
Three Angeles and One devil

Lisa is the eldest sister of her siblings. she never believed in marriage. she has two little sister Rosy and Heloice. one brother Oliver. in her dad eye, all of three sister, is docile and submissive. for her dad sake, she ends up to marry with an enigmatic and affluent, handsome person. her life changed by then. she never thought that trouble is waiting for her. along with her, her siblings also get into this disaster...

Nidhi_Kumari_3067 · Urban
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87 Chs

She Is Still Avoiding Me.

she thought. "should I tell him or not. it would be embarrassing if I say him what's Roma thinks."

she told him hesitantly. " that night, what you have been hinted to everyone about your lover..... Roma thinks it must be me. but, I know it very well. I can't be, right?" she asked him with hopeful eye.

he sighed and whispered. " so, that's what you have gotten gist of it. no wonder, I shouldn't have expected you much."

then, she said briskly. " I know. you have done it deliberately. you think that way you can turn Roma against me. even you know she is the only one my friend. but I am not stupid. I think you overestimated yourself. ''

she added. " don't you feel guilty to do this cheeky thing. she loves you and you....."

he broke off. " hey wait, you still think that I do everything to irritate you.. then, let me clear you directly, I have never liked her. that's why, I make an excuse. that's all. "

she asked dubiously. " so, it turns out you don't love her. actually, she always talk about you. so, I think you two....'

" I have already tell you that I have already someone I love him. but I can't say you. "

she clenched her bag and explained. " then, I shouldn't keep any relation to you. even if, we will only be friend. but, she would think I am the one that's why you don't like her anymore."

" seriously, you are so mean. aren't we friend? how can you be turned like that after know I love someone other."

she asked briskly. "then, tell me about her. I swear. I won't bother you after that. "

he was being frenzy. he snapped. " how can I tell you. you can't understand me. actually, l....I like man. " she was so stubborn. that, he can't make any other simulation. at least, he was relief. he didn't know, what would she do if she knew about his feeling to her.

Heloice was shocked after hearing him. she becomes freeze to her place. her mouth become round o. after a while, she got her conciousness. when, he jolted her. " are you all right. "

she said. " yeah, yeah..." then, she smirked. Vickie saw her to his squint. and asked her. "is it funny?" her lips twisted into curved smile, as if she conquest over him.

she suppressed her pleasure. and said. " nothing, I am just feeling pity about numerous girl. who pesters you. what would happen if they would find out your secret."

then, she became concerned. " that's why you used me."

" yeah, then what you think...wait you used to avoid me back then, but right now you are smiling at me. "

he grinned. " did you afraid that you would fall to my charm. in that case, it is not your fault."

she said gruffly. " stop flattering yourself. even, it would be. what's the use of it. I already knew. it can't be possible."

he was startled after hearing her it. has she been really some feeling towards him?

she becomes sober. " it makes sense. okay, I will think about it. should I help you or not." she snapped like she was omnipotent right now. she just find one chessman. she wanted to play it discern way.

he grinned. " do you think, you have any option. oh, come on icy, for you I am not able to sleep well every night since one month. can't you do for me just one trivial thing?"

suddenly, he took his hand on her hair. she leaned to stop him. and stared at him blankly. he took a glance on her. "what, there is leaf. that's all"

" I can do it myself." she stammered and extended her hand to reach out. she started palpating on the hope that she could find it. but it was naught."

then, he took out leaf. he said. " here, it is. " he started adjusting her hair and beholding her. it was ruffling to the air."

she said swiftly. " I am getting late, I should go now. " and she strode off to the building.

he was wonder. why, she is still avoiding to him. he said to himself. he sighed. " but I can't trace it."

I wonder. if my candle night dinner wouldn't have been ruined by her. then, she would definitely block me to everywhere.

Heloice was in the corridor. she was sank in her concern. " why I am still feel unease. even, I knew we are not possible."

she wanted to know it disperately. even, in whole lecture of the class, she couldn't concentrate.
