
Three chronicles of a Death God

Beginning P: A simple human with a wish to live forever with the World he has created. World Saga Online, the game that many has regarded and lauded as the best piece of video game of the 24th century. A dynamic System, an interesting Multiplayer concept, and a booming number of talented Players to boot. It doesn't restrict the user in any way, and everything they want can be enacted inside their very own World, given that they have enough power to seize and realize it. Death is what he is, and he is the end that many has faced and fallen to. Now, this man seeks the happiness of his new, 'real' family. The family he has built, and one he can't afford to lose now that he has gained it. Beginning D: (Condition isn't met) Beginning N: (Condition isn't met) ************** Author's Note: Long chapters and with much details, so it might be a lot to read. I'll try to be as brief about the details as possible so that you won't have to spend dozens of minutes reading (or if you enjoy it then I'm glad) Thank you for reading this novel and for noticing this little author :)

DaoistQ6aRit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

World Declaration (pt.1)

It has finally come, the promised day. The beginning of Humanity's yearly Conquest.

'That day has come…'

It was another week, with not much of anything happening that's too drastic. I kept tabs on everyone's whereabouts and what they do daily. From the insignificant elves in the kingdom of theirs, the Challengers, Erik, my Heroic Pawn, and also the Quest one, that elf that came the latest.

'She's surprisingly… smart?'

She was challenging every Training Room, something that's very common for the Players who went through my place to do.

'At the end of the challenge, if she manages to beat it, she'll be rewarded with the Free Ticket.'

I designed an Item for the convenience of that, if you want a floor that's beneficial for you then this is it. And to get that Item, the Free Ticket, you must beat my Necromancer Build with the Level of 6000 exactly.

'And that's also the amount of Levels I spent on my Necromancer Build as well.'

Difficulty wise, it's very easy really. Survive with a specific time set for you or your team if you're in one. Time varies based on Level and also how many times you've come close to beating it.

'Hit and Run, Attrition, or just plain Cowardice can give you the win. It's just that you need to be the absolute best of any one of those things.'

I look toward the Wall. It reminded me of that one wall back on Earth. The Wall of Salvation, Beijing's Wall. That place was like paradise from what I've heard. Breathable air, a clean atmosphere, healthy and not dead people.

'But such a place… is there really no more space?'

Outsiders are prohibited from entering. One gets in sight, boom, dead by gunshot from turrets.

'...Whatever, shouldn't dwell on the past anymore. This is the present, and this day will decide my future. Let's make it count.'

The first assault will be from the Alicurt Fort. They'll send out a group to disturb the elves and then the whole Fort will commence action. Everyone who isn't part of the Conquest will get to stay, but the place will be ruled under the jurisdiction of the Fort's Ruler.

'Let's see how they like what I've prepared for them.'

I gaze through the eyes of my Doomsday Messenger.

'My Creator.'

'Greetings, his status?'

'He's active… too active, to be precise.'

Through its eyes, I can see a monkey man wearing traditional chinese-like robes swinging around a bo staff that's coated and detailed with black gold at two ends. A laugh comes out of his mouth every two seconds as he makes acrobatic stunts and tricks. But, for outsiders it may look strange, for me and anyone who's observant enough, all those stunts and tricks are dangerous enough to kill someone.

The wind breaks apart with every swing. The trees nearby had scratch and scuff marks on them even though he hasn't swung directly into some of them yet. And for those that he did, they broke and fell easily like twigs.

"Uwahahahahaha! Such a long time I haven't been out, this sure is fun once in a while!''

The monkey man was none other than the infamous mythical fighter and Semi-World Boss, Sun Wukong. He was the Secret Boss that I stumbled upon when I went to conquer the Chinese World in WSO. It was a long, long, looong journey. So long that others have also joined in on the World.

And the sole reason for that is because it's so tedious. So tedious to the point that there's a pig that's missing and you happen to stumble upon that person who's looking for that pig, they can either be mortal or a Fairy, and when it's a Fairy they might resent your guts when you decline their Quest. It was so stupid, tedious for the third time, and just plain boring and a drag after a long time.

'But… hard work pays off soon enough.'

I defeated and claimed the stuff for the World Boss by myself before any of the High Rankers could butt in, only leaving some Consumables back just out of slight pity.


I gained a valuable insurance card and also Sun Wukong, the Demon King. I distributed the Items that I didn't need to my Stage Guardians and to my World's inhabitants as well. Erik also produced some noteworthy Items from the materials I gathered in that World too, Demon Bull King Helm, the Sea Dragon King set that has a sword and shield pair and a spear, Blood Demon's Cursed Blade, and the Lightning Apparition Boots.

'I keep the last one just for safety.'

Anyway, Sun Wukong was having a blast exercising outside after a long time. A wide smile that reveals his fangs was seen, quite dashing to be honest.

"Sun, that should be enough. Conserve your energy, there'll be more action for you than just some trees.''

"Yeah yeah! Just having a thrill is all!''

It seems like my voice annoyed him or something, as he smashes a tree into oblivion with just one swing. And it didn't just end there, the shockwave spread in a cone outward to the other trees and also destroyed them in the process.

"So… when's the time?"

"About… a few more minutes. I'll tell you in advance when they're making noticeable moves."

"Damn, alright then. I'll just play for a little longer."

"Make sure to not destroy too many trees. I don't want to have to bother Safirah about regrowing your damages from the elves."

"Sure sure, I'll refrain.''

"Make it a stop.''

All that's said and done, time to wait and see. How will the offense of Humanity hold up against the strongest flexible fighter?

'Let the show begin.'


Fort Alicurt's gate opens, and from it a small group of mercenaries quickly sprints out. They cross the plains and then arrive at the forest's edge.

''Alright, everyone, got everything you need?"


Everyone in the group shouted in unison. And then the one that looked like he was the leader, since he got a red scarf over his neck, raised his hand up and then pointed forward.

"Do as much damage as possible. If you see an elf, capture one, if there's more than one, flee immediately."


The group is called Red Fang, an assassin composed group with their own traditional weapon of a red blade dagger. They specialize in capture, infiltration, and the standard assassination. They're paid separately by one of Fort Alicurt's upper ranks to go in first as scouts, but really is to try and see if they could capture back an elf for some more hefty money.

They ran through the forest ground, hop from tree branches, and all the while having a torch in their hand. They burn the trees, set the entire forest ablaze. Their minds soon expected the elves to come, and sure enough, they sensed movements coming from within the forest.


The Red Fangs armed themselves and hid, waiting in an ambush position. But, their expectation was broken as it wasn't elves that came.

'What are… those?'

Dark skin humanoids with wings on their backs. Their eyes gleamed a golden color, a dark black tail protruding from the end of their spine, and their hands which have sharp claws hang down as they fly.

"Fire! Fire!"

Their voices were irritating, demonic, and sounded like someone was scratching a blackboard with a fork. They came in a pack of five, swarming and consuming the flames by sucking them in.

'They're eating the fire?!'

One of the Red Fangs saw this and jumped out to intercept. None intervened since what the demons were doing was causing harm for their operation.

"Ohoho, damn little rats, setting fire is dangerous, no?"

But then, out of nowhere, another entity appeared.


The Red Fang member that was about to assassinate one of the flying demons was knocked down from the air instead. What caused it was unknown, as they couldn't see the attack.

'What happened?!'

The Red Fangs were on alert. Their eyes strained themselves to look for the attacker while ignoring the flame eating demons.

"Looking for me?"

Finally, after the fire had been extinguished completely, or more like eaten completely, the attacker appeared in the middle of their entire team.


"C'mon now, don't be chickens!"

He swung his bo staff at an absurd speed that the trained eyes of assassins can't even see. His movement was also a blur, arriving at the nearest one with a fatal strike aimed at the stomach.


The victim's eyes widened to the point that they might pop out from their sockets. Blood splattered from his mouth soon after as the guy flung through the air. He hits the tree, breaking his momentum and causing extra tremendous damage.


One of the Red Fangs got out from hiding and shouted the victim's name. However, he didn't move. He was dead from one swing.

"Well, that's a swing. Too bad I can't go much further or else he might explode."

"Why you!!! Die!"

The Red Fangs all come out simultaneously. Some went for the backstab while some aimed at vitals in the front and sides.

"Kukuku, that's more like it!"

But, this was just child's play to him. He accurately wields his bo staff and pokes at the daggers in the Red Fangs' hands. The blades all broke in under a second, all of them, into small pieces. The Red Fangs didn't even register that into their brains, showing just how quickly they broke.

Then, he plants his bo staff onto the ground.

"See ya!"

The bo staff then expanded in height, with him moving upward. The strikes missed, but luckily no one was hurt as the blades were all broken.



"Where did he go?!"

Shocked gasps and exclamations filled the air as they quickly looked up. Then, he came back down by the bo staff shrinking back to its normal size.



The Red Fangs all looked in disbelief. Hearing nothing, the guy scratches his hairy neck with a wry smile.

"Well, this is something. Anyway, see ya!"

With swift and deadly precision, holes formed in the chest of each Red Fangs where the heart is. Blood flowed from their chest hole as well as from the corners of their mouths.

"Ahhh, such a boring ordeal…''

One survives, though. He looked as his comrades in arms, his brothers, sisters, all fell down to the ground lifeless. It was surreal, horrid, dreadful, and above all else, frightening.


And in the absolution that is Death, everything will feel fear, and run with their Life. And running, that's the one thing the monster allowed his one prey to do.

"Say hello to whoever's in charge for me, alright!"

The monster waves its staff in the air with a smile. It would be a peculiar scene, but with the corpses it didn't look so peculiar anymore.

"...Is that all? Seriously?!"

"Well, that was just scouts, Monarch Sun… probably."

A dark figure draped and cloaked in black appeared out of thin air, underneath the shade of the trees.

"Probably?! Damn, if every battle is gonna be like this then I'm out!"

"Monarch Sun, please, don't bother the creator anymore. For my sake if you're really a saint."

"I don't care about you, you're nothing more than like my own clones, only inferior."


The head of the figure shakes, and it disappears into the darkness again.

"Stupid shit."

Sun Wukong, with a Sage in his titles one would think he's civilized and knows well. But he can't even insult solidly enough.

Anyway, Sun looks at the distance where his prey ran to. A frown was on his face, unhappy about the extremely poor result.


It was that same day's morning, a boy woke up from another dream of his past. He's been getting these for about a week now, sadness, happiness, deaths, remorse, regret, guilt, he was feeling torrents of emotions every night and it's worse each night.


But, Farnim doesn't seem to care much about it. He let out a defeated sigh, as his eyes opened to the slightly decrepit room he's in.


He's sleeping on the floor right now, instead of the bed. And reason being, his captive is sleeping there.

"...So, today's the day.''

A week ago, he saved and then took captive a woman that's been beaten in the alleyways. The thugs were defeated, and he fled. But, a day later he was met with hired fists within the Ring of Glory, his workplace now it seems. They inquired about their 'stolen goods' and demanded him to hand 'it' over. That didn't slide, and so were their beatings.

'She can't be here, otherwise she'll be captured again.'

The woman was an orphan from young, although surprisingly bright and beautiful, she's a weak fighter that can't even muster up sufficient strength to defeat a low rank fighter in the Ring of Glory. He made her a proposal that, if she stays here he won't defend her as he has prior commitments he can't avoid, or follow him into his care. He promises to protect her, even putting his life on the line if necessary.

'I'll have to protect her… this time for sure.'

He remembered her, through the many dreadful dreams there were times of respite, and times of happiness and peace. Dreams of a fair lady, of fantastical adventures, and of family. His beautiful, perfect family. A loving wife, a beautiful daughter, and himself as King. A dream never meant to be, never came to fruition, never seen by his own eyes but only through his mind.


The red haired woman, fair and beautiful, was a comrade by his side back in the old World. Advisor, but also a terrific fighter with the sword and shield. He wonders why she's here, why he's here even.

'I remember black, and then awaken in a snow-filled land.'

But anyway, he shook his head to dispel himself of those dreadful unnecessary thoughts first thing in the morning. He stood up and looked over to his bed, where the fair lady was resting peacefully.

'She's still beautiful, even back then.'

A childhood friend, one might describe their relationship back in the old World. She was the first one to recognize him and his talents. She swore to follow him, and during that, fleeting feelings blossomed but never reciprocated. He doesn't know, of course.

'I must protect her in this life, I swear.'

To his past self, and himself. A nod came from him along with a smile.

'Let's do our best!'

This day was the day his Contractor mentioned. He's needed here, apparently.


"I'm telling the truth! There was a weird monkey Demi-human monster that slaughtered my entire group without even sweating! He's too fast, too strong too-"

"Snap back, Chris! What are you even saying!?"

In one of the high ranking official's rooms, a surviving coward was fretting and panting about his harrowing experience. He shouted, and he was silenced when his boss shouted his name in return. All of his hairs are on a standstill, goosebumps all over his body. His eyes were very dilated, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Now tell me the full story. You were out there, where are the others?"

"A Demi-human, a monkey, he just suddenly came in when we were setting up an ambush for the incoming elves. But then, these demon-looking humanoids came flying out and sucking the flames into their mouths. One of us, Dilan, tried to kill one but was struck down the moment he reached out his dagger. It was a terrifying speed! W-We, none of us knew what happened, and what happened was so sudden that, that…"

Chris was now at a loss of words, he seemed to be losing too much air while breathing out that whole essay of sentences. He collapsed on the floor, breathing shallow, mind hazy. He seems to be on the verge of dying from running out of breath so suddenly, but the man sitting behind the expensive wooden desk doesn't seem to care about his condition.

"Chris, I don't have all day, speak or get out and die somewhere else."

"Huff, hahhh… that monster will kill everyone. Don't do it, don't send anyone out this year."

"...Alright, that's enough, you may leave now, Chris. Here's the money I promised, though it's been deducted."


A bag of coins was thrown to him, but he didn't catch it and just let the money hit his empty head. He stood up, and didn't even bother grabbing the money.

"I've warned you…''

The door opened and closed the next moment.

"Hmph, a fool."

The upper ranking official scoffed, and resumed doing what he was doing before Chris arrived.

'What an utter joke.'


"ARCEUS, what is this?''

In front of me, a screen appeared. It was a prompt from ARCEUS, the A.I that's implanted with me on this journey of mine. It rarely speaks, just producing beeping noises from time to time inside my head from the very beginning to now.

[ARCEUS: Status normalized]

[ARCEUS: Connection stabilized]

[ARCEUS: Updated Constellation System]

[ARCEUS: Input completed]

It changed and the last prompt stayed there for a second. I then feel some kind of string pulling on me, from inside me to be exact.

"ARCEUS? What is this?"

[This is my gift to you, to everyone who's under my domain. The Constellation System, an invisible machine built and programmed for inter-dimensional transportation and communication through Worlds. I have already made and programmed you along with others into the Constellation System's database. Do you want to open it?]


I had nothing else better to do, so I continue on with this sudden out of the blue event. The screen shifted and a brand new interface was now in front of me.

{Constellation ID}

[Constellation Modifier: Absolute Death]

[Alias Modifiers: Black Conqueror, Necromantic Devil, Final Judgement]

[Constellation True Name: Saurosh Koravek Solomon]

[Constellation Funds: 103,756,334,282,449 G]

[Constellation Authority: Basic]

A prompt named Constellation ID appears before me, listing a series of things. Next, an option interface.

[Constellation Shop]

[Local Constellation Group Chat]

[Constellation Ranking]

[Constellation Services]

Four options, and I click on the first one. Inside, it was like the Global Trading System back in World Saga Online, a virtual market place filled with Items, Skillbooks, and Spellbooks for sale from other Worlds I think. And from the looks of it, there seems to be alien-like Items too. Then, there's the new feature I reckon is the Clan Chat. The World Ranking, which is now fixed to only count a Constellation's power, I think. And some kind of service-providing system.

[Do you want to use your Modifier as your Nameplate?]


[Constellation Ranking updated]

[You can now view the Constellation Ranking]


The first spot wasn't all that surprising.

[#1 Absolute Death]

[#2 Unbound Chaos]

[#3 Exotic Shopkeeper]

[#4 Saintess Light]

[#5 Purging Flame of the Morningstar]

[#6 Mana Star]

[#7 Heavenly Mountain Pillar]

[#8 Pale King]

[#9 Golden Legion Empress]

[#10 Malicious Shogun with a Twisted Personality]

I took a look at the top 10 people, and some were very familiar with their Modifiers.

'Fourth is definitely her… so are the fifth, seventh, ninth, and tenth maybe. Mana Star could be… Merlin? Unbound Chaos, Exotic Shopkeeper, Heavenly Mountain Pillar, and Pale King… those are new?'

There is of course more, but I don't usually go anymore than the top 10. I just don't have anything to do with the lower ranks, as they're much more like practice dummies against me than real opponents in my perspective.

'Now… the group chat thing.'

Like a grandpa, I open the new tech with a kind of nonchalant expression but excited inwardly. That's probably only to me personally.

[Constellation Group Chat opened]

[Would you want to use your Modifier as your Nameplate?]


[What would your Group Chat Nameplate be?]


A typing prompt appears along with a virtual keyboard. I input my old Forum Dweller nickname that nobody ever found out it was me.

[Is SweatyV69 your Group Chat Nameplate?]

''...Actually, cancel."

Now that this isn't virtual and real life, and me being a God, I think I should use a more appropriate name to call myself. My face felt brighter and hotter than usual, but I sway those thoughts away for now.

[Is Sorakuro your Group Chat Nameplate?]


[Welcome Sorakuro to the Constellation Group Chat]

[Please refrain from slandering, verbal abuse, death threats, and negative comments when you're in the Public Constellation Group Chat]

[Have fun chatting!]

With that, the interface changes to a list. In it, there's already some existing group chats.

[Middle Continent Rules!!!]

[Shuna Qin King]

[Northern Frost Stars]

[The Arharan Dynasty]

Out of them, one of which changed after I looked a second time.

[Fael's Glorious Land]

[Shuna Qin King Dynasty]

[Northern Frost Stars]

[The Arharan Order]

'Who named that…?'

The names of the Group Chats, except for one, was by the Pantheon's names. While one was different.

'Let's try to go into the Fael's group chat.'

I didn't think much and clicked to enter Fael's group chat. But, a problem arises quickly.

[Group Code:____]

'A group code? Like a password?'

I don't know what this Group Code is, so I enter a random prompt. It glowed red and erase the prompt immediately after I pressed Enter.

'Hmm… so, you can't go in willy nilly?'

This bums me out, since I thought I could've gotten something good by listening on, or rather in this case reading on, what they're doing. But, this is life and it doesn't do everything pretty.


I glanced down, and saw an interesting option that made me raise my eyebrow.

[Create Constellation Group Chat]

'If I can't join them, I might as well become larger than them.'

I click on it and a prompt appears. It was like a registration form. I filled it in with careful thinking, kind of.

[Group Chat Name: New World]

[Group Chat Security Setting: Public]

[Group Chat Introduction: Welcome for all to come and chat]

[Group Chat Toxicity Filter: Off]

[Group Chat's Member Warning: None]

'Alright, that should be good.'

It was a free place, just like how I would've wanted my own Group Chat to be if I was still in WSO. I pressed enter and the Group Chat was made almost instantaneously.

[Group Chat added to the Local List]

[You are the Group Chat's Admin, you can appoint other people from your Group Chat to become Admins as well as revoke their Admin powers]

[Fael's Glorious Land]

[Shuna Qin King Dynasty]

[Northern Frost Stars]

[The Arharan Order]

[New World]

'Now, let's wait for…'

[Aqua_KingFish has joined the Group Chat]

[MillionSword9999 has joined the Group Chat]

[WarXPeace has joined the Group Chat]

[Elven_Queen has joined the Group Chat]

[Cursedman has joined the Group Chat]

Instantly as the Group Chat was opened, five people joined.

[MillionSword9999: Where Admin?]

[WarXPeace: Hello hello?]

[Cursedman: &&%*@]

Three notifications appeared above, and slowly vanished. I clicked on one before they completely disappeared and it took me to the Group Chat interface.

[Sorakuro: This is Admin, how can I help you?]

[MillionSword9999: This a public? You wanna die? How about we battle to the death and see who wins? The victor gets this Group chat as reward?]

[WarXPeace: Woah woah, this group chat just formed sir or ma'am]

[MillionSword9999: So what? He got the nerves to make this a public, it's only natural]


[Sorakuro: There'll be no fights. And if we did, I won't be the one doing the battling kekek]

[MillionSword9999: Oh, is that so? Then why don't we fight, coward! I'm from Shuna Qin King, let's meet up in the East so I can beat your girly ass!]

[WarXPeace: Stop escalating the tension, and you should also stop threatening others, Transcendent]

'WarXPeace, quite a name.'

[Sorakuro: Everyone, let's introduce each other one by one. How about that?]

[MillionSword9999: Fight first, talk later! If you even have a mouth to talk that is!]

[WarXPeace: I'm from Fael]

[Elven_Queen: Fael]

[Cursedman: St…ar…s]

'...Where's the other one?'

There's six counting me present, and the one missing was Aqua_KingFish, whoever that is.


I made an audible noise as I felt something ring. I then realized that it was the Coms, and the one that called me was Reshval.


"Reshval, what is it?''

He called me father, something he does quite often. I don't have any particular comment on it.

[What do you… what would you call your home? This place that me and the others stay in?]


I look at the Group Chat, and there's still nothing from that fifth joining member aside from the new messages.

[MillionSword9999: Where are you, pussy!]

[MillionSword9999: Fight me, fight me!]

[MillionSword9999: Oi oi oi oi!]

"Uhh, I'll call it the Celestial Dark Palace if you're asking. Anything else?"

[No, thank you, Father]


I waited, and then the Group Chat updated with a new message from the fifth member that wasn't MillionSword9999.

[Aqua_KingFish: Celestial Dark Palace]

[MillionSword9999: Huh? What the fuck is that place?]

[Elven_Queen: Celestial Dark Palace, where is that?]

[WarXPeace: Celestial Dark Palace? Where is that?]

'Ohh… really?'

[Sorakuro: Alright, so now that everyone's introduced themselves, let's get along with each other]

[MillionSword9999: Fight me, you shit! Fight me fight me fight me!]

I close the Group Chat since there seems to be nothing much interesting to see.

'Well… guess there's something to watch now after this.'

After that, I opened the fourth option. I didn't have much expectations, as I put my expectations as low as possible to avoid disappointment for this one.

[Constellation Services, here for your happiness and money!]

A cheery, happy voice of a little girl resounded along with a digital face. Blue hair tied into twintails with a bow tie on each. Her closed eyes as she brightly smiled would put warmth into every human being. However, not me.

"Services… what kind?"

[Glad you've asked, mister! As stated, this is Constellation Services, my name is Bridget! We provide special kinds of services to you as well as many others! It's a voice input kind, so you'll have to say the appropriate thing to activate that Service. For now though, you can purchase and upgrade your Constellation Authority!]

"Constellation Authority… with a Basic one, what can I achieve?"

[For your Basic privileges, you can make Audio Voice Calls to targeted Constellations and have access to the Constellation Sponsorship Rights!]

"What is the Constellation Sponsorship Rights?''

[The Constellation Sponsorship Rights is basically, you have the choice to pick any being with a lower Status than you as the one being Sponsored. They can call upon you in their times of need, be it mundane or not with a price, and you the Sponsor can give them anything that your Funds allow. You can break your Sponsorship with them with a flick of a finger or wait out the duration of the Sponsorship if you were to set up a time limit on it]

"So, basically an enslavement contract with extra words?"


I snickered at the word. I nodded, and then continued.

"So, what'll it be to advance my Authority? What other benefits can you give me?"

[To further your Authority, you'll need to pay once! To further it into the Medium, you'll need 5,000 G!]

''List me the Authority ranks and what extra benefits come with it, make it a hurry."

[Alright! Medium is your next rank, you'll have access to the Constellation Shop's Exclusive wears and merchandise!]

[Advance is where you can make the schemes and tactics with the newly opened feature called Constellation Eyes! It allows you to input coordinates or a specific place's name that exists in our database, and its functions are like reconnaissance Spells, only better. You will need to pay regularly if you want to keep using it long term though.]

[Masters is where the Constellation Shop's full services are opened to you, allowing you to make exclusive purchases with the seller through contacting them beforehand, requesting specific Items from their list of sellables!]

[And finally, the Primordial rank is where me, Bridget, will give you the full list of things the Constellation Services can provide for you!]

'Hmm, sweet.'

I nodded at the bright girl's face.

"Okay, I want to further my Constellation Authority to the Advance level."

[Alright! That'll be 300,000,000 G! Shall I deduct it from your Funds?]


With that, my Constellation Funds, which I think is my Gold back in WSO, was deducted by a slightly noticeable amount. I check my Constellation ID and sure enough, my Constellation Authority is now at the Advance level.

"Alright, that'll be all, Bridget."

[Thank you for using the Constellation Services, dear Constellation!]

The interface changed back, and I got more notifications from the Group Chat I made.

[Blaspherous404 has joined the Group Chat]

[Verm has joined the Group Chat]

[ILoveNature has joined the Group Chat]


Seems like there's a new way to communicate with some members, it seems.