
Three chronicles of a Death God

Beginning P: A simple human with a wish to live forever with the World he has created. World Saga Online, the game that many has regarded and lauded as the best piece of video game of the 24th century. A dynamic System, an interesting Multiplayer concept, and a booming number of talented Players to boot. It doesn't restrict the user in any way, and everything they want can be enacted inside their very own World, given that they have enough power to seize and realize it. Death is what he is, and he is the end that many has faced and fallen to. Now, this man seeks the happiness of his new, 'real' family. The family he has built, and one he can't afford to lose now that he has gained it. Beginning D: (Condition isn't met) Beginning N: (Condition isn't met) ************** Author's Note: Long chapters and with much details, so it might be a lot to read. I'll try to be as brief about the details as possible so that you won't have to spend dozens of minutes reading (or if you enjoy it then I'm glad) Thank you for reading this novel and for noticing this little author :)

DaoistQ6aRit · Fantasy
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46 Chs

A journey's beginning

About a month has passed, and I've made quite a progress with my own World. I introduced myself to them, and gave them a show of strength to prove that I'm no pushover. But, this last month there was no movement from their side.

No retaliation, no reconnaissance, no secret spies even. There were no actions being made even though I had just shown them how easily I breached their defenses, trample on their finest soldiers, and wipe out their forces in mass.

'This is getting irritating…'

Right now, I'm in my Throne Room thinking of future developments. Truth be told, I should head over to the High Elf if I wanted to make a plan, but using her too much would make me seem too open and casual.

'I am a God of Death…'

And from my experiences, getting too 'personal' with a living being will only result in misery. I outlive them, forever. Even if I die, then there's always this.

[Eternal Death]

[Your Existence is eternal, your shadow shall forever be cast upon countless Worlds. You cannot rest, until all of Life has been extinguished]

It was one of my Godhood's Passives. I cannot die, even if my material form is destroyed to its last atom. My Soul, I can feel that even if I were to cast a Necromantic self-destruction Spell, it won't have much of an effect. Maybe I'll die for a while, but I'll eventually come back again.

'The concept of Death…'

I am aware and very in touch with the concept, my own concept. It is because I am the one who experienced it the most. The death of my friends, my family. I just witnessed it and felt nothing in particular. That was when I knew it's meant for me, destined for me even.

'I once tried to regain what I've lost… but it turned out to be a fruitless endeavor.'

I tried to regain my Humanity, I tried to force myself to feel happy. I tried to force my broken reality into WSO once, to fix it and repair the damages. But, all I've ever done is give myself more grief and pain. I created more suffering, and in the end became less Human than before.

'A mistake that I'll never repeat again.'

Then, out of nowhere, ARCEUS, the AI that I have not heard of for over a month now, spoke once more with a screen popping up in front of me.

[Greetings, Sora.]

"ARCEUS? What is-"

[No, your Constellation name should suffice. Absolute Death, Inter-World travel is now available, you can travel to Hub Worlds or Public Worlds for the moment. Raids aren't possible for the moment as the connection isn't stable enough, but you are able to come to their World if you have their according World Runes.]


A sudden influx of information rushed to my head, but I sort them out quickly in five seconds flat and grasp what's necessary. My head starts to spin, and I summon my Constellation Window as the first thing.

[A new feature has been added to the Constellation Window]

[You are able to access the World Tree Travel System (Beta Version)]


Finally, I thought. It's been roughly a month since I arrived at this new World or mine, but I won't mind going to other Worlds for now.

[Error, unable to detect a World Rune]

[Authorization to open the World Tree Travel System is denied]


Question marks appeared in my mind, and this soon became a verbal question of its own.

"What is a World Rune, ARCEUS."

[It is the key to your World, as well as many other Worlds if you happen to remember them.]

"Ah… And why do I not have it?"

[Because for one simple reason, really. You have not completely dominated your World's 'Boss' yet. Once you have slain, capture or enslave the said 'Boss', you will be granted the World Rune.]

"But I thought I already had one?"

[You are a Player, Sora. This is a new World for you, so your travel right, in this case your World Rune, is nonexistent. You must redo your Experience for this new World, I apologize if it's an inconvenience.]

"This is ridiculous..."

[Unfortunately so. This is a new System that's still in its infancy. This is the least I can do to make it not crash from too many accesses at once.]

"Now that you've mentioned it… what of the others? Are they like me?"

[Oh, they've already gotten their World Runes. Apologies to say this just now but, your transmigration was delayed to be the last of all the Players.]


I stared at the prompt for several seconds, not a word escaped my lips. My left eyelid twitches, and I close my eyes to take a deep breath.

"Well… it would've been better if you'd said that to me SINCE THE BEGINNING!!"

My dark Aura burst forth and shook the interior of the Throne Room. The golden legion falls to their knees from my overbearing Aura, but it subsides almost immediately for them to stand up again.

[Apologies, Sora. You never really asked, and I never really see the need to explain that fact to you.]


I was annoyed that crucial information was hidden from me, making me take things so casual all these times.

'I'm behind…'

For the first placed Constellation, this is quite shameful. Well, I guess I know what to do now.


I am outside of my Celestial Dark Castle right now. The sun was shining down upon me nicely, but it failed to illuminate my face from the darkness casted by my hood.

I'm wearing a Necromancy set-up, with a Summoning and Mid-range Mage hybrid focused Build.

[Clifoa's Dark Cloak]

[Item Rank: A]

[Item Effects:

+All Summons of the Undead type have their Stats increased by 70%, gaining a shield that blocks the first strike that doesn't surpass 7000 damage, and passively spread a miasma that inflicts the Fear, Anger, and Blindness Abnormal Statuses.

[Item History: A cloak made from being exposed to the dark energies of the Clifoa, a creature that originated from the Abyss. It's a monster that evolved to take on a mist form, able to inflict nasty Abnormal Status effects and for a long duration if left unchecked as well]

[Rune Imbued Tunic]

[Item Rank: A]

[Item Effects:

+350 Magic Power

+All Defensive Spells are enhanced with the Harden, Power, and Energized effects in rotation.

[Item History: A tunic made by the hands of the crafty Dwarves. It's imbued with their Runes that enhances the Item's performance, giving it a unique edge in battle]

[Feather Flight Boots]

[Item Rank: B]

[Item Effects:

+You are able to step on air

[Item History: A trinket made by the sorcerer Alin Cognier as a pass time project]

[Dark Lord's Bone Mask]

[Item Rank: S]

[Item Effects:

+All beings under Level 100 will be inflicted with the Fear Abnormal Status

+All Undead and Abyss Summons will have their Stats enhanced by 300%, their weaknesses of Divine and Fire will also be nullified unless casted by a Level 100 or above

+Level 100 and above will have their Stats slowly decrease from the exposure

[Item History: A mask made from the skull of a Beginning World Boss. The World Boss was a figure of Despair and posed as the final challenge for a Necromancer. His defeat came with a warning to the Necromancer, that one day his title might be the Necromancer's]

Aside from those, the other equipment were the standard 'normal' stuff that one would be able to find when they complete a Quest or loot a treasure chest.

'Let's embark.'

I summon my staff, the main weapon of my Build. It acts as a sort of walking stick as well, since the Mages I saw all use their Staff like that.

[Dark Oblivion]

[Item Rank: SSS]

[Item Effects:

+Unable to be discerned using an Appraisal-type Skill, if an Appraisal-type Skill is used on the Item, the Fear Abnormal Status will be inflicted to the target

+Increase Curse Damage by 200%, Debuff Duration by a flat 10s, and Curses can't be dispelled or blocked

+All Abyssal Miracles will inflict the worst Debuff possible, Debuff Duration increase by a flat 15s

+Elemental Spells can be casted up to four Spells simultaneously

+The Ultimate Spell [Dark Eclipse] will be generated

[Item History: The staff wielded by the Godfather of the Abyss, Malum. It embodies the Abyss's continuously changing form, its Curse of decay, its adaptability to new environments, and its ways of finding Life and Form in all manners]

It's crooked, not even and very imperfect. If someone with an eye for artistic values or a perfectionist sees this abomination, they would undoubtedly destroy it. As the seconds tick by, however, the pitch black staff changes its form slightly. Looking at its surface closely, they could see that it's like the ocean, wavy and turbulent, almost like it's a living creature.

I nodded to myself, this should be a good enough set-up for now. I have my Items that counter specific things that might pose a threat to me, but I'll use it sparingly while running this Build. I don't want to always play it safe, but the situation might arise and I can't turn a blind eye even if I want to.

'Now, let's check up on someone.'

I have tried to find him, but I still can't pinpoint exactly where his location is. It's not in this Realm, that's as much as I can sense.

'Well, no matter. I'll probably stumble upon him while out on this journey of mine anyways. Hope that's the case at least.'

I look forward to the path I'm about to take.

'What I'm looking for…'

A temple, inside the walls of Humanity. One that worships the Goddess of Light, the First Dawn, the Light Bringer to Humanity's Darkest Times. Rebecca, a rather secluded yet often spoken of Goddess within the gossips of humans.

'She's benevolent, peaceful. She must have a high Charm Stat, or in some form a Skill that makes one vulnerable to her way of reasoning.'

From all the data I've collected and stolen from a library, Rebecca is depicted as a merciful peacemaker, she has no violent records nor orders any form of violence unto another being. It's impressive, but highly doubtful. It is written by her devoted followers, texts and words could be filled in just to paint that image of a benevolent Goddess that they want to see.

'As always, the best way to look at something is through one's own eyes.'

And that's what I'm about to do. If she is anything that I've collected about, then she probably won't refuse to give away what I need in exchange for Humanity.

'A fair bargain, I would say.'

Many will die, but at least her Humans in this World will live. For me, that's a bargain already.

'I sound like a douche…'

I should really work on being a better person… Well, hopefully by the end of this journey that goal is completed. Journeys are made for that sort of thing, change.

And so, without any lingering thoughts and distracting subjects, I take a step toward the unknown.

'Time to get my hands dirty.'


It is the first day in my travel, morning period. There's nothing much to report other than the absolute boredom that's encroaching my mind.

I stare at the atmosphere, trying to lose myself to the beautiful natural scenery of the Elf's forest. But alas, a view on the ground can't be compared with one from above the trees, not to mention the skies. I approach random animals, only for them to flee quickly upon sensing my presence. I scare them, frighten them to their very core. Good.


Night period. It's a struggle to keep my mind from destructive thoughts. I know I have the necessary willpower, but it's like I'm back to my young days of messing around again. I'm annoyed easily, and prone to getting bored to the point I almost set an inextinguishable fire to the forest.

Groups of Elves start to follow me, but I don't care. They won't interact from the looks of it, so they're probably just scouts or eyes to keep me in check by Svar'ritha.

I walk in the solemn night, with silence being my only company. It is lonely, but I'm familiar with that feeling.


A figure, draped and hidden underneath layers of mysteries, walks the New World and experiences its sceneries. His experiences, now gone and replaced with a child-like persona. It was a mystery to the figure, how did he gain such a weakness that clouds his judgement? When did it happen?

He asks himself this question as he gazes at the numerous bright stars in the sky. Beautiful, like a chest of jewels and gems. However, to the onlookers and watchers, all they see is a monster, a bomb waiting to explode. This makes them tense, yet when they feel the atmosphere he gives off, they can't help but relax their caution. It was lonely, they could feel it.

The bright moon, the only object that illuminates the scenery they're seeing right now. A lonely figure gazing up at the sky, yet the soft moonlight cannot pierce his darkness that covers his face. The moment was still, like they were witnessing or even inside a painting with how unreal it is, this scene.

It's a sight of loneliness to behold.


Morning came. My second day begins and today I decide to ride one of my Mounts for faster travels.

"Come, my steed Aletra.''

A black horse with pure red eyes appeared from a pitch black portal. It has one singular spiraling white horn on its forehead. Its beautiful gray mane makes for a stunning sight, and its bulging muscles prove that it's not just any ordinary Bicorn steed.


It lowers his head and bows to me. I placed my hand on its head, and for a brief moment complete silence wrapped the atmosphere. I climb on its back, and we ride off to the distance.


It was a pleasant ride, with a peaceful mind and inner silence the journey was much more enjoyable to an extent. I enjoy the breeze that hits my face, and the quiet pants for air from the elves that're following me.

'I can lose them with Aletra's Umbral Charge, but what's the fun in that?'

I enjoy the moment, even though it's not efficient.


I reach the edge of the forest, with a plain right in front a few meters away. I look in complete disinterest, as I prepare my staff.

The reason why I brought Dark Oblivion, a World-class Item, was for its Skill that has relatively low combat utility, just to cast an Eclipse effect over the Sun. But, I found out that an Eclipse isn't just for show. It's also an effect that completely negates the power of the Sky, making the 'viewing' become obstructed.

"The brightest day shall know true darkness."

I cast the Ultimate Spell attached to the Item, and a black smoke released from the tip of the staff. It was moving very quickly, rising to the sky at an incredibly fast pace.

'I have a minute.'

The time frame to cover a distance of approximately thousands of kilometers. Then, to pass through the giant wall up ahead. It's an almost impossible feat.

'Let's go.'

I charge in regardless of that. Aletra, overflowed with a dark power that's strong enough to spread an Aura, followed my intentions and charged forward without hesitation.

Our speed could be considered unbelievable with a terrifying appearance. A black blur charging towards you in an almost pitch black environment, that would make anyone be on high alert. But, they weren't. The guards atop the wall were more concerned over the shadowed Sun than their front.

'Eight… nine… ten.'

I'm in front of the wall right now. I dismounted Aletra and landed softly on the ground, the momentum from the charge dissipated quickly. I summoned another one of my Pets, the most useful one in terms of utility.

'Calith, merge.'

A dark shadow forms and envelops me entirely, making my outward appearance nothing but a pitch black figure.

I take a running start towards the wall, and faze through it like it wasn't there in the first place.

[Spectral Shadow]

[Activation Effect: Allow the being to become untouchable by material attacks and obstructions. However, take double damage when the attack is Magical, triple damage if the attack is of the Divine attribute]

My vision was enveloped in black, a lack of air was present but I could still partially breath. The moment only lasted about a second, and I'm at the other side of the wall now. I summon back Aletra and jump on.


Aletra began to sprint forward with lightning fast speed. The surroundings became a slight blur to me as I rode on Aletra's back, traveling at speeds comparable to a race car.


I look back, and then above to the Eclipse.


I cancel it after a minute, and then stop under the shade of a tree. Aletra disappears in a puff of smoke and I sit down, my back against the tree.

'Well… this is good. I'm about… 1% in my journey.'

The first hurdle has passed, and now it's time for the true journey to begin.