
Chapter 2 Turnaround_2

Translator: 549690339

Next, he took out the textbook from his backpack, and got straight to the point, "Let's start early, shall we?"


Only three hours remained on the countdown. Although he didn't know what would happen, he wanted to finish the lesson as soon as possible.

Even though that's what he thought, Liu Yueyue was not cooperative at all.

She was squatting on the ground, unpacking a box.

Once finished, there lay on the ground a set of headgear similar to VR glasses, a thin, black bodysuit, and a black console.

"Liu classmate, what are these things?" Qin Ming felt they looked familiar but couldn't recall what they were.

"V-suit, for playing the Three-Body game. Put on the glasses, wear the sensor suit, and then you can use it. I heard online that this game is very realistic."

To be honest, with Liu Yueyue's explosive figure, Qin Ming found it hard to imagine what she would look like in the tight suit.

Probably, a very beautiful sight, tempting to men, just like the Solar System to the Three-Body civilization.

The V-suit, the Three-Body game, this was where the Ball-Tampering ETO Organization started.

Thinking of the original ETO's ending, Qin Ming looked at the excited Liu Yueyue with a serious face and advised,

"Classmate Liu, you'd better not play this game."

"Call me big sister!"

Liu Yueyue couldn't take it anymore; she then held up three slender fingers:

"I spent thirty thousand on this game. Are you saying I just shouldn't play it?"

Wow, she's quite the little rich girl.

Qin Ming was speechless. Having said his piece, he had no desire to argue further. He was a dying man, after all. How could he control other people's actions?

Best to focus on the tutoring session.

"Big sister, can we start with the actual lesson now?"

However, Liu Yueyue didn't pay him any heed, squatting on the floor, preparing to assemble the gaming equipment.

Qin Ming placed his hand in front of her, which irritated her a bit. She stood up, forcibly pushed Qin Ming down onto the bed, pinning him so that he couldn't move.

"Little brother, you should listen to your big sister, got it?" Liu Yueyue leaned in, her voice teasing with a light laugh, "If you don't listen, I'll show you how tough big sister can be."

The two were mere centimeters apart.

Qin Ming could smell her scent, see the long eyelashes on her big eyes.

Liu Yueyue could also see his high nose bridge. Although his face was still youthful, it was extremely handsome. The innocent boy was like a blank canvas, irresistible to paint upon.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the air became a little strange.

If this were one of those overbearing CEO stories, Qin Ming would probably flash a devilish smile, "Woman, you're playing with fire."

Alas, it wasn't, and Qin Ming's body was very weak. The power imbalance was stark; if Liu Yueyue wanted to bully him, there was nothing the ailing young man could do in resistance.


Children mustn't start... cough cough,

This can't go any further or the book will be gone.

"Big sister, you shouldn't be naughty!"

Qin Ming's eyes were pure and clear. He then said earnestly, "Big sister, you wouldn't want Aunt to find out about the game you bought, right?"

Hearing this, Liu Yueyue let go of him and sat on the edge of the bed, her face clenched with anger.

He had found her weakness.

"Big sister, can we start now?"

Ah! My game!

Looking at Qin Ming, tilting his head, with an innocent look on his handsome face, she felt an inner turmoil, close to being driven insane by this little devil.

Helpless under his coercion, Liu Yueyue could only obediently listen to the lesson.

Qin Ming started with the high school physics matter of mechanics knowledge.

However, she still felt drowsy listening to the lesson, truly disinterested in physics.

Gradually, more than an hour passed.

Qin Ming was nearly finished with his lecture, and at the same time, this senior high school big sister was almost asleep, clear drool flowing along her snow-white arm onto the table.

He woke Liu Yueyue and asked with a smile,

"If you're not interested in physics, why did you choose a science stream?"

"Because the science stream has biology, and I'm really interested in biology," murmured Liu Yueyue, suddenly coming alive with energy.


"Don't you think life is beautiful?" She stood up, a bright smile spreading across her beautiful face, and then she opened the window, allowing a rich scent of flowers to flush into the bedroom.

The beautiful girl inhaled the fragrance greedily.

Following her gaze, Qin Ming took in the view of the residential garden's landscape.

"Flowers on the earth bathe in sunlight, hardworking bees rest on the blossoms busying themselves, flying in all directions, spreading seeds while also collecting nectar, gifts from the flowers."

She revealed a moved smile again and spoke in a melodious voice, "Life is like that, beautiful and harmonious, filled with hope and miracles."

"Where is there hope and miracles?"


Liu Yueyue opened her slender fingers and her gentle gaze turned towards a certain spot in the garden,

Following the direction of her finger, there was a small grass, stubbornly growing in the crevice of the garden wall, growing sideways—a place where grass shouldn't be able to grow.

Qin Ming could see, Liu Yueyue's face was filled with a vibrant vitality, like a flower under the blazing sun,

The big sister's smile was warm, just like the winter sun.

But at this moment, the young man's heart could not feel much warmth, only the chilling cold of death.

He shook his head, neither affirming nor denying.

Miracles might exist, but for a terminal cancer patient, life is out of reach, with miracles only existing inside the black hole of death.


Could this be my miracle? Or is it merely the countdown of my life?

Watching the countdown, Qin Ming suddenly felt an inexplicable panic, a vast fear enveloping his heart, almost submerging him.

Someone was clutching his heart tight.

He couldn't catch his breath.

Qin Ming quickly packed up his bag and left in a flurry.

Before leaving, he prepaid for several more lessons, a total of two thousand.

Well, the money had to be taken, but he decided to skip the meal for now.

The dining table in the living room was filled with a lavish spread of food, Chen Fang insisted he eat before leaving, yet he didn't stay for a moment, undoubtedly a very impolite act.

Chen Fang and her daughter were quite displeased.

"Why leave without eating, not even saying goodbye?"

Chen Fang felt aggrieved, after preparing such a large table of food to entertain him, and he ignored it completely. Taking the money and leaving, she even overpaid him by a few hundred.

"Who knows? He ran off before we could react, truly lacking any manners. Mom, he didn't run off with the money, did he?"

Liu Yueyue was at a loss for words, just as she was about to continue her complaints, she saw a small slip of paper on the ground.

She picked it up and looked at it.

Qin Ming, 16 years old, male.

Diagnosis: Terminal liver cancer, multiple metastases.

Looking at the medical report in her hand, Liu Yueyue seemed to understand something. Tears started to well in her eyes, and she hurriedly went downstairs.

The young girl pushed open the door, and at a glance, the outside was pitch black, the boy's figure nowhere to be seen.