
Chapter 144: Morbidity_1

Translator: 549690339

Jiang Yu had dinner at the Super Soldier research institute's cafeteria and then went to Bo Xiangdong's office for a cigarette and a brief chat.

Ever since Jiang Yu's arrival, Bo Xiangdong's pressure had been considerably reduced. Previously, the entire research institute's scientific personnel felt that creating so many deformed lives was a sin.

The research institute had essentially come to a standstill, which greatly worried Bo Xiangdong.

Jiang Yu sighed helplessly, "Although I was mocking everyone at the meeting just now, I actually feel a hurdle in my heart. After all, traditional moral concepts have long been ingrained in our bones."

"We have ended that era of wastefulness, survival must come first."

He sighed deeply again, "Almost everyone still hasn't gotten around this curve, not even realizing what kind of changes need to occur for survival in the future!"

Bo Xiangdong took a drag of his cigarette, "I don't have such a heavy psychological burden. When I was studying, I read about 'exchanging children to feed oneself' in the history books and didn't think much of it.

"It was only when I was accidentally involved in a war abroad that I realized all the effort and investment humanity had made before was about finding ways to kill their own kind.

"When life is at stake and hunger and cold strike, there are no moral bottom lines to speak of."

The two men were silent for a long while. In the oppressive quiet, the white smoke rising from the cigarettes gradually dissipated into the air.

It seemed as if something else disappeared along with the smoke, their gazes becoming more resolute than before as they stubbed out their cigarettes in the ashtray.

After the office was quiet for over half a minute, Jiang Yu finally asked, "Give it to me straight, with external intervention, can humanity undergo evolution in a short time?"

Without hesitation, Bo Xiangdong shook his head, "A complete evolution is impossible. Only partial evolution is possible.

"Since we are cultivating Soldiers, then we should strive to make corresponding enhancements in physical capabilities and coordination first."

He paused, then continued, "Previous natural evolution was an extremely lengthy process, which began with a certain mutation.

"For instance, the running speed of Homo sapiens is much slower than that of hunters and prey such as cheetahs and goats. So, to hunt, they could only compete in stamina.

"Those chimpanzees, for various reasons, who suffer from alopecia, are able to dissipate heat more quickly while running, making them better suited for hunting, also increasing their chances of survival.

"Many say that the hairlessness from chimpanzees to Homo sapiens was due to aesthetic needs at the time.

"These so-called 'aesthetes' deserve to be condemned. When has baldness ever become a fashion trend? If that were the case, all the people in the world would have become monks and nuns by now!

"They should just study their aesthetics and not meddle in other disciplines."

Jiang Yu laughed but made no comment.

Bo Xiangdong said, "Now we have to simplify this process, changing natural selection to artificial selection.

"If we find subjects whose nervous or muscular systems are more developed due to mutations, we will focus on cultivating their offspring, making their genes stable.

"Then let them integrate into human society, using reproduction to change humanity's genes."

Suddenly, Bo Xiangdong laughed, "Now you see why our line of work is easily scorned?

"Because we often bring about fundamental changes, and humanity is very resistant to any change."

Jiang Yu pinched the bridge of his nose, "But humanity must ultimately take this step. In the fiercely competitive cosmos, natural evolution is too slow to meet the evolutionary needs of humanity.

"Relatively speaking, natural evolution is milder; at least most of the time, a part of the group can survive and grow stronger through survival of the fittest.

"But in the universe, no one gives us this chance. A moment of inattention can lead to the extinction of an entire group."

Especially in the "Three-Body" universe, weakness is a crime!

Bo Xiangdong leaned back in his chair and fell into deep thought.

The next day, when Jiang Yu was leaving, he cautioned Bo Xiangdong again in front of the car, "Even though time is pressing, don't be too impatient, some things need to be done gradually.

"Often, impatience just leads to mistakes that waste a lot of time."

Bo Xiangdong nodded repeatedly, indicating he understood the importance of moderation.

This trip to the northwest thus came to an end, with Jiang Yu taking Thirty-Six back to Beijing by plane.

Upon leaving the airport, they hit the evening rush hour, and the traffic was heavily congested.

Jiang Yu wasn't in a hurry. He asked Thirty-Six about his future plans and invited him to stay at his place for the time being. He suggested that Thirty-Six could move out once he found a way to support himself.

After chatting for a few minutes, Jiang Yu heard what seemed like arguing at the intersection ahead, and the car had not moved for quite some time.

Di Fengyi said, "I'll go check it out."

A few minutes later, Di Fengyi returned, "A girl on an electric scooter collided with an old lady's at the intersection ahead.

"Some of the elderly who were out for a walk were asking the girl to apologize, but the girl claimed it was the old lady who crossed the street on a red light that caused the crash.

"There are also some onlookers; some young people are supporting the girl, telling her not to bow to moral hijacking.

"The two sides were getting more and more stubborn, blocking the road."

Jiang Yu pinched the bridge of his nose but didn't say anything.

Di Fengyi suggested, "Should we ask the armed police comrades to intervene?"

Jiang Yu shook his head, "Different responsibilities; it's better to let the civil police handle it. They're more professional."

Di Fengyi nodded, "They really are laid-back. While we're running around for the cause of resisting the invasion, they still have the energy to argue over such trivial matters."

Jiang Yu, however, said, "The invasion of the Trisolarans, the advocacy of escapism, the decline in living standards—all have increased the psychological stress on the public. They need to find an outlet for their frustrations.

"In the future, this kind of phenomenon will become more frequent. The whole society may turn into a powder keg!"

Di Fengyi asked, "Shouldn't we try to provide some guidance?"

Jiang Yu waved his hand, "It's not the right time. We should wait until the masses are exhausted and confused under the pressure of an outburst before we step in for the best results."

He then asked, "You mentioned at noon during the transfer that Tyler was wallbroken.

"What's happening with Tyler now?"

Di Fengyi replied, "He's attending a United Nations hearing for the Wallfacer Project."

Jiang Yu laughed, "Five years ago, I told him to come to talk to me about the Wallbreaker encounter, no matter what. I wonder if he took my words to heart?"

Then he answered his own question, "I defeated the Wallbreaker, but he was defeated by one. He will probably go to Logic for a talk, in consideration of his pride."

Di Fengyi was startled, "I haven't heard of any meetings between Tyler and Logic before?"