
Three chronicles of a Death God

Beginning P: A simple human with a wish to live forever with the World he has created. World Saga Online, the game that many has regarded and lauded as the best piece of video game of the 24th century. A dynamic System, an interesting Multiplayer concept, and a booming number of talented Players to boot. It doesn't restrict the user in any way, and everything they want can be enacted inside their very own World, given that they have enough power to seize and realize it. Death is what he is, and he is the end that many has faced and fallen to. Now, this man seeks the happiness of his new, 'real' family. The family he has built, and one he can't afford to lose now that he has gained it. Beginning D: (Condition isn't met) Beginning N: (Condition isn't met) ************** Author's Note: Long chapters and with much details, so it might be a lot to read. I'll try to be as brief about the details as possible so that you won't have to spend dozens of minutes reading (or if you enjoy it then I'm glad) Thank you for reading this novel and for noticing this little author :)

DaoistQ6aRit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

Worthy of his presence (remade)

'What in the…'

The being that just fell before us. I couldn't discern his Stats with Wendy's help, and the only thing I could see was his ridiculous Health value.

{Reshval Von Kirlan, the Sea King} (WEAKENED)

The title explains why, but the Weakened part next to it speaks of something. His ragged appearance, and not to mention his sudden arrival was all too quick and out of left field.

'I think a battle took place before he's here.'

It's a hypothesis, but now's not the time. He approaches with slow steps, and his trident aimed at us. I'm at the forefront, acting as Tank for our team. Like usual, Lily will be our range damage dealer, and Genna can stay in the back with a few of her support healing Spells.

'When did she even… and those healing Spells of hers are very strange as well, the side effects…'

Said side effects include rage, slight mental disability and nausea afterwards. But the effects are immediate, or more like piled up. The pain of instantaneous regeneration is stored within the body, and when you become inactive for a few minutes then the pain will return and sometimes it's excruciating. It depends on how much you're hurt, but generally it's from a sting to a limb being cut off and then squeezed dry of blood.

"I am going forth! Focus Mind!"

And so, the sudden fight begins.


Reshval walks menacingly towards the group of children. He examines them, from their Aura to their Mana, he sees through all of their being and their eventual potential. His discerning eyes didn't go unnoticed, as Lily picked up on his examination and fired low tier Fire Spells as a distraction.


Even though it's aimed at his exposed face, the low tier Spells had low to zero chance of inflicting anything substantial to Reshval. He let them come, exploded, and scorched him. But, the result was nothing. Not even a burn mark was seen on the very handsome face of the Sea King. His Health didn't decrease either.

"Spare me your weakness. Show me, truly, that you're capable of standing before his presence."

"Who are you?! Who is this he?"

"...You don't know the name of the esteemed Absolute Death?"

The Sea King had a shocked face. But, that didn't stop his advance. No, he charged forward shortly after hearing that. His trident was aimed at the first one's neck. However, due to his nasty Debuffs, the trident misses by a few inches, and Manu dodge out of the way. The latter slashed in retaliation, but bounces off of the rusty armor like hitting a sturdy wall.



He turned his trident forward, sending the other half forward and the bottom tip was a sharpened spearhead. Seeing danger fast approaching, Genna gave support in the form of jumping the Sea King. It was a bold move, so bold that it made the Sea King surprised and stiffen for a moment.

Manu moved to the side, getting an angle to attempt penetrating through the rusty armor. From its exterior alone, most would see that it's subpar. Most from the New World that is.

It's an armor made from fallen Elder and Ancient Sea Creatures. Its durability might have reached a threshold where little protection can be offered, but that is when high level beings are concerned. Elves, much less children, wouldn't be able to do anything to his armor.

"Rather than doing that, why don't you aim somewhere that's exposed?"

Reshval recovered and grabbed the little girl. She couldn't do anything to retaliate, so she disengaged by kicking his face and propelling her away. Reshval lets her, since another threat is more imminent.

He swings his trident without much accuracy into it, and this was enough to make Manu pale and evade quickly.

"Hmph, coward."

He sets his eyes on a different target, a more logical target.

"You die first."

It was naturally Lily, their reliable damage source. When he pointed his trident at her, she was done preparing her Spell. A large Magic Eye appears before her, and then within her hand she throws a pouch through the Magic Eye.


When Reshval saw the projectile coming, he didn't put much thought into it. But, when he suddenly detected Sea Life within the pouch, he became alert.


A small, cephalopod creature with multiple tentacles stretched and attached itself to his face. Then, some kind of liquid was injected into his throat through two of its tentacles.

"Poison? Hmm…"

But, the Sea King didn't panic much.


"On it!"

Reshval was unsure of what they're attempting, but he shouldn't let them do it so leisurely. He's resistant to Poison, so long as it's not Poison from Legendary species then he'll be fine if it's only a gallon or two. He grabbed the little thing and tore it inward with his hand. Blood spilled out and the creature died shortly after.

"What a fragile creature. Did you hope… Huh."

In a short amount of time, three skeletons were given life. From the looks of it, they were Sea Ravagers, a humanoid hunter species that're a subspecies of Mers. They didn't have legs, so they're slithering on their tailbone like lamias.

"What… is this?"

It wasn't Necromancy. It's a derivative, of course, since the Ravagers aren't alive but they aren't of Death either. They were pure, more like puppets with a white string instead of a black one.

"Wild Magic: Core Transmutation! Attack!"

The skeletons immediately sprung to action, but they had no weapons.

"What, not even a weapon to spare for them?"

Reshval was insulted. Not just the fact that his own kin, his own people were now products of someone's Magecraft, they weren't even brought back by his beloved respectable father, and the fact that they charged at him with no weapons in hand.

"Creation: Mana Sword!"

But, his temper soon died down slightly as bright blue swords fell and was caught by the Ravagers. They charge at him, slithering through the ground at a fast pace, and slash at the disorientated Reshval.

He tried to block and counterattack, but the Debuffs were taking its toll on him. The extreme Nausea caused him his accuracy that he was proud of, the various Physical Debuffs caused him his fortitude and concentration, as the feeling of pain spread and poke at him with every movement, and not to mention the Mental Debuffs that caused him terrible migraines and headaches along with illusions.

"Urhk… I shouldn't, but I curse you for this, father."

Everyone has their limits, and Reshval has reached his. He was getting one-sidedly beaten by his kin, and along with Manu, managed to dent and disgrace the famous armor that he has been wearing for untold years. This builds up the silent rage that's been boiling in his mind, his annoyance grows knowing that these insignificant children manage to accomplish something like this.

"...Ku…Kuhahahaha, well done."

Finally snapped, Reshval unleashed whatever's left of his Skills and abilities. He commanded the sea to rise, but due to his crumbling mental stability, he couldn't effectively make use of his natural born ability. So, the water couldn't envelop and drown the whole island, but he still was able to command it to him nonetheless.

He is now enveloped in a thin membrane of water. Now, several natural Buffs will be applied to him and boost his diminished strength back to at least 20% of his normal strength.

"Shit… he's getting serious! Lily!"

"On it!"


Red Magic Eyes began to manifest and spread around. With some training, Lily was able to manipulate where the Eyes can go, and can hold their form until she releases them. However, if her focus were to dwindle, then the Eyes would naturally break and disappear.

"Aura Release."

Azure blue Aura was released, making the water membrane tougher and tighter.

"Kuh! Magic's gonna have a harder time! Stall him as long as possible, Manu!"


Reshval's Aura became a hindrance on how Lily could cast her Spells. The dense and thick Aura muddled the Magic Eye's connection to Lily, making them slower on the uptake.

Manu, following Lily's cue, stuck his blades into the ground and ran forward. He intends to take on the Sea King in melee combat, with a ranged option.

"Aura Creation, Flash Shot!"

He projects a bow made of yellow Aura, then with an arrow that's already notched, he releases it in a devastating close range explosion. The water was blown away, but it soon reformed out of nowhere.

"Spear Shot."

Reshval raises his trident and aims it at Manu who's incredibly close to him, almost touching the trident tips. Aura builds up and envelops the trident, signaling the Skill's activation. Right then and there, a mechanical voice could be heard by the two.

[Danger! Death imminent!]



Manu narrowly dodged the attack. Although he held it back, Reshval still released the Skill after a few millisecond delays. This incredibly small gap made it possible for the trained Manu to react to the warning and dodge in time.

"...Are you one of those Outworlders, child?"


"Focus Fire: Barrage Storm!"

Their sudden conversation was cut short though, as Lily was able to fully reconnect with the Magic Eyes. She activates them, launching a barrage of fireballs toward the target in the middle.

"Kuhhh… Water–!"

"Ultimate Skill: Excalibur Recreation!"

A famous mythical weapon, recreated with pure Mana. It was incredibly hard to manifest, taking a heavy toll on Manu's mind the first time he tried it.


A massive explosion of Pure Mana occurred the moment the sword made contact with Reshval. This dealt considerable damage, for a migraine in turn. It did its job which was stunning Reshval for a few seconds and let the barrage hit him in full.

"Daaaammmmnnnnnn yooouuuu!"

Even with all of that damage, which would've killed most General Shadows with low Health or lacking in Defense.

"Kuhh… haha… hahhh…"

Standing there, Reshval shows a smile, one of a victor so close to claiming it.

"You're empty, girl. Now, it's my turn."

"Dammit… he's too, tough. Kuack!"

Lily coughed up blood. Most of the Spells that she casted were tier-3 Fireball Spells and with dozens of them, her Mana drained almost instantly, making her receive a backlash from the intense Mana usage.

"Don't worry. I'll-"

"No, stand back, Genna."

Manu, still having a bit of fight left in him, stood tall against the challenge in front of him. But, knowing his true conditions, Wendy spoke against his stubbornness.

[Danger! Health is in critical condition!]

[I recommend you standing down from this one, Manu]

"Stand down, boy. You are in no condition to fight me, much less win."

"I don't give a fuck. I won't let another go down because of my weakness."


Reshval could see through the boy's tough exterior. He's hurt, he's afraid, he's breaking. The only thing keeping this frame together was the two girls behind him. He trained for this, he believed in his hard work, he wants to reaffirm his strength, that he's still a 'chosen one' that his father always tells him in his stories.

"Kuhuhuhu, alright. Then, let this be a show of skill. If I shall falter against your determination, then I shall give up. But if your determination is not strong enough, then your journey might as well be doomed with failure in the end."

With that, Reshval takes up his trident in both hands.

"King of the Sea: Last Stand."

A blood red Aura, shaped through countless battles and slaughters. This Aura was once meant to protect, but now that it's destroyed, nothing is left but a grieving King of the Sea, who stands at the bitter end.

"...Ultimate Skill: Bowmaster Form."

His third Ultimate, one that he inherited from his mentor. He taught this Ultimate in hopes that one day, it could reach its full potential. It's a rough outline, a sort of blueprint for Manu to get used to it, ease into it, and then fully master and change it.

His entire figure changed, now adorned with a set of yellow armor made of Aura, and in his left hand was a giant bow that didn't fit what's about to come. His face was now obscured by his helmet, so Reshval didn't get to see what kind of face the boy's making.

"...I reckon this is your first time using that Skill."


Manu didn't reply, so instead he drew his bowstring. The instant that he entered combat, his mind pumped into gears and made its first significant change. The massive longbow was made into a smaller shortbow, one that's very curved and ready for instant attacks.

Reshval charges forward, using the distance he has with his trident to poke at Manu. However, with the shortbow already aimed and locked onto Reshval, the latter unleashed a barrage of arrows before Reshval could get into appropriate distance.

Those arrows proved to be lethal, as they dented the armor with each impact, and they disappeared as soon as they made contact.

Reshval's membrane of water soon returns, and this made the battle tip a little bit, but the winner is still undecided.

"I am weakened, but give me your all, boy. I want your full strength, prevail, and survive!"

Reshval rushes forward, dancing wildly with his trident. The angles that the trident threatens Manu was innumerous, but the empowered Bowmaster skillfully dodges, ducks and jumps from each advancing strikes and swings.

Reshval observes every movement the Bowmaster makes, discerning the arrows that're shot with intent and those that're shot with instinct. This was the normal fighting experience most Players are used to, him discerning your every move and then slowly, but painfully, moving you to a corner where he will execute then you.

But for the Bowmaster, for the boy that has trained for all his youth, he could pick up on this motive. And so, he moved now with more intent, aimed with a target in mind, whether it be the empty air or Reshval's head. He knows because this was what his father had taught him. A battle is a conversation, and every move is like a word. With every move you say a word to your opponent, and if the opponent is smart, they will pick up on that.

The Bowmaster has grown, and is growing in real time using the knowledge he's been given from a young age. The experiences, the training, it all led up to this moment of truth, of crystallization, of profound transcendence.


But, that moment crashed down as it built up high. One thrust was all it takes, followed with a hard bash to the side of the head, then finished with a flurry of strikes from both ends of the trident. The Aura armor took hits after hits, slowly fading as the momentum that Manu had gained was lost in an instant, descending into a spiraling downfall of disappointment.


With a roar of disappointment, Reshval knocks the pitiful boy away with a roundhouse trident bash to the chest. The armor finally broke, and what's left is a boy who was still far too young for something like this.

"Too weak, too feeble, but driven, determined, and brave. I shall give you those comments, as my parting words of remembrance of you."

Reshval took his time to slowly walk towards the knocked out boy. Like how his father Death has done to numerous others. But, unlike his magnificent father, fear was something he didn't inflict with his presence.


Standing in his way, a girl with a fiery gaze that lust for blood. She looked at him with such an intense, passionate gaze, that it sent shivers of excitement down his back.

"You're stronger… are you going to take his place?"


And with that, the two disappeared, only to then reappear with a trident and a fist colliding with each other. A wave of air was blasted outward, but a barrier of Mana was made to shield the wounded Manu. Lily has sufficiently recovered from her injuries, and is now on the support side as Genna unleashes her full strength.

A raw, unrestrained strength of a beast, unfitting for an Elf in her time, but was prevalent within the Old Blood era. Her strength shook the trident, showing that she was a match in strength to the weakened Reshval.

The two disappear and reappear several times, and with each reappearance, a shockwave was created. Like fireworks booming loudly, their fight was something to see to believe, Players and NPCs alike. The Sea King, one of three challenging Bosses, was being matched in strength and speed by an NPC who's still only teenage years in Elf time.

The tides truly turned when the two began to focus on pure offense, ignoring each other's jabs and just going full on each other. With every punch, a piece of the old armor breaks, with every bash, muscles and bone tear and break. Their limits were different, but this limit could be overcomed with the strength of friendship.

"Healing Grace!"

A tier 4 Spell that heals based on Max HP. The torn, broken body of Genna was restored to its original state but after a few more bashes and strikes, it was back to where it was. This cycle of pain repeated, but slowly Genna was the one who's winning. She was pushing the Sea King to his limit, both physically and mentally.

The massive Debuffs, they last until their target is either dead or dispelled by a Miracle. And the only one who could dispel such an Ultimate Skill was the one and only Saint of Light, Sarah Goldheart.


Sensing his limits, he broke out into laughter as he delivered what's left of his entire being. He was gonna die, and he accepted such an ending. Pushed to the absolute limit, and now he finally got to experience what he was unable to. Death.


A punch straight through the left abdomen. Then, with violent brutalizing force, rips it out sideways. This massive wound reduced the Boss close to death. He bends one knee, caving in to the injury and breathing heavily. He was close, he could almost feel it.


Determined to finish what she started, Genna aimed her next punch through the head. But, her strike was blocked, no, it came to a stop for those who were watching. Suddenly, the girl jumped back to where the other two were.

"Genna?! Why did you stop!"

"H-He's there!"

From the shadows above, pure darkness coalesces into a form. A skeleton, with an absurd height that was even taller than the Sea King's 1m98 stature. Its empty eye sockets dug into whoever looks into them, and the terrible chills running down their backs were intense, not to mention the shivers.

"Well done, challengers."

With those words, the skeleton crosses its arms around the Sea King, then both disappear into a black smoke. It was quick, and left a deep impression on the two conscious Elves.

"...Was that…"

"...Yes, that is, undoubtedly, the one that's called Absolute Death."

The two could notice it instantly. And the brief image of the encounter was printed deeply into their mind, both conscious and subconscious.


"Look who came back after a long time, Charlotte."

"Oh? You shouldn't have, honey. It's my duty, so it should be me who comes to fetch them."

"It's nothing, really. I was bored, and besides, they'll need a clue to who they will face off against in the end."

"Fufu, you and your eccentric theatrics."

Charlotte and her husband, Death, chatted to each other after so long. She thought this might be a dream, one that she would wake up from at any time like in the past, but no. She just happily smiled, as she could discern this from simple fantasy.

"I kept him from meeting me personally, to make it easier for you, dear."

"Aww, how thoughtful of you."

In truth, even if they die, their Souls will come to him automatically. Their body will be secured by Charlotte, even if there's bits of scrap meat left of them, and can be recreated by Charlotte using Blood Miracles.

"He's injured quite badly…"

"You know how he is, always to the bitter end."

"Yes… always."

Charlotte knows Reshval's tendencies very well. He was one of the frequent visitors back when the invasions were at its highest. Fortunately he wasn't injured near death, but wouldn't stay very long with her for some rest either. In Charlotte's mind, she felt like he had a responsibility that burdened his shoulders.

"Anyways, it'll be done quickly so hold him still."

Charlotte, still in her petite form, used one of her sharp nails to cut a line across her right palm. Crimson blood soon flows from the wound, and it floats towards the injured Reshval. It envelops the massive opening that is his abdomen, with spilled guts and a very hollow inside, and begins to reform and heal the injury.

The blood moves the organs back inside, then slowly patches up the hole and hardens like cement. This was the Miracle, Immortal Blood, a famous Blood Miracle that only very specialized Vampires of Level 1000 and above can obtain.

"Done. He should wake up after his body stabilizes. In the meantime, put him down."

Death sets the Sea King down to the pitch black ground. Soon, the surroundings began to shift to an aquatic setting, with the atmosphere mimicking that of the sea as well. This was to help with the physical rehabilitation.

Since the two are Undead, one a Vampire that doesn't need to pump her heart, and the other nothing but bones, they could stay under this pressure devoid of oxygen indefinitely.


After a few more seconds of silence, the Sea King opened his eyes to the surroundings. He inhaled what seemed to be salty seawater, but there was no taste on his tongue nor any sensation leaving through his gills.


"Welcome back, my dear Reshval. Are you well? Any aching?"

"...No, nothing is– Father?!"

He took a few more seconds to notice the skeleton that's staring at the side. He immediately tried to stand up, but his newly healed wounds were very sore and uncomfortable as he moved.

"It is fine, Reshval. Rest, that is an order."


After failing to prostrate himself, he sat cross-legged back down with a defeated look now on his face.

"Darling, don't order someone like that, much less someone that just healed."

"It's the only way he'd listen, apologies, Charlotte."


He didn't say much, but that one word was enough to convey what he was feeling. Loneliness, despair, and fear. Death could detect those fluctuating feelings from Reshval's Soul.

"Reshval, report."

"Understood… Our home was under siege for a long time, it was fierce, and it was an elaborate scheme concocted by various Races that held a grudge against the esteemed Absolute Death. I have tried my best to fend off the invaders from my floor, but I failed in that task and most of my people are now dead, reduced to mere savages, or scattered across the floor as cults worshiping you and I. That concludes what I know of."


Death didn't speak, and looked at Reshval with his empty sockets. Reshval, nervous and uncertain of his fate, decides to speed up his predicament.

"If the esteemed Absolute Death is unsatisfied by this pitiful Sea King's performance, then any punishment is suitable. I will not wish for mercy, nor will I harbor hatred."

"No, Sea King. Guardian of the second Floor, you have done your job well enough, and you being here is a testament to how strong you've been. I am moved, really. So it will not be a punishment that you will receive, but my support."

The skeleton approaches the defeated Sea King. He crouches down, and raises the Sea King's chin up with his hand.

"You have done well, Guardian. Rest is the first thing you should do, it's safe now. I am here, and I will not leave again. I swear on my name."

"My God… yes, I shall take your word for it."

Reshval accepted with a wry smile. Death stood up, and turned to Charlotte.

"I'm leaving for a while longer, dear."

"Of course you are, don't worry and do whatever you desire, darling."

"Thank you for your understanding, I promise I'll repay your kindness in the end."

"Then don't make me wait a second longer. Go, dear husband."

With that, Absolute Death leaves once more.


"You defeated the Sea King… hmm, I see."

In a golden leaves forest, three elves were sitting in front of a Shadow who's contemplating the details he just heard.

Robin Hood's existence was revealed to the other two elves. Manu decided that it was the natural next step, for some strange reason. That was what he told the two, and to Robin Hood as well, but the truth is much simpler but complicated than that.

{Makings of a Legend}

[Quest Type: Linked]

Quest Detail: Your ambition is big and vast, but not boundless. Meet Absolute Death, the one who will guide you to your ultimatum.

Quest Objective: Meet with Robin Hood and introduce your friends

[Quest Completion Reward: ????]

[Quest Failure Condition: Death]

"Well, then I guess you're worthy now. Since you defeated the Sea King, even though I think he's weakened, one more against me won't be anything, right?"

"Uh? Wait, what?" Lily said with a confused expression from the sudden shift in the conversation.

"Uhm, Manu, what-"

''Don't worry guys, he won't kill." Manu said to the other two who are worried.

"At most, you'll draw your final breath yourself. Don't worry, if there is anyone dying, then that won't be my fault." Robin Hood further explains with a wide smile.

Robin Hood manifests a longbow into his grasp.

"I'll have to say something first though. Manu, my student, these past few days that I've been teaching you were good and fun. I'll call you one of my friends even. But, friendship and what I'm about to do are two separate things. I hope you'll understand that."

Without further dialogue, Robin Hood began his assault.

Manu reacted immediately and unsheathed his shortsword. He blocked three incoming projectiles aimed at Lily's head, torso and throat.

"Woah! Didn't even wait or do a countdown?!" Manu said with an infuriated voice, but his smile wasn't in line with it.

"Why do I have to do a countdown, you already know my ways, so you were able to block those!" Robin Hood said, still with a smile under his hood.

"Manu! What're we going to do!" Lily shouted while preparing her staff.

"Battle! Kill him, even." Manu said quickly without leaving Robin Hood out of his eyesight.

"How harsh, but yes! Kill me, my student!" Robin Hood welcomed it.

The two elf girls were caught off guard by this sudden battle, but due to their experience with daily battles and sometimes ambushes they adjusted quickly.

"I'll keep him in check!" Manu said in a hurry as he gave chase, sheathing his sword and changing to an Aura Bow.

Manu went after the Shadow with his bow drawn and aimed at his back. But then, the target disappears from sight. Manu still takes the shot, but it doesn't land of course.

'Shit, he disappeared.' Manu thought bitterly.

Manu opted to return into defense position with the others.

Robin Hood, a Shadow General, is a master tactician and specializes in guerilla warfare. He stalks, he observes, and when you are unaware, he strikes. He plans and schemes with traps and mechanisms. He is a Shadow best suited for medium to small scale skirmishes, but can also shine in large scale wars if he's prepared enough, and the terrain is his home, the forest.

"Lily, got any tracking or Spells that can dispel invisibility?"

"No, but I can formulate something with that capability. But it'll take some time."

"Then I'll buy you some time. Genna, you and I are going to protect Lily. No need for healing support.''

"Got it."

The three were working quickly and efficiently. Then, out of nowhere several arrows are shot at them from different angles.

"Be on the lookout for a ticking sound!"

Manu and Genna moved to block the projectiles aimed at Lily. The latter had shivers down her back, and grew more tense as the seconds went by.

Silence dawn on the team, with nothing really happening after the first random barrage. This situation was straining the group's mind, especially Manu.

"Done! Launching Spell now!"

Spinning between Lily's hands was a Magic Eye of varying colors from red, green, blue and yellow. Upon casting, Lily releases her hands and a burst of Mana was produced. But, something unexpected happened.

"It's… right in front of me?"


Manu reacted immediately, but due to Lily's words being dumbfounded, he was too late.


Out of nowhere, Robin Hood seems to just reappear again in their midst and kick Manu away from approaching. He then grabs Lily by the neck, manifesting a knife into his left hand, but is stopped by Genna aiming a kick to the side of his head. He ducked while grabbing Lily, and was so close to stabbing her in the guts. But Manu came to the rescue by throwing his shortsword.

The sword knocked the knife from his hand, then Manu went in with a straight kick at Robin Hood's side. This sent him flying away, and then he disappeared again.

Lily coughed vehemently as she was released, but she didn't stop her hands from casting the Wild Magic another time.

"How very foolish."

As the Spell was casted again, Robin Hood suddenly appeared before Lily like last time. He quickly punched her in the stomach, then disappeared again.

"Try again."

Robin Hood was nowhere to be seen, and Lily was in no condition to continue casting the Spells again. They were in a tight spot, with no viable moves to make that wouldn't result in immediate backlash.

"You have no way of dealing with basic Stealth? What a shame, cause it'll mean your chances of survival in the next trial will be significantly slimmer. I advise you to go back for now, I'll permit it."

With a way out given, Manu and Genna look at each other for a bit, before getting Lily up and leaving.

"I stand before your progress. Beat, and kill me, so that you may prove just a tiny bit more, that you'll be able to stand before him without fear."

Defeat is often detrimental to one's progress. But if one learns and improves from that defeat, then one can grasp the key to success in the broad future to come. Today's disgrace can be wiped clean if one's life is intact.


Game Trivia:

-The Sea King, Guardian of the second Floor, is often regarded as one of three hardest Bosses to beat throughout the entire Dungeon raid. He's filled with unique dialogues that reference previous worthy encounters, as well as an assortment of Skills that have combo effects. Linking Skills isn't too hard for him, but it's not his forte. He's all about technicality, movement, basic strikes, attacks, stances, so on and so forth. In a way, he mimics the Black Castle's Ruler, Saulian, in mechanics, only in a much higher realm of difficulty.

-The second fourth floor's Guardian, the Monster King, who is more leaned towards Skill spamming. She times her strikes with Skill activations, with wide area attacks, sweeps, cleaves, and the likes. She also has command over the regional Beasts, special monsters that she regards as her familiars, pets, and companions. From canine to amphibians, land, air and sea, her collection of beastly companions ranges from a large number of species from an array of habitats.

-The third is the eighth floor's Guardian, the Apex Dragon, who is a Martial Artist. Taking inspiration from his former 'friend', Death has captured and nurtured a Dragonkin, a unique hybrid between humanoid and dragonoid, a word to describe scaly creatures with wings, big teeths, and claws. He is also proud of his expertise in weaponry, as he'd mastered many and could be called as a Grandmaster of Arms. He displays the weapons of players who have given him a good fight, and sometimes even uses them in the fight or says some dialogue about them.