
Really sorry

Stacy and Zoey returned home at the same time.  They both greeted themselves and walked in. Zoey quickly walked to the kitchen to get something to eat, while Stacy sat down on the couch because she was exhausted.

"Hey Stacy, Dawn isn't back yet?"

"Look at the time, it's just 6pm and you know she do return at 8:30pm."

" Yea, that's true." Zoey said as she sat down on the couch.

There was a knock on the door, Zoey dropped her meal and went to get it. She opened the door and saw Dawn, she was looking so dull. "Hi." Dawn said as she walked in. Zoey closed the door and went after Dawn.

"Dawn, what wrong?" Zoey asked

"Hi, Stacy."

Stacy looked at Dawn and saw how sad she was. " Dawn, are you okay?"

" Yes." She replied as she sat down on the three sitter couch which was facing Stacy.

" But you don't look like someone who is okay."

Dawn said nothing, she only brought out her sack letter and dropped it on the center table. Stacy quickly picked it and read it. "A.... sack, Dawn you also got fired from work."

Dawn sniffed. "Yea." She managed to say.

" But why, what did you do?"

" It's about that missing file I called you and told you about."

" What..... And he fired you? "

"Yes." Dawn started tearing up

"Hey." Stacy and Zoey stood up and walked to Dawn's couch, the both sat down next to her. "Don't cry okay. We're strong. Things like this can't make us cry." Stacy said. " Look, I also got fired today."

Zoey and Dawn looked at her immediately she said those words. "Stacy, you got fired?" Zoey asked

Stacy smiled and nodded.

" But why?" Dawn asked.

" My boss is such a ass hole, you know. I gave him exactly what he needed."

" Stacy, you don't even look like someone who received a sack."

" Well you know, the end of something is also the beginning of something. I got a job today again."

" So what do you mean?"

" I met a Man who offered me a job. Guess how much is the pay?"

"Stacy just tell is. We don't need to guess."

Stacy stood up and placed her hand on her waist. " 50 USD's"

Zoey bursted into laughter when Stacy said those words.

Dawn was in no mood for games or jokes but she had no choice but to laugh too.

Stacy frowned when her sisters laughed at what she said. "Wait, you guys think I'm joking huh?" She folded her arms. "Well, you'll believe me when the job starts."

"Wait Stacy, are you serious or you're just pulling out legs." Dawn said.

" You know I don't joke when it comes to such matters. Heyo, you gotta believe me."

Zoey and Dawn glanced at themselves. The way Stacy was speaking shows she's serious. So the had to believe her.

"Wow. That's nice Stacy. So what Job is it?"

"You won't believe if I tell you." Stacy sat down.

" C'mon, we will."

" Okay, it's just a babysitter."

Zoey and Dawn looked at her, that's incredible. 50 US Dollars for just a babysitter?.

"Stacy..you.. you're..." Zoey stammered. "Oh Lord. I'm speechless."

"Yes, also me." Dawn added.

"The  man is rich, you Know."

Zoey and Dawn still didn't believe Stacy.

" Zoey, Stacy,"Dawn said as she stood up. "My whole day was bad and I'm tired right now. I need to rest. See you guys in the morning." She picked her bag and walked to the bed room.

Zoey picked the remote and turned the television on.

"Hey, you better switch off that television."

"Stacy please. I can't afford to miss this movie today. Please." She gave Stacy a puppy eyes. Stacy sighed . " Okay, but you won't stay long right?"

"Yes, I promise."

"Good night." Stacy also walked to the bedroom.



Dawn woke up from bed and walked to the sitting room. She found Zoey dressing up from school.

"Dawn, good morning." Zoey said. She was buckling her shoes.

" Morning." Dawn replied with a deep sigh.

" Stacy has refused to wake up."

" I also tried to wake her up but she refused. She said she has nothing to do."

" Hmm. Stacy is just so so dramatic." Zoey said. " Dawn," Zoey stood up. " I'll be going to school now. I made breakfast. It's in the kitchen, Incase you want some."

" What did you make?"

" Bacon and egg." She said with a silly smile on her face.

Dawn hates Bacon's and Zoey knows that already

"You already know I hate that."

"Yes.. that's why I made little. And it's only for me. You and Stacy will be at home, so make something for yourselves."

" I won't be at home, Zoey."

" But why, where will you be going to?"

" To look for another job of course."

" Wait, but where."

Dawn sat down. " There are alot of company who needs me and you know I'm a qualified worker."

" Yea... that's true. I wish you good luck."

" Thanks."

Zoey stood up. " Dawn, I'll be going now."

" Okay then."

Zoey picked her bag and walked away.

Dawn made sure she did all the chores since her elder sister, Stacy has refused to wake up. After making breakfast, she got ready to take her bath.  When she was done bathing, She walked out of the bathroom and saw Stacy who was lying down on the bed, yawning.

"Stacy." She called.

Stacy was awake but she refused to open her eyes. "What says the time?"

She said, in a sleepy tune.

"It's 20 minutes pasted 9."

"WHAT." She yelled. Her eyes were now wide opened. She quickly jumped out of bed. "Dawn, why didn't you wake me up."

"I did. Zoey and I did."

"Shit, I'll be late for work." She quickly made her way to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

She dressed up Immediately she was done bathing.

Stacy walked out of the room and saw Dawn eating.

"Where are you going to, Stacy?"

"Ohh you thought I was kidding when I said I got a new job. " Stacy replied. " Hey, I will see you later."

She walked to the door

" But at least eat something."

" No." Stacy shut the door and walked away. On her way out, one of her friend who happened to be a taxi driver saw her and called her.

"Stacy." He called

"Hey what's up." She walked to him.

"I'm good. Where are you heading to so late, don't tell me it work."

" No Lucas, It's actually somewhere

Thank goodness I saw you." She brought out the card that Skyler gave her the other day. " Can you please take me to this place?" She gave him the card and he collected it.

"Sure. Enter and I'll drop you there."

"Thanks." Stacy opened the Taxi and entered.

Lucas started the car engine and made their way.

"So Stacy, what do you want to go and do at Piper's street. That place is only for the rich you know."

"Yea. I got a job there."

" Wow. I'm really happy for you."

" Thanks."

Stacy eyes went wide opened when The taxi drove into Piper's street. She was surprised, the houses there were  huge and beautiful.

She kept on staring at each and every house  and wished it was hers and that of her sisters.

Lucas noticed the looks on her face. He understood everything and knew what was in her mind. 'Poor thing'. He said to himself. Eversince their parents died, the three young and beautiful ladies have been struggling to get something. He was really happy when Stacy said she got a new job at Piper's street. At least, she'd be able to get something for the family since the people at Piper's were rich.

Lucas stopped the car when they arrived at 'house 24, Piper's street II'. "Stacy, we're here already."

"Oh. How much is your money?"

"C'mon it's me, Lucas. Just go."

" Lucas, I do have the money with me. You've never collected money from me. "

" Yea. Stacy I know how things are. So don't worry."

" Lucas, I'm really grateful for everything. You've been nice since from day one. God will really bless you Lucas."

" Amen Stacy. Please go before you get late for work."

" Yea, that's true."

She opened the door and dropped down. "Bye". She said as she shut the door.

" Bye." Lucas started the car and drove away.

Stacy heaved  a deep sigh. She was already standing in front of Skyler's house. "This place really big and beautiful." She mused.

She was about to knock, when she saw a small board. Written on it was 'Skyler Piper'

"Why is he also bearing the name PIPER, or is he...." Stacy voice trailed off when the small gate opened and some one came out. It was the gate man. "Good day." Stacy said. "I'm.."

"Come in, Miss Stacy." The gate man cut her short.

Stacy was shocked, how did he know her name? That's was quite strange.

"Don't worry. I saw you through the cameras. And the boss did too."

" Ohh. But is he in."

" You actually came at the right time and at the same time, the wrong time."

" Meaning?"

" The boss is around. But he's actually getting ready for work. Just come in."

" Thanks." Stacy entered. The gate man closed the gate immediately.

The gate man asked one of the maids to take Stacy in and she did. The two ladies both walked in.

"Wow." Stacy mused when they entered inside.  She admired the place alot. The whole house was painted white and she loved it. It seems as if Skyler was a lover of white color.

"Ma'am, please sit."

"Umm... thank you." Stacy took her sit. The maid went back to her to her duty post.

Stacy was now the only one who was left in the sitting room. The pictures on the wall got her attention so she stood up to have a look.

She saw that of Skyler and his twins. "Awwn..the kids are really cute." She said with a smile. She also saw that of Skyler and his wife. "I knew he had a wife, I wonder why he still wants me to babysit his kids. His wife is such a cute queen though." She mused.

Her eyes went to the big photo frame on the wall. "Mrs Elena Piper?"

She quickly turned when she felt someone presence.

It was Skyler.

"Good ... good..day." she managed to say. "I was only looking at the pictures and nothing else."

She thought Skyler was mad at her for being a busy body, the looks on his face can tell.

"I'm sorry."

"So you came." That's what Skyler said.

" Umm.. yes. I'm really sorry for coming late."