
Special Chapter1

I saw Yui in the dining table eating alone and seems worried, she was looking to nowhere and she seems really thinking hard. The boys were out with what they called boys day and night out, I lost count of years of my children but I am pretty sure that they are really fond of their baby brother. Although not so baby now because he was already in high school and my twin are already having a job, they both have different condo unit that they want the moment that they graduated from college. But sometimes just like today they were here, for Avel I know the reason why but for Yui, she just came home last night, she said she has trouble sleeping and she wanted to sleep with us. When I ask her, she said she was sleepy so I just let it go, and now I looked at her. She seems really bothered about something.

“Baby, what seems to be the problem?”- I ask her, I know she heard me but she continued to her breakfast

“Mom?”- she finally spoke after a few seconds of silent between us