
Chapter 191: Strategic Deterrence_1


Walking on the Moon was not as easy as one would imagine.

There was an intelligent lunar rover following behind them, ensuring that they wouldn't expend too much energy and lack the strength to walk back.

Jiang Yu felt as if he was stepping into cotton with each step, unsure of how to use the strength in his legs and feet.

Only then did he understand the purpose of the shoes in Moon City, which used electromagnetic force to simulate Earth's gravity and prevent that rootless sensation underfoot.

Moon Park was already full of footprints, which could remain for a million years without external forces to disturb them.

Burton explained, "You may not imagine, but the most tedious daily work in this park is to clear these footprints.

"Otherwise, when new visitors come, they wouldn't even find a spot to leave footprints for a photo."

He pointed to Ring Mountain not far away, "We have left the interior of Ring Mountain untouched, but in other places, we first collect the top layer of lunar dust and soil.

"The top layer has the highest concentration of Helium-3, and only then do we proceed with mining, park development, constructions, and so on."

Suddenly, Jiang Yu recalled a question, "Logically, Helium-3 accumulates over a long time on the Moon's surface and should be evenly distributed.

"There's no wind on the Moon and it has never rained, so why are there areas with such large Helium-3 reserves?"

Burton replied, "The answer to this question is basically conclusive. The uneven distribution of Helium-3 is caused by meteorite impacts and the Moon's geological activities.

"According to the research findings from Moon City Science Academy, the Moon still experienced geological activities three to five hundred million years ago."

Jiang Yu sighed, "Ahh, hundreds of millions of years!"

He stopped to rest for a while, "Don't you have anything else to tell me?"

"Yes!" Burton said, "In any case, on waking up this time, you must adjust the strategy for Moon City and set new goals.

"Although the crisis on the Moon is not imminent, it is not far from us either. We must plan ahead."

Jiang Yu continued to walk, "Go on."

Burton said, "I believe that Moon City currently lacks strategic depth, which is why we feel this sense of crisis.

"Hmm, it should be said that in space there is no such thing as strategic depth in the geographic sense of countries, unless digging deep into the Moon's interior. Otherwise, any place is extremely vulnerable.

"Strategic depth in space should be interplanetary!

"For example, if we also have a presence on Mars, PDC wouldn't be sure they could eliminate us in one fell swoop, then they would hesitate before making a move.

"We would have a deterrent in our strategy. Therefore, the next step for Moon City should be to actively build up our power on Mars.

"Right now, the call for Di Fengyi to become the mayor of Mars City is quite high. This is a rare opportunity.

"Of course, PDC will certainly obstruct this, and we might even sacrifice some of Moon City's interests to secure this mayoral position.

"Meanwhile, Moon City needs to continue maintaining an open and communicative stance. Only when our interests are entangled with those of our enemies, will they have greater reservations about acting against us."

As they spoke, the three had already ascended Ring Mountain.

On one side was a huge crater, and on the other was the panoramic view of Moon City.

During the climb, the slope hadn't felt very steep, but now that they had reached the highest point of Ring Mountain, Jiang Yu realized just how tall it actually was.

From here, one could overlook Moon City, dozens of meters high. The outer side of Moon City was not as smooth as the inside, with iron frames used for stability and connecting to the uneven lunar surface.

It looked like someone had placed a brick in the desert, no matter the irregularities in the surrounding terrain, the brick stood squarely there.

In the distance, there was a busy construction site bustling with lunar trucks and J32 shuttles moving around the site.


The framework of the new district had been erected, and they were now performing the final assembly.

Despite the hustle and bustle of the construction site, it was completely silent to the eyes of Jiang Yu and others, making the busy scene resemble a grand mime performance.

After admiring the panoramic view of Moon City, Jiang Yu turned to Burton and asked, "Nothing else to say?"

Burton hesitated for a moment before responding, "Director Di and I did not collude, we both believe this is the most viable path."

"I haven't taken it to heart, and your thoughts do make some sense." Jiang Yu said to Burton:

"Although you haven't disappointed me, what you've done is not enough, far from enough!"

He sighed and continued, "Some things need to be understood by yourself to be truly understood. If I tell you, it would only confuse you more.

"Think about it carefully. We're having a small meeting tomorrow with a few people. If you can figure it out before the meeting, I'll trust you to continue managing Moon City."

Having said that, Jiang Yu took the lead and began descending the hill.

Back in Moon City, they felt the solid ground beneath their feet again as they donned their magnetic shoes.

Once in the residential area, Jiang Yu immediately returned to the hotel, while Burton, deep in thought, returned to his office.

Soon after, Number Three notified Burton, Bil, Di Fengyi, and Beck about the meeting scheduled for nine o'clock the next noon to discuss the next steps for Moon City's plans.

Bil's team was on high alert; although it was a small meeting, they were aware that it might be Jiang Yu's final decision-making meeting.

The team from the Moon City Science Academy worked through the night to come up with strategies for Bil to argue at the meeting, trying to exploit the holes in Burton's strategy and doing their utmost to convince Jiang Yu to support the Academy's strategy.

For this meeting, Bil himself had slept a mere three hours, taking in the strategic team's plan.

On Burton's end, however, things were not as busy; after returning, he had come to understand many things.

On Beck's side, there was no preparation whatsoever; he knew that tomorrow, he would simply be there to listen.

The next morning, in a small conference room at the city hall, Bil, the first to arrive at the venue, was still reading the documents.

Burton sat in contemplation while Di Fengyi and Beck, who had already appeared on the screen, seemed relatively relaxed, chatting lightly.

Promptly at nine o'clock, Jiang Yu opened the door to the conference room and said to Number Three behind him, "Join us, take notes."

Number Three nodded, settled into a corner, and switched on the video recorder.

Jiang Yu sat down and instead of rushing to speak, he gently tapped the table with his hand, observing everyone's expressions.

An aura of unease seemed to spread through the air, especially for Bil, who for some reason felt that all the arguments and evidence he had prepared were no longer as compelling.

After about ten seconds of oppressive silence, Jiang Yu finally sighed, "To be honest, the situation at Moon City disappoints me.

"Among those present, we met Burton and Di Fengyi first, and later Bil and Beck joined our team.

"Overall, I am closer to Feng Yi and Bil, but you two especially disappoint me!"

Di Fengyi lowered his head in embarrassment, while Bil was somewhat confused.

Jiang Yu said seriously, "Those present are the highest authorities of Moon City. I want to ask you all, does anyone still remember the original purpose of establishing Moon City?"

Bil was still at a loss; Jiang Yu's question was beyond all the guesses of his team. He was beginning to sense that the situation was completely out of his control.

No one answered Jiang Yu's question immediately, and the conference room once again fell into dead silence.

After several more seconds, Burton suddenly said, "I'm ashamed to admit, not until the Wallfacer asked me to reflect on my own did I remember that Moon City was created for the Wallfacer Project!"