

“Then, I’ll be seeing you in a year or so?”- Adelio ask, well. He accompanies us in the airport

“Just wait for the invitation, don’t go there without our consent, if you still want to live long”- Clay said and we just shake our head in disbelief

“Stop it Clay”- I said using my tone that can make him shut up

“Your taking his side.”- He murmur but I still heard him

“Take care. If you miss the kids, you can come and visit us. It will be fine”- I said to him and he just smiled

“Tito, we have something for you”- Yui said and handed him a small box

“Thank you, I appreciate it”- He said and kiss the twin in the head

“We are going now, we’ll be late”- I said to him and he just smiled to me

“Sometimes your beginnings will actually be endings that you’ll have to go through over and over again to, eventually realize it will never a ‘meant to be’ story.”- He read out loud so that I know that he read the note I gave him together with the kids presents.