefect of Yanzhou.

I believe that it won't take long for Cao Cao to enter the Eastern region, and Cheng Yu might become Cao Cao's subordinate by then.

For someone like Cao Cao, Han Yu would naturally take every opportunity he could find.

It was impossible to hand over someone as talented as Cheng Yu to Cao Cao.

Han Yu immediately said to Ju Shu: "I've heard of Chen Yu's name. It would be great if we could get help from him. Gongyu, how about we go together to show Yu's sincerity."


Ju Shou nodded.

Han Yu's thirst for talent, and his sincere demeanor made Ju Shou feel that Han Yu was about to achieve great things.

When Han Yu and Ju Shou arrived at Cheng Yu's house.

Han Yu was a bit surprised.

Seeing the age of Cheng Yu.

At this time, Cheng Yu was almost fifty years old.

This was something Han Yu had never thought about.

One of Cao Cao's five advisers, was almost fifty years old when the Warlords attacked Dong Zhuo.

I really didn't expect that Cheng Yu at this age could make such a big contribution to Cao Cao in the future.

I have to say that Cheng Yu's body is in very good condition.

After a brief surprise, Han Yu stepped forward and said, "Han Yu (Ziyu), come to see Master Zhongde."

"Young Master Han doesn't need to be so polite. In this war against Dong Zhuo, Young Master Han had risen to prominence in one fell swoop. Right now, I didn't expect that Young Master Han would be so young and look so promising!"

Cheng Yu looked at Han Yu and nodded.

Dong'e County is not far from Luoyang, naturally, Cheng Yu heard of Han Yu's achievements.

He is highly skilled in martial arts, meticulous and ambitious, along with Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, and other generals helping him.

A young hero.

From Cheng Yu's point of view, it was indeed a blessing for Han Fu, the Governor of Jizhou Han Fu, to have a son like this.

Previously, Cheng Yu felt that it would be difficult for Han Fu to defend Jizhou, but with Han Yu's presence, Cheng Yu's idea was slightly shaken.

If it wasn't for a young man like Han Yu who had a cowardly and incompetent father, Cheng Yu would have followed Han Yu straight away.

But Cheng Yu's heart is still not at ease.

Thank you for reading!