
Three chronicles of a Death God

Beginning P: A simple human with a wish to live forever with the World he has created. World Saga Online, the game that many has regarded and lauded as the best piece of video game of the 24th century. A dynamic System, an interesting Multiplayer concept, and a booming number of talented Players to boot. It doesn't restrict the user in any way, and everything they want can be enacted inside their very own World, given that they have enough power to seize and realize it. Death is what he is, and he is the end that many has faced and fallen to. Now, this man seeks the happiness of his new, 'real' family. The family he has built, and one he can't afford to lose now that he has gained it. Beginning D: (Condition isn't met) Beginning N: (Condition isn't met) ************** Author's Note: Long chapters and with much details, so it might be a lot to read. I'll try to be as brief about the details as possible so that you won't have to spend dozens of minutes reading (or if you enjoy it then I'm glad) Thank you for reading this novel and for noticing this little author :)

DaoistQ6aRit · Fantasy
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46 Chs

A King of a dying World (pt.4) (remade)

The shabby armor that Siegfried wore had its rust peel off. Now, the armor was colored with gold and crimson red, restoring the armor's appearance and its prestigious, unique Aura made those with lower Status hard to breathe.

Now, instead of cowering, Ushikawamaru wasn't going to back down to a challenge. He rivaled Siegfried with his own, chaotic, dark green Aura that contained remnants of Death. A crazed expression was on his face, and the hand that's holding the katana was trembling slightly, out of excitement or fear is unknown.

"Dragon Slaying Sword: Thousand Roars!"

Siegfried positions and swings his claymore horizontally while executing a Skill. His Aura condensed into the blade, and upon swinging motion it unleashed a multitude of arcs flying towards Ushikawamaru. It was tight and had no visible cracks to avoid between, but the arcs were in a line so dodging it was easy.

Ushikawamaru turned around and used Shunpo, but not before charging his katana with the power of Storm. And, just as he'd anticipated, Siegfried moved to the location of where Ushikawamaru was heading and swung his blade. However, fortunately, Ushikawamaru also swung his blade charged with the power of a Storm and the collision created quite a spectacle.

"Not bad."

"Could say the same for you!"

Both of them disengaged and re-engaged in one moment. Fierce sword strikes clashed with each other, discharging remnants of both dark green and red and yellow Auras, creating a very fantastic scene to view.

"Come! Show me your majesty, Dragon Slayer!"


With one final strike, fused with their respective Auras to boost the destructive capability, they were thrown away a considerable distance from each other. This opportunity gave them time to prepare for their next bout. Charging and using Skills, they both enhance their combat capability to the max in order to settle who's the stronger swordsman.

"Draconic Fury, Hardened Will, Serene Mind, Unleash Aura: Chaos Dragon!"

He self-buff himself with increased attack, Mental Debuff Resists, and unleash a new type of Aura. Now, it's a black and red color that spreads an ominous vibe instead of prestige like his original Aura.

"Storm's Rage, Warrior's Tempest, Death Attribute Enhancement, Storm Art: Unleashed Wind!"

Dark green Aura envelopes Ushikawamaru as he self-buff himself with increased Attack Speeds, enhancing his Death Attribute Damage, and wind starts to gather on the katana blade, swirling slowly and still somewhat transparent.

"Let's dance!"

They rushed at each other on foot and clashed blades, creating a crater ring around them as they did so. Ushikawamaru had his signature crazed expression, while Siegfried was emotionless and serene like a peaceful lake.

They measured their strength, and Siegfried came out on top naturally. But, being pushed back wasn't so disadvantageous to Ushikawamaru as he intended for that outcome.

He let go of maintaining opposing force and positioned his blade to graze at the edge. Then, once the claymore had passed through, Ushikawamaru activated his Skill.

"Wind Barrage!"

Like a machine put on autopilot, his body moved and quickly at that. Sensing danger, Siegfried moved to respond.

"Unleash Aura: Earth Dragon."

A dragon head made out of light brown Aura suddenly swallowed Siegfried inside its mouth, and protected him from receiving the brunt of the barrage head on. At most, he could feel the tingling sensation of the strikes.

"Tch, sly fuck!"

Ushikawamaru was irritated, but didn't press further with his aggressive attack. He would just be wasting Aura, and having it regenerate when it's low mid battle was incredibly dangerous. Not only does he need to waste precious seconds, but during those seconds could be his death.

He jumps back, now standing idly to regenerate his Aura. Siegfried deactivated his Aura, and also waited for it to regenerate. Once the short process was over, none of them attacked just yet. Instead, their eyes scanned each other while moving in a circle.

Fights between swordsmen were similar to this, calculative and decisive. It's different, but also similar to Mage fights. The only difference comes to firepower for the latter.

"...Wind Dragon's Dance!"

"Ruthless Storm!"

One used speed, while the other used absolute destruction. Siegfried moved as if dancing, going up into the air and even managed to dodge the big slash that's shaped as a miniature cyclone. Once he's reached sufficient height, he descends with his giant blade enveloped in a dragon shaped Aura.

Ushikawamaru dodged backward, narrowly missing the devastating attack that destroyed the ground and made cracks appear on the already dead earth. Wind was violently blown from the crash.

"Woah, that's pretty dangerous there."

Siegfried stands up straight, his sword then aims toward Ushikawamaru and, like a declaration, he shouted.

"By this sword, dragon or not, I shall slay thee and collect thy head, as per my master's request. My mission will be successful, and no amount of hardship shall sway me from my singular cause!"

[Your Undead, Dragon Slayer Siegfried, has made the Servant Master Oath]

[Do you wish to bestow upon your Undead a part of your power as commendation?]


I was surprised. The Servant Master Oath was a Skill exclusively reserved for Summoners, Tamers or, like me, Necromancers. Other Job Classes can also have an ability similar to this, but not as unique as this.

What the Servant Master Oath is is that it connects both together, and shares their strengths with each other. But, as for why I declined, it's because I am intrigued by this fight. And giving my powers to Siegfried would be deciding the winner already.

'Win with your powers, or be killed and reduced to a failure.'

'...Yes, master.'

I transmitted my thoughts to him, and with a sigh, he re-engages.

"...Nothing changed? What was that declaration for? Showmanship?"

"Doesn't matter."

Siegfried seems to be more annoyable now, the edge of his wolf mouth pulled back to reveal his teeth. His fighting was more aggressive than past bouts, more reckless even.

"What's happened to you?"

Ushikawamaru was able to get a slash in and made a deep mark on Siegfried's armor. He was ready for a counter, but the slash took Siegfried by surprise like he didn't expect it.

"Fire Dragon: Flame Drive!"

Siegfried's body bursts aflame, its heat as hot as the sun itself. His claymore shined, not just the lines, but the entire blade brightly like a miniature star.

"Feast your eyes upon the great destructive capability of a Fire Dragon!"

With renewed determination, and desire from something, he advanced fiercely with the clear intent of wiping out Ushikawamaru from existence.

"Woah, woah! That's a little bit overboard don't you think?"

Ushikawamaru wasn't about to take this lying down. He also wanted to show his flashy side.

"Come forth, manifest with me into a tyrannical and chaotic storm!"

"Transcendent Technique: Heavenly Storm God!"

Fire and Wind, as soon as those two blades infused with the powerful Auras of their owners clashed, it created a tornado of bright orange fire with the two in the center. The ground was scorched and even vaporized, not that it can become any more black than it already is.

"Woahhh, so that's the majesty of a Level 1,231?"

"...Looks like the crazy bastard is at it again."

"What did you expect, Lubert? He's just like you, only a bit more on the crazy side."

"Tch, mind your mouth before you don't have a head on, bitch."

"Ohoho, quite the offensive word there. Aren't you afraid that my feelings will get hurt?"

"Do I look like I give a shit about your feelings, Ferah?"

The seven were silent, only two of them engaged in small talk. I stared at them from the ground, and a pair of eyes gazed back at me in return.


I sighed, knowing full well that this Ragnarok will not end in my failure nor my death. They were, to put it lightly, under prepared to face me. The price, their ultimate doom. But… something almost impossible was telling me to spare them, to give them hope, to die by their hands.


It was something I was foreign with yet, so familiar with it.


Then, a roar came from inside the tornado. This shocked the others who were watching, while the seven sighed. The roar was not Siegfried's.

Out came a heavily wounded Ushikawamaru. He lost in the contest of strength, and is now wounded close to death. I could see his Health Bar, and there were only 2,341 HP left.


Siegfried also came out of the tornado, which was slowly fading. His claymore was held in reverse, and ready to impale the Shogun of Storm and end his tale filled with tyranny.

"Hah… Hah… Well, I guess today is the day I die. Hahaha, I was wondering what my end would look like. Would it be by my family, my children and grandchildren, my beloved wife Allena? Or would it be this, on the ground, bleeding, dying. Guess… it's obvious from the start, huh?"


Siegfried was emotionless as he approached. Ushikawamaru was slowly backing away, but didn't put much of an effort to escape his inevitable doom. He looked sad, almost regretful, like all the others at the prospect of Death.

"Well, it was a good fight, Dragon Slayer. I would like to show you more of my tricks, but it looks like he's waiting for me over there. Shouldn't keep the guy waiting much longer, aye? Especially since he's so close by."

He was of course mentioning me, treating me as Death's incarnate. He sighed, and stopped moving altogether. It was time, he must've thought.

'...I'm sorry, my beloved. Forgive this foolish father, Pollux, Caster. This grandfather won't be able to see you all grow up to be fine men and women anymore. Goodbye, my family…'

Despite him being a tyrant, a ruthless father, and a tough grandfather. He ultimately loved each and every one of his family members sincerely. It was obvious without even needing to read his mind. Because right now, he had a normal, genuine smile on his face. A single dew of tear dropped down from his eye, before a blade stabbed through his heart, making it widen.

"...Farewell, my opponent. I hope you will have a fine time wherever you will end up at."

"...Haha, funny coming from you, a servant of Death."

But soon, those eyes that were crazy, compassionate, became serene and closed all on their own. A satisfied end, a satisfied Death.

[You have died]

This window appeared before the black darkness, and in front of him stood me. Death.


Ushikawamaru swiped his index finger on the window and it disappeared. He walks toward me, his eyes determined and unperturbed. His steps were filled with resolution, with intent, killing intent.

"Hahaha, finally, I get to meet the big bad again. Long time no see, Death."


I spare him no words, not that it could help this matter. His steps stop just before me, his eyes slightly looking up to face mine.

"So, what happens now?"

"...Now, you belong to me. With them."

Behind me showed the countless, endless number of Souls of the people I've collected. Players, NPCs, Special Monsters, Boss Monsters, and even World Bosses.

"...Haha, hahahahaha!"

He bursts out laughing, something was indeed wrong with him. When he stopped, he looked at me once more but with a gaze determined to kill something.

"If you want my Soul, you'll have to break it. But, you probably already know that."

"...Yes, I did."

I grabbed him by the neck with one swift motion, one that he could not defend against nor break away from.

"Kuk! Damn, you're fast!"

He punched my arm with his flesh covered left hand. The other he used to try and break free, but to no avail.

"Kuk, fucking… shit!"

I know that this won't change anything, it would take too long and he'll just be like this for however long as well. So, I gave the very thing that'll destroy him. The pleasant memories, now nightmares filled with failure.


When I infected his mind with the visions of his failures, the precious things that he sought to protect with everything he had, it created just the right kick to make him be infuriated, to tick him off.


I threw him away, his armor loudly clanging as he rolled on the pitch black ground.

"Damn youuuuuu! I'll kill you! I'll fucking rip you to shreds!"

Words from a man who has lost everything over and over, again and again, millions of times turn to billions of times. It was all done in a span of seconds, so little time, yet for him was approximately close to some trillion of years.


He rushed at me with reckless abandonment. He was seeking his Death, and revenge for the things I've inflicted on him. The memories should still be fresh, and his hatred burning brightly.

"Have fun."

Those words were left for the ones inside me, in my Soul. This entire black space was the final destination to those I deem worthy to keep. Their eternal prison to be damned in.

"I hope you still have that drive for battle, Ushikawamaru, for it'll help you for the untold time to come."

I said that, but in truth it would only be until Ragnarok ends. His Soul, which is just a replica of ones and zeros, will disappear along with the machine that runs the game world.


I returned to the battlefield, and the first thing I saw was Siegfried slaughtering the rest of the Players and NPCs in the distance. With cold, uncaring eyes I decide to speed things up. The main show awaits.

"Summon High Undead, Fafnir. Come forth, greedy dragon of destruction!"

A bigger, much bigger summoning circle was created. The being that came from it was, like the summoning circle, large and bulky. It was standing on its two legs, which were thick and strong, especially around the thigh area.

"...Grrrr, I'm summoned again."

Size is the best tool in mass destruction. And what better tool of destruction that comes in big sizes other than dragons?

"Fafnir, I command thee to strike down what remains of that army."

"...Got it."

Fafnir Ferilon Raezylym Gorbevier, one of three Legendary Dragon Undead that I can call upon in my arsenal. His name is too long, so I just call him Fafnir. Though, the latter seems to be very displeased each time.

"Prepare yourselves, mortals. For you will witness the majesty of me, Fafnir Ferilon Raezylym Gorbevier! Along with my legendary blade, the Golden Azareal!"

With that declaration filled with might and majesty, Fafnir went out to the battlefield where Siegfried was present. He took to the skies, spreading his massive wings that cracked the ground with each flap.

From his five fingered left hand, he summoned upon the Golden Azareal, a sword made from gold and inlaid with jewelry. It'd sparkled dazzlingly in normal circumstances, but with no sunlight that is quite impossible.


His mouth spewed blue flames that burned the ground he flew over. Then, he crashes down with his massive weight, making the earth cave in. This shockwave made the rest of the Players and NPCs panic. Their doom was in sight, and they can do nothing about it.

"Dammit, looks like this is game over."

"Man, I didn't even get to face off against Death."

"You moron, he'll kill you with one flick of a finger, a single snap and you'll be dead even before you notice."

"Well, at least I'll die by dragon fire from a Legendary Dragon. It'll be a great way to go out at least."

Fafnir chopped and slashed away in a chaotic manner, creating death and chaos as the effects of the Golden Azareal spread. It was a curse that each time the blade swings, the minds of the enemies and allies would be plagued with greed and blind rage. The same traits Fafnir also suffers from.

"Hahahaha! Fools!"

Fafnir seems to be enjoying himself, while Siegfried has a strange face.

"...I can feel your gaze, Dragon Slayer Siegfried."


Siegfried, sticking to his stoic visage that he'd display so far, didn't answer back. He finishes the job alongside Fafnir, though sometimes he makes displeased faces.

"Back to my side."

The two of them went back to my side, just before the line of Royal Guards at the front. They stood menacingly with their respective swords plunged in front of them.

"...Well, everyone. It seems like it's time for us to do our job one last time."

The seven, aside from the late Ushikawamaru, was a part of an alliance with each other. The purpose for the alliance is when I move to conquer Worlds, they will be a nuisance and add to the risk of failure or be a contributing factor to more losses. Despicable rats.

"Come, Champions. The end awaits us all, let this be your final stand against Death!"

I declared proudly while hidden behind my various Undead Summons. The stone platform in the air lowered, and down came the last seven. Those that will hopefully have the power to put an end to my reign as Death.

"He's still the normal Death."

"His faithfulness to the roleplay is commendable."

"Enough chatter, everyone."

At the forefront, the face of the disgusting woman was the first thing I saw. Her kind smile, making me want to regurgitate.

"Death, we meet once more."

"...Child of the Light, yes, it would seem so."

"Oiii, Death, remember me?"

"Yes, Empress. I remember you."


"Finally, the main course is served! Let's get to killing already."

"Darkest Night, eager as always."

"Forget me already, you fuck?"

"No, but I would appreciate it if you didn't curse so much."

"Death, are you ready to face your own mortality?"

"Only if you prove to me you're capable of outshining the eternal darkness, Seraphim."

"Hello, mister Death. I believe this is the first time we're face to face with each other."

"Ah, yes. You are the only one of the eight that hasn't raided my World yet. Merlin Avalon, correct?"

"Yes, mister Death. I'm glad you remembered my Player ID. It's so common for people to name their Player ID with Merlin, so I'm very pleased for you to remember mine down to the surname."


"Hello, Marcus Riex. Glad we have the chance to fight again, I've been expecting you."


Seven Champions, as I refer to them. Champion was the title I bestow to those who have completed my Dungeon and have the chance to fight against me in the Throne Room. The title of Champion has also been given to previous High Rankers, save for some few of them.

"I wish you all luck in pushing back the darkness, and hope you can overcome the shadows and into the light of tomorrow."

"Haha, you always have a cool line to say, Death. Say, how can you stick to the roleplay so well? It's commendable that you've stayed in character for so long. I think it's been 143 years now, if I recall correctly?" Ferah said so with an intrigued smile.

Roleplay, huh? I've never thought of it that way, a character role.

"Enough chatting, let the slaughter begin!"

"Don't interrupt when the master is speaking, stupid lizard. Do you want to be evaporated out of existence?"

"Tch, you're one to talk, weakling."

"Want to taste my blade, overgrown reptile? I'll gladly kill you like so many of your kin."

"Bah, they're weaklings for failing to eat you. I won't be so weak."


The two Undeads were bickering like little children. I couldn't believe my eyes, and embarrassment started to overtake me.

"...Now, let us begin the true Ragnarok."

"Ragnarok, huh? Like the apocalypse that consumed one of the old religion's pantheons?"

"Yep, the one that killed all the Gods of that pantheon but also acted as a new beginning. Quite fitting, but only for if we win."

"Wow, never thought you'd be one to dabble in ancient history, Lubert."

"Tch, wasn't it obvious enough, bimbo?"

"Grrr you know, a woman's temper is dangerous."

"Hah, like you scare me."

"Alright everyone, let's not keep our dear Death waiting. Let us shine our way to a new tomorrow, one without despair and fear!"

I smiled, looking like I wasn't the only one that likes to roleplay. Sarah Goldheart, the woman who I despise the most, raises her holy staff up high where it glows its holy divine light.

"We're ready, Death. Your mortality, it will be proven today." It was the Seraphim who declared while gripping her flaming blade.

Finally, after so long, it's finally time to end this spectacularly.