
Three chronicles of a Death God

Beginning P: A simple human with a wish to live forever with the World he has created. World Saga Online, the game that many has regarded and lauded as the best piece of video game of the 24th century. A dynamic System, an interesting Multiplayer concept, and a booming number of talented Players to boot. It doesn't restrict the user in any way, and everything they want can be enacted inside their very own World, given that they have enough power to seize and realize it. Death is what he is, and he is the end that many has faced and fallen to. Now, this man seeks the happiness of his new, 'real' family. The family he has built, and one he can't afford to lose now that he has gained it. Beginning D: (Condition isn't met) Beginning N: (Condition isn't met) ************** Author's Note: Long chapters and with much details, so it might be a lot to read. I'll try to be as brief about the details as possible so that you won't have to spend dozens of minutes reading (or if you enjoy it then I'm glad) Thank you for reading this novel and for noticing this little author :)

DaoistQ6aRit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

Beginnings (pt.3.5)

It was the 2nd floor of the Celestial Dark Palace. An oceanic wonderland filled with vast amounts of marine life. From the shallow dwellers to the deep sea inhabitants, out of all the exotic life forms one ruled them all as the law enforcing Race.

The Mers, separated into both sexes of Merman and Mermaids. They keep peace and order in the 2nd floor in the stead of their King, Reshval Von Kirlan or previously known as Reshval Feron Hafar, the Deep's Ruler, offspring of the Monarch Shadow Arius Feron Hafar, Former King of 13 Seas.

He was, in the Mers' standpoint, their Racial God. He is the 3rd strongest combatant in the Celestial Dark Palace and number 1 child, in his mind at least, to the God of Death and Curses. He has a jealousy with False King Saurosh as he considered him as Sora's offspring, being created from his Soul and stuff.

He was always the freest of the Stage Guardians, ready to accept any commands from Sora as soon as they came and always tried his best even if it put his life on the line. But in recent decades, he's been able to suppress that tendency with the scolding of Sora.


His outward appearance is always clad in blue aqua armor made from scales of various powerful sea creatures. Sleek and tight on the body while also stretchy and flexible for movement, tough enough to withstand the sea depth of over 30,000m.

He has a red cape embroidered with the 2nd floor's Mers flag, a pair of tridents crossed against each other with a ring outside, flowy and wavy like a river. His helmet is a two piece equipment, the mouth guard that moves with his jaw and cap that extends at the back to create a sort of tail or hair if you want to call it. One singular horn at the forehead.

But, under that armor is a ton of scars and deep wounds instead of beautiful scales and flawless skin that Mers are supposed to have.

An abused child since young, he had to put up with harsh training that was more like a beating by his father from an outsider's standpoint. He sometimes receives almost fatal wounds, coming close to the sweet release of death but always survives barely. And with every close encounter, he gains far more Stats than normal even though at that time he was considered as a normal NPC.

This slowly turns into a routine, numbing Reshval day by day with the pain and it made his rating as an NPC improve. He endured this trial for 18 years, making him 35 years old by then. At the end, he fully ascends to be a Legendary NPC, and become the Gatekeeper Boss for Arius Feron Hafar.

When he met Sora as Saurosh Koravek Solomon and Charlotte Von Arshal Sanguise, he was completely beaten by their collective power, but it was mostly Sora who did the heavy lifting while Charlotte acted as Support giving heals and Buffs.

A Quest triggered, where his suppressed hatred boiled out of control and he asked Sora to kill his father instead of sparing him like you're supposed to. Doing so, he gains Reshval as the replacement of ally, and to be honest he's weaker than Arius so it was a downgrade more or less. But even so, Sora accepted after asking a few questions.

Arius' World Boss fight was attempted by Sora and Charlotte alone, without the help of the other Stage Guardians because of the optional condition in the presented Quest.

[Lost Childhood Trauma]

[Quest Difficulty: SSS+]

[Quest Information: Reshval Feron Hafar harbors unrelenting hatred towards the one who robbed his childhood, Arius Feron Hafar. He request you to exact his revenge in his stead, kill Arius instead of sparing him]

[Quest Clear Condition: Arius Feron Hafar's death]

[Quest's Side Condition: Complete the Quest with three allies or less]

[Quest Fail Condition: Death]

He was the fourth member of the Celestial Dark Palace, and in the beginning he was the weakest Stage Guardian, even behind Saurosh in some aspects.

He was good at the trident during the 18 years of training but not a total master at the weapon, a Master Water Bender but a disorganized and seemingly random Class setup and Skill composition. He was like a weak Jack-of-all-trades kind of Build, with some Classes related to Fire, Earth and Lightning Bending even.

His win rate as a Stage Guardian when he was young was below 50%, he relies heavily on the Gatekeeper Boss that Saurosh gave to guard him to weaken the Players first. That barely manages to improve the odds to slightly above 50%.

Overtime, Sora gave Reshval Quests to complete and with more and more Quests were successfully cleared, he would gain more levels and his potential fully developed. From a Jack-of-all-trades random Build to an excellent Magic Brawler/Warrior Build with four Bending Styles, a rarity that could be counted in one hand by the veteran Players.

His Mechanic, which was shit as he's complacent about his own strength back in the past, improved over the years and he learned to be safe while also being aggressive going for the kill when the opportunity arises. His win rates became nearly 60% after just 8 years of doing Quests, and that was when he asked Sora out of the blue about something.

'I want to fight him.'

'Mm? Him? Your… father, I presume?'

'Yes, I want to see how I've improved, and show him that also.'

A rematch, or more like a death match, between father and son. Arius Feron Hafar is a try-and-true Water Bending Build with a bit of Tankiness and fast Agility and Attack Speed. He works and functions most optimally in water bodies and dominates them as the King he is, and can also work well when there's rain on land. He has burst potential, combo potential, and CCs to make the battlefield more favorable to him.

Reshval, on the other hand, has a much wider range of abilities and options. He's more of a sustain damage Build, poking and running being his strongest suit but since he's up against his father, he doesn't do that quite as often. He can create cover with Earth Bending, slight burst damage with Fire Bending, and finally self-detonates himself with Lightning Bending for the close win.

He loses on battle experience against his father and his skills in the trident are leagues below him. But he makes it up with being smarter than his father about his options and how to use them. In the end, he was lacking severely on many fronts, he acknowledges it, and swore to improve upon them as well as his current strong suits.

Years go by with Reshval's journey becoming more and more difficult. Sora sent him double the amount of Quests, with most being on land to suppress his innate ability, and yet Reshval still manages to overcome all those nerfs and improve so much more. It was to the point that it shocked even Sora, who for the first time in ages was surprised out of his mind about something.

NPC growths are slow, but much more stunning than the constant growth of Players. However, this wasn't always the case with NPCs. They either live long enough to be able to reach Reshval's Legendary status, a mere 18 years was so fast, too fast to be exact, or reach Legendary but dies shortly after, be it a couple decades, years or even seconds later.

What Reshval did was almost an impossibility, and Sora was able to discern that impossibility and took him in instead of Arius.

He reaches high Legendary in only under 20 years, a feat that most experienced and veteran Players will say that's a load of bull and call the devs on you for hacking. And some did, the High Rankers did.

Note that this was 2 generations before the current High Ranker setup.

They did the same thing again, band together to attempt raiding Sora's Celestial Dark Palace and when they thought they got the lucky pick, Reshval's floor, they got hit with the now massive wall that is Reshval Von Kirlan, the Deep's Ruler.

He split the group up, slaughtered them in a 1v1 situation, and with a slow but efficient rate, the High Rankers got totally defeated by Reshval alone while he himself sustained minimal damage. There wasn't the Gatekeeper Shadow anymore, so that was the High Rankers at their most optimal state and all they could do was inflict a few cuts and shallow wounds past his armor.

Soon later, he challenged his father again and held his ground quite exceptionally this time around. Arius wasn't neglected, however. Sora also went out on raids against lower Worlds using only Arius and Arius alone, with him temporarily at the back supporting Arius in his times of need.

A total of 48 Worlds conquered solely by the King of 13 Seas, a former World Boss. This was also the cause for the High Rankers to try and raid him as well, as they see his actions as bullying those who are weaker than him.

Reshval's trident skills almost match that of his father's, with the only lacking thing being the Water Bending level. He manages to kill Arius again, this time not looking like a total rag and almost near death again. He smiled widely for the first time in ages, basking in the soft glow of luminescent lights inside his chamber.

His helmet came off at the time, and combining that with the colorful luminescent lights that basked his body, one could create a portrait worthy to be put on display in museums.

Things go by with Reshval improving nonstop, now using his own father as his sparring partner.

He develops like his father, more Health and Agility are distributed as he level-up. His Water Bending surpasses his father's by a little, a bit more, so much more and at the present, several leagues above his own father.

He is able to split seas with a flick of a finger, raise islands with a step, summon pillars of bright and hot flame with one wave of the hand, and execute multiple times faster than one can blink with an azure lightning bolt.

He truly became a World Boss like his own father. But still, comparing his strength against the current High Rankers he's a good enough challenger for about half of them combined, any more than that then he would have a harder time at achieving victory.

Back to the scenery.


Reshval was sitting at his throne, helmet unequipped as he wasn't in combat now. A sharp face and bright yellow eyes, aqua blue hair that changes color to reddish black at the tips. He was tired as there wasn't much of anything to do, it was too peaceful, he thought.

Then, the water around him boiled, tingling his skin slightly as his drowsiness disappeared instantly. He gathers the water together, condensing it tightly and a reflection appeared at the now separate mass of compressed water.

"Father? Is there something wrong?"

[Go to the Black Castle, Saurosh needs help. Mother can't go there right now, so I entrust her responsibility to you. Go with haste.]

"Yes, Father!"

The compressed water exploded, sending it outward and blowing Reshval's hair back. Then, from somewhere behind him, his missing items assembled. His helmet parts, and his trident, Torrent Ripper.

Torrent Ripper was made from the toughest monster materials there are. A spine of an Elder Leviathan as the long handle and spearhead, teeth of the fearsome one-time Raid Boss Lightning Storm Dragon Aeru as the trident tips, and not just the outside appearance, inside the trident is filled with Red Igni Gems, which he can use to ignite his weapon ablaze with his Fire Bending.

Coated in deep blue paint with the trident tips and spearhead bloody red. It was the weapon that claimed the lives of many High Rankers over the decades.

[Torrent Ripper]

[Item Rank: SSS+]

[Item Effects:

+Bleed is afflicted by the Passive [Sharp Fang]

+8,000 Physical Pierce Damage

+1,500 Physical Damage

+130% Armor Pierce

+20% Armor Shred

+Upon command, the weapon can return to its owner


+Aeru helps you channel Lightning at a better rate (+50% Lightning Damage) and can control them for you with increased proficiency (-60% Lightning-based Cast Speed)

[Item History: A fearsome weapon that has claimed lives of Legends and Myths. It possesses a will of its own, able to make minor judgements based on its past life's experience. Its sole purpose was to be a mindless weapon to afflict pain in its wielder's eyes, but now it has became an indispensable partner]

[Item Durability: 103,856/110,000]

Reshval swam quickly out from his massive throne room the same size, maybe larger by a couple dozens of kilometers, as Elkiel's Boss Chamber.


Saurosh was hanging on by a hair's breadth at this moment.

His armor was broken, missing a few places like the left abdomen and right chest and shoulder. His helmet was unbroken, however, as he makes sure to not get KO'd instantly. He played it very safe, but having to deal with an agile one-shot with a support Mage will always be a hard thing to do since support Mages have a ridiculous amount of CCs, and that was what Kokio did.

She empowers the Construct periodically, sending it into overdrive at specific moments to catch Saurosh off guard and totally smash him to the ground, but he always survives and gets out of there. It drives her sadistic nature insane, as she wasn't getting the result she wanted. She began spamming CCs, no longer caring about buffing the Construct anymore since Saurosh is at the point where he can be one-shotted easily with one clean hit.

But, even now hitting a CC that isn't a targeted one is hard. Saurosh buffed himself of everything in his arsenal, being in his highest fighting state right now. His speed was able to trick Guesha's eyes even, so his Agility was about 70,000 points or higher.

He blitzes through CCs, dodging multiple Spells that were close to hitting him, and fend off the Construct by his Kingslayer and Golden Dragon's Pride. Yes, he's duel-wielding right now. Right hand holding his sword, the left holding the guandao that's slightly longer than his height.

The Construct goes in for a right swing, misses due to the obvious Agility difference and gets slashes upon slashes from Saurosh's two weapons. He finishes with a cross slash before having to move due to incoming Spells. A dozen or so blue projectiles shaped like arrows leave behind a comet-like trail as they close in on Saurosh.

They were the Level 10 Magic Missiles Spell. And the Spell was unfortunately a targeted Spell, making Saurosh have to move in a difficult pattern to shake them off of him.

The Construct goes in with quick steps when Saurosh has his back turned to it. Its massive right arm moves for an uppercut, but fails once more when Saurosh uses the guandao as a pole, leaping off just enough for the attack to miss him.

He slashes the Magic Missiles that came for him, while chaining it to attack the Construct as well. He was walking on thin ice, as the slightest mishap can break the delicate floor and sink him.

Kokio clicked her tongue as she watched her Construct's current state. It can't last much longer, seen through the amount of cracks it has all around its body. She grits and grinds her teeth to the point of them making audible screeching noises.

'This little shit, you think you're strong just because I don't have the materials?! Think again!'

For a few minutes now, the rate of incoming Spells and CCs have been slowly and unnoticeably decreased. It didn't catch Saurosh's attention as he thought that she was either aiming her CC and Spells, or were low on Mana.

But, that was far from the truth. She was preparing more of her Constructs, this time focusing on both quality and quantity, instead of just one ultimate product.

Guesha spectates both Saurosh and Kokio's situation, not saying anything and just acting as the spectator as she is. The elves, on the other hand, were paying homage to their dead comrade, Ken. Senna sobs and hics periodically, but still keeps her volume down and prays like Suko and Selice.

This was the current scenery of the Black Castle's Boss Chamber, in tatters and chaos.

But, this wasn't for long. The doors once again being kicked open dramatically. A new arrival has come in, and with only his presence alone he made everything inside the room stop moving. Some kind of electrical tingle sound audibly resounded in the dead silent room, and then Guesha moved for the first time in a while from her spot.

"Reshval, I recommend that you don't interrupt."

"Rebel Beast Guesha, typical of you to be here in the Black Castle. Violating Father's rules again?"

"You know me, rules are meant to be broken. And besides, it's not like I go and wreak havoc everywhere."

"Highly doubtful… now, you two."

"Ah ah, Reshval, don't."

"Father's orders, you wish to defy him?"

"Pfft, what, you take me as a dumbass or something? Of course not, but he isn't here, so I'll face the later consequences. Now, do not, interrupt."

"Guesha, step aside."

"Make me."

She lowers her stance, eyes dead serious. Reshval didn't begin to attack though, contrary to her expectation.

"Equip your weapon, I will not fight an unarmed opponent."

"Tch, trying to be prideful, huh?''

"I'm just giving you a fighting chance, don't want it?"

"Fine, fine, whatever.''

She turns around rather reluctantly and jumps quite a distance to the corner of the room, where her weapons previously were. She grabbed her pair of curved greatswords.

The greatswords are as big as she is, maybe a little bit more. They have jagged, saw-like teeth as the edge and the surface of the blade has very visible markings and scratches of many battles. The handle is wrapped in white skinned animal hide, with some of the leftover dangling in the air.

[White Beast Cleaver]

[Item Rank: S]

[Item Effect:

+5,000 Physical Damage

+60% Armor Shred

[Item History: A weapon made to look primitive and savage. Its saw-like teeth are able to shred apart stone boulders like they were a block of cheese, and with one good swing it can make short work of anything with its natural shredding capability]

[Item Durability: 5,674/8,000]

"Let's start, big brother."

"Hmph, let's see how you fair against me at 70% capability."

"Oh you bet I'm gonna beat your ass this time around!"

She points her left greatsword at him in a declarative manner. Reshval holds his trident in both hands this time, showing his willingness to battle this time around. Guesha didn't delay any further and ran straight towards Reshval with killing intent, blades crossed and ready to spring outward for a decisive double slash.

Reshval closes his eyes, and with one final sigh to prepare himself, he opens them to reveal bloodshot yellow eyes.

"King's Wrath."

"Beast Sensitivity."

Reshval's trident and right-side body moved at the same motion, slashing upward as Guesha's front is very much exposed with that. But, his expectations of her just going in while avoiding a one-shot was changed when she stopped suddenly.

"Aura Slash!"

Blood red aura envelopes the two greatswords as Guesha slash outward, sending two pairs of crescent slashes at Reshval.

But, that was stopped as when the trident reached a tall enough height, the ground beneath where the trident is suddenly rose up as a wall. Guesha used this time to move to the left, as Reshval lost sight of where she currently is.

She prepares to swing both her blades from her left, but as she made that turn Reshval wasn't there anymore. It confused her for a moment, but then her Beast Sensitivity gave her a spine tingling warning. It meant 'grave danger'.

Her head panned upward, and then up above was the turning Reshval. It looked like he was repositioning in slow-motion, and that was because he is, and so was Guesha but only a little bit faster. Her feet moved to backpedal but with the rate at whichhe's moving, even with Beast Sensitivity, she would have a very close chance of dodging.

Then, from somewhere an arrow flew in to hit Reshval. Of course, it wasn't a special arrow with Armor Penetration, so it just bounced off of his armor. This made Reshval flinch for a moment, his body stopped repositioning and became disrupted.


When he was upright and falling with his feet as the contact place to the ground, he could see a Shadow in the distance holding a bow with a finish posture of shooting an arrow. His eyes turned slightly red, and his arm quickly moved to throw the trident at the Shadow.

"...You too, Saurosh."

"What're you saying, I didn't do anything."

Saurosh, who was now standing and looking at the almost destroyed Construct and several more beside it, with their creator at the back with her own Construct that she's sitting on.

"I'm in quite a handful myself, can't you see? Or are your eyes too dry because you're on land?"


Reshval didn't pay any heed to Saurosh anymore, and focused back on the opponent at hand. Guesha was standing with her greatswords on both her shoulders. Her hair slightly flowing thanks to the dry winds inside the room.

"Once again, I am not here for you, Guesha. I am here to separate those two away from each other by Father's orders. Do not interfere, please."

"Please? Pfft, you think I'm one for begging and sweet words? If you want something from me, you're gonna need to prove yourself. Got that?"

"...Is there truly no way to reform you?"

"I'm a savage barbarian, everyone knows that."

She moved her two greatswords down, showing her willingness to continue their bout. Reshval, seeing this display of disobedience, once again sighs. He felt like it was his thousandth one with Guesha.

"Then, I shall prove to you why I'm the big brother."

"Tch, you're getting too fond of that title I gave you, this time around you'll be calling me big sis!"

Guesha lunges at Reshval, body almost parallel to the ground as she looks like a speeding bullet. Reshval creates another barrier in front of her, but that was cut within half a second by the two greatswords slashing vertically up. She twisted her body, spinning once and then upward slash with both greatswords.

Reshval backs up to keep his distance advantage, as his trident was more quicker in regards to attacking. He thrusts again and again with a blinding speed that the naked eyes can't see individually. All they could see was a barrage of multiple tridents that attacked at the same time with almost no time difference.

Guesha's Beast Sensitivity allowed her to see the trident thrusts, but then her eyes bled due to the strain it caused. Her dodging was on point, as if any of those hit it would start her slow downfall. Although she knows that Reshval won't kill her, she would undoubtedly lose, and she doesn't like that at all.

She diverges a trident thrust out of sheer luck and rotates forward, going for a spinning slash with both her greatswords. Reshval was in a pickle, as normally there's no way to dodge such a slash with how upclose it is with him. But, he was a Multi-Bender, and he had yet to unveil his last Bending.

"Lightning Burst Assault."

Reshval's body crackled with lightning, sending out numerous bolts of them that were faster than normal ones made from the sky, Spell or Sorcery. This caught Guesha and stinged her flesh with the heat, searing it to a crisp. Her teeth gritted from the pain, and her strike wobbled and lost some of its force.


Guesha empowers her strike just as it was about to hit Reshval, her eyes tinged with a gleaming red color and a red aura exuded from her body.


Reshval utilized the time he got from his burst of lightning and continued to redirect his trident for a bash.

"Attack Acceleration."

A green aura covered Reshval's body for a split second as his momentum massively accelerated. Their attacks seem to almost be in sync with when they're about to hit. But the difference is, one kills while the other doesn't.


Guesha evaluated her situation, she was able to do this because of her Beast Sensitivity speeding up her perception. Her attack won't do much since Reshval has armor while she's practically naked in Armor Values, so she would most likely take more damage. And not to mention that Reshval always aims for the head, so the incoming bash is most likely aiming at her head.

With that evaluation, she decided that since neither of them are going to die and the only way they'll lose is to inflict a fatal blow that doesn't hit. The two of them know what attacks are fatal since they've been in those sorts of situations before. So, with that in mind, she canceled her attempt and instead moved her head forward for a headbutt to also dodge the bash.


Reshval misses the bash over her head and gets headbutted on the side. He was knocked back a few meters and this proved to be disadvantageous to Guesha, as she unintentionally gave him back his advantage of distance.

He utilizes this mistake to press her with more thrusts and swings, pushing her back quickly. But, there will always be moments where the table could turn at the other.

While the two are battling, Saurosh and Kokio are having a conversation with each other.

"So, give up yet, doggy?"

"You wish things will just stay the status quo, ay? Well, not today. I've been bullied by you enough, and this is where our twisted relationship ends, Sadistic Bitch."

"...Ahhh, you little mutt."

Kokio's feet are embedded into the flat platform that is her Construct. It has four hands that act more like legs. Her brigade of Constructs stood menacingly at Saurosh, their forms varied between being small and round, tall and lanky, or big and bulky. All of them stood with the previous Construct standing to their left, outside of position.

"Last chance, submit and I'll forget and forgive, but defy me and this time, the Father himself won't be able to piece you back together."

"You sound confident, how about you stop barking nonsense and let's do this."

"Quite a sentence coming from a useless disobedient dog."

Saurosh raises his weapons, prepared and determined to prove his point. He won't be the weak in this tale, not anymore. Even if he's going to die and lose himself yet again, he doesn't care. No. It would be better as that means his Father would finally give him more attention. And if he knew his Father like he thinks he does, then it would mean Sora would improve upon him and give him more of his power, to prevent this situation from ever happening again in the future.

'I'll die today, or live and become better.'

That was his ending.


'These fools…'

I was watching from the perspective of my Shades. Three of my Stage Guardians and my Son are fighting with each other. I ordered Reshval to separate the two, but then Guesha intervened for whatever reason. The situation looks desperate right now, as there's the chance of Saurosh dying. If he dies, then I'll lose some of my EXP as Saurosh is composed partially of myself. The EXP I gain also gets shared to Saurosh and be kept there, as Saurosh also serves another purpose.

Aside from being a Skill Check, he's also a way for me to not completely die when I get killed. For an explanation, it all started about two decades ago, when I reached my full potential of being able to manipulate Souls. I got told of a gimmick from the System upon manipulating and separating my Soul into a small chunk. From that chunk, I created False King Saurosh, my extra life.

If for whatever reason I get killed, I won't die and let my World be conquered and converted, instead my Soul that is False King Saurosh will become designated as my Soul, preventing me from getting the Game Over screen and dying.

Dying in WSO means that all progress will be lost, so whenever a World is raided, usually it's a very big deal. It tests the World's defenses, and also the strategy of that World's Ruler. If the World's defenses fails and the Ruler is killed, the World becomes designated as Conquered and then converted to the Conqueror's World along with every remaining asset in that World.

So, that's why Players call the death screen the Game Over screen, as that literally means where you either rage quit and end your connection with the game, or persevere and continue with a newly generated World.

'If he's killed, then I'm probably permanently dead even if I'm the God of Death.'

So, with no options left, I decided to just simply watch. I can't do anything, and if things do get out of hand, I can only pray that Charlotte wakes up before that happens. My Shadow Exchange Skill is still on cooldown so I can't go back even if I want to. The only way is to quickly travel back either using my Summoned Undead here or my own personal ones.

But, I'm not going to because, due to my foolish curiosity that I am now developing, I wanted to see how Saurosh functions when this is real life, and not in-game anymore. In the game, his advanced A.I is programmed like any other, acting upon order and stuff, nothing too fancy. He can have opinions, but that's only after doing a Quest related to him, and if I speak to him he'll just use one of his many created dialogues to speak.

So, with this once again being real life and not in-game, I decided to indulge in my curiosity. I was betraying my more logical thinking, it was almost treason even. But this was somewhat worth it.

'I gave you enough tools, how you'll use them is the question.'

False King Saurosh was also called by another name by me and Charlotte when we spent time together and talked. Knight King Saurosh, The Invincible Blade.

'There's another exclusive mode that can be enabled in Saurosh upon getting through the Annabelle Corridor and using the special warp Rune at the end of there, the High Rankers call it Hardmode but that was far from it.'

'He possesses a little over a thousand of different Skills, both offensive and defensive, situational, and Buffs. He can go on indefinitely as he's a Mimic, and one of their traits is being able to battle for long periods of time without rest.'

'His critical thinking is high and in some situations, rarely, he was the better fighter than even Elkiel who possessed even more Skills than he does, than even I do I think.'

Skills are special, it isn't like Spells that can only be learned or have to follow a set of rules in order to be created. Skills are more like Wild Magic, unpredictable and sometimes can be powerful in special conditions. Skills exude different shades of auras, signifying their lethality or Level, or both even with the Black color.

Green, Level 1-5, Orange, Level 6-10 (note that 10 being where most Skills in the Rare category and below stop being able to Level-up), Red, Level 11-20, and with Black being when you attained the Pinnacle on the Skill.

I myself also got a few Skills that have the Black color, and this was excluding my Death-related Skills.

'So, show me that calling you the Invincible Blade isn't wrong. Show me what you've got, Knight King.'


'He's at it again.'

It was my second night staring at my Summoner, a strange man sitting atop a giant behemoth zombie.

His aura was undeterminable by my senses, and that's something considering I'm a Level 104 Succubus Seductress.

'He just does nothing but summons other Demonkins one after another, and that wall, humans reside over there, right? Is he planning to invade using us Demonkins?'

Aside from me, there's a Minostrisian, Demon Bulls as they're called. Several Phantom Demon Assassins. A Black Horned Demon of the Lord rank. Two Bulwark Demon Beasts. And a Demonic Fledgeling Drake that's resting by his side right now.

'I'm the last of the bunch, but he'll need more than this to raid that wall.'

We're outnumbered heavily from how many humans I could see up at the top of the wall, and it's also got width as it stretches all the way to the far horizon where I can't see. Humans nowadays really changed compared to the past records I heard about, huh.


"Oh, you want some pets, little one?"

The drake growled and raised its head to receive rubs from the mysterious man. He complied with no problem and rubbed the scaly head of the giant reptile the same height as the behemoth zombie with its head raised.

'Being able to tame a Drake… even though it's a fledgeling, it's still a really big accomplishment.'

I stood up from my spot to join him, despite the growls and hostile noises from the drake. He looked at me, causing my spine to tremble slightly for no reason. This happens regardless of whether I prepared myself or not, just meeting his gaze was enough to make me have this slight gripping fear for my life.

"So, mind telling me why you summoned me? All you do is stare at that wall for two days since I've been here already. I'm starving for some Yin energy, you know?"


"Easy, little one. Is that so? Well, then wait for just a couple of seconds."

He turned over to the wall once again after he finished speaking to me. His words made no sense to me, but since he said wait for a couple of seconds I might as well do that.

'Three, four, five, six, se…ven.'

I blinked for four consecutive times. What I just saw appeared before me and was slightly taller, and I'm 1m74 too.

"Here, this male should be of exceptional quality.''


The being that appeared before me was a black knight with red glowing out between the armor pieces. Then, it backed off to reveal, or rather dropped, a man wearing nothing but his underwear.


"Mm? Huh? Where…''

The man was still conscious, it seems. I hurriedly took my chance upon instinct and used my Demonic Charm to make his mind shut down and become intoxicated. I sighed in relief that my instinct had taken over, but still anger managed to boil from me.

"Hey, could you've said something if you're gonna do something like that?''

"Apologies, I like… surprises, nowadays."

"...What even."

I stared at the strange man that is my Summoner. I was questioning whether accepting the call was a good decision or not. My first impression of him was mysterious and serious, but now I just think he has a few loose screws inside his head.

'But… the aura was unmistakably that of Divinity. So he might be a God or something, a bad God from the looks of it.'

I led my meal to somewhere private, as I don't feel like doing it while being exposed to that person.

'I'll have some fun with you, darling.'

I thanked for my meal, and began sucking.

sorry if the backstory was long

DaoistQ6aRitcreators' thoughts