
Three Angeles and One devil

Lisa is the eldest sister of her siblings. she never believed in marriage. she has two little sister Rosy and Heloice. one brother Oliver. in her dad eye, all of three sister, is docile and submissive. for her dad sake, she ends up to marry with an enigmatic and affluent, handsome person. her life changed by then. she never thought that trouble is waiting for her. along with her, her siblings also get into this disaster...

Nidhi_Kumari_3067 · Urban
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87 Chs


after that when she comes out to restroom. she looks everyone was busy to ask. who found thimble. as she sat beside Roma. she complained. " I thought it would me. I came here with hope that after your sister marriage it would be my turn. it seems I have to wait to marry with Vickie. today my bad luck was overweight on me."

she tranquilized her. " may be."

then, Ella asked to Everyone chearisly" now, tell us. who is lucky girl."

" don't conceal to us we also want to know it."

when no one replied come from. Roma asked to Heloice meticulously. " you are the one who didn't eat it Infront of us right." then everyone eyes turned to look at Heloice.

she said. " don't look at me like that.

I didn't find it. because I spew it."

Ella described. " that means it went on your part and you threw it."

she lied. " perhaps."

Ella was about to say something. at the same time her phone buzzed. she takes an excuse and go outside to listen call."

Lisa said her with wide eyes. " you got it." she sneered. " seriously, I want to see forward."

she said " it is just rumour. I don't believe it."

meanwhile, Roma cut in. she said. " I saw many girls who found it. next turned was her to marry."

she was being irritating by their prejudice.

as Ella picked the phone . she heard a desperately loudly sound. it was her husband. he said her. " Ella, come back home quickly. I can't endure it anymore." she heard child cry was also coming from behind his sound.

she asked proper way. " what happened?"

he said with irritated voice. " I am unable to make him stop cry. he is crying perpetually." he said about their second son.

she said " you can't even soothe one child.and you call yourself father. I won't go back until one week. if you feel trouble then, call your mother."

" and one thing I have to ask you." she paused. "did you feed him anything ever since I came here."

he said hurriedly. " oh, I forgot. I am going to fetch it.

she bellowed. " you forgot. I should compliment that how capable are you as a father."

"I am begging you. please, spare me just for one week. and I am hanging up I am busy right now."

"but Ella, here is one problem." he hold her. "I don't know how to make baby food. I am going to try it. please instruct me." he pleaded. ' I am sure I won't disturb you next time."

she shrilled. " if you don't know. then, search on the net."

" and I am suggesting you. you must bring your mom. we can't always give our child's responsibility on our neighbor."

as she hangs up the phone. she calmed herself. then, she comes back again in cabin. there , all girl's expression was gloomy included Roma.

she cheers up. " come on guys, party hasn't been over yet. we have many way to celebrate it."

she orders many dishes and beverages. and then, she filled up glass and collapsed it to each other. everyone had already gone to celebrate it. then, Lisa goes near her sister and mumbled. " she is doing everything to make it reminiscent. sometimes I think she is my surreal friend."

she added." I am also doing fun even I didn't want to marry now."

she heard her carefully. then, as she confirmed that she doesn't have to say anything. she gets up to reach out at Ella.

she mumbled very close in her ear. " we are getting late. don't you have to go home . if not, then my sister and I are going back."

she halted her. " wait.. wait"

" I am also taking my leave."

then, she said to girls. " guys, I am taking off. you are free for fun."

as they came out they found street was fully dreary and deserted.

Ella sighed. "sorry about that I forgot asking for taxi."

Lisa yelped at her."you forgot! how are we suppose to go home."

and at that late night. we can't manage any cab.

at the same time, one car stopped in front of them. and glass of the car rolled down.

there one boy's face pops out and said to them."hi ladies, do you want lift? I am also going the same way."

Ella ask him. "how could you be so sure that we are going that way."

"because I know her she is my friend. we are classmate."he flashed at Heloice with his brown eyes. while she was looking far away with annoying expression.

then he said to Lisa. " hi big sis, we met again."

in exchange, Lisa shook her hand with smile.

Ella said her. " Heloice, you didn't say to me about your boyfriend. he is so handsome and chivalrous."

she denied. "he is not my boyfriend. he is just someone I know."

"ok let's go we are getting late."

she said "if you want then, you are free. but I won't go with him."

Ella explained her. " are you mad? we can't take any taxi at this late night."

" if we walk from here to your house. then, we would make it after morning."

she dragged her in the car. after that, when car started up to go destination . " Ella asked him. " boy what's your name?

as he said." I am Vickie." Ella slammed." I am Ella. Lisa's friend. we had come to bride shower. she said briskly. " you know what happened there. Heloice got silver thimble. but it was.."

she clamped her mouth with hand to stop her. as Vickie heared it. he smirked." Heloice got it."

Heloice said angrily. "don't dare to mock me. I know you always want to mortify me."

he said shakily. " seriously, I can't do anything with you to exchange your thought."

Ella asked. "hey wait, you said me that you just know him."

"but why I am feeling that you know each other very well.

Lisa said. " you didn't understand." she chuckled. "actually, he is the first she takes him as a challenge. she envy him."

apparently, she was right somehow. Heloice had no word to say anything.