
Good food and hot flight attendant’s.

Disclaimer: if you guys have not watched Castle you might not understand this chapter so if you want, i recomend watching this five minute video on youtube cause it will give you most of the context you will need https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7k9mQOr7IA, i really recomend watching Castle, it's a good series if you dont have nothing to watch.

Johnny POV

The best thing about first class is the food, if i'm gonna be 5 hours inside a flying metal box i might as well enjoy the experience, it never gets old, the luxury, the great meals, the flirty eyes from the the flight attendant's.

As i got out of the plane and headed out to the airport entrance, i see him waiting for me, good and old Richard Castle, i saved his life once and helped him get some inspiration for his books and we became really good friends in the process.

i get close to him and he gives me a classic hug with back taps and i say to him.

"it's been quite a long time Ricky" 

"not for you johnny, you don't seem to have aged a day since last time" Castle said.

"you're not bad also haha, but tell me, what do you need my help? i heard you killed Derrick on his last book and started writing about a woman detective, so i'm guessing you don't need my help to get inspiration,right?" I said.

"it's kinda complicated so i'll fill in the detail on our way to my house" he said.

The way to his apartment was really fun, we talked about old days were we used to go out to parties and i'd teach him some secrets of the profession and we would end up drunk and hooking up with girls, then he started to explain the situation to me and things got serious.

it seems like the woman detective called becket that inspired his new books got into some really shady stuff while investigating her mother's death,thats odd, i can see by the way he talks about her that he is in love with this woman, he looks really worried about her safety.

never thought he would need my help for something like this, i mean, maybe having trouble cause he slept with a mob's wife but that is different, well, i can't think of a better reason the go out of retirement than helping a good friend.

as we got to his house, we entered and he called his daughter and his mother.

"Mom, Alexis come see who is here" Richard shouted.

"Grandma left to do some shopping Dad, who is h…" Alexis said as she walked down the stairs and then she saw me.

"Uncle Johnny" she said and ran down the stair and gave me a hug.

"Hey Little Red, you really grew up didn't you?" I said as i patted her head.

"Of couse i grew up uncle Johnny, its been four years, i was only 13 the last time you visited" she said in a kinda irritated voice,

"Sorry Red, it's kinda hard to visit when i live on the other side of the country, i only came because your father called" i said to her.

we kept talking a bit and then i said i had to leave to do some investigation in order to help him, hope my contact on the police department still likes donuts.

/A day later, at night\

Richard Castle POV

it's been a day since Johnny got here, i heard he went to the police department, but he didn't tell me why he was there but i figured he was getting on the details of the investigation, i know he knows people in there and thats how he was able to go in there so easily.

as i sit in my office thinking about what we are going to do, i heard a bip from my phone, i take it and i see it's a message from Captain Montgomery.

'Beckett is going to be in danger, come to the hangar where hal lockwood left the helicopter'

immediately get up and call Johnny to let him know about the situation.

"hey Ricky" Johnny said thought the phone.

"Johnny!! beckett is in danger, we need to go to the hangar where the helicopter that hal lockwood used to escape was found" I tell him.

"Don't worry Ricky, i'm already on it, you can go there, i got your back" he says and ends the call.

i immediatily go to the hangar, as i drove there all i though is how this all my fault for insisting on investigating her mother's death.

as i got inside the hangar i hear beckett and captain montgomery talking, but i see no sign of Johnny.

"that's why you brought me here, ins't it? to kill me?" I hear Becket say to captain Montgomery.

"No, i brought you here to lure them" he answered.

"you baited them?" she asked and i heard a car approaching.

'dammit Johnny, where are you' i can't help but thinking that and then i saw a message i just got from johnny.

'dont worry, i got you, y'all are safe' i felt relieved, i know i can trust him so if he says we are safe them we are.

"and they are coming now, i need you to leave, they are coming to kill you and i'm not going let them do that, i'm going to end this" Captain Montgomery said.

"i'm not going anywhere sir" She said.

"Yes, you are" he said and looked at me.

"Castle take out of here" he said.

"Captain" i tried to say but he interrupted me.

"don't argue, that's why i called you here, get her out of here now" he said.

"Captain, please, just listen to me, you dont have to do this" she said.

"There's no need to worry captain, i called us some backup" I said.

"what are talkin about Castle, get her out of here, NOW!!" he screamed as the car approached.

both of them pointed their gun as the car approached and beckett said.

"Castle, hide now!!" she said.

'common Johnny where are you?' i thought.

then the car stopped close to us and the door opened, slowly someone came out and it was Johnny!! thank god, really got me worried for a second.

"Who are you!!" Captain screamed pointing his gun.

"Hey Ricky, you didn't tell them about me?" Johnny said calmly as if there wans't two guns pointed at him.

"Guys, calm down, this is my friend, he's the backup" I said.

"you called a civilian to this?? what he is going to do against trained hitmans?" beckett said.

"Well, i'm not exactly your normal civilian, i also brought some friends, i hope you dont mind" Johnny said and proceeded to open the back door of the car and inside was Hal Lookwood and three other man all tied up.

Captain and Beckett were in shock as he continued to talk

"you know Ricky, after you asked my help, i went to do some investigation and i found this really interisting archive, that had some really interesting codified info, captain right here really planned on dying today so he left something really interesting behind" he then proceeded to take a small tape from his pocket and kept talking.

"you guys really got a big fish on your hook, Senator William H. Bracken is not going to be easy to takedown so i figured you guys would like to get him on the official ways, this tapes contain an audio record of him admitting to having ordered the murders and i believe this fellas right here would be happy to testify, am i right?" he said and at them, they looked terrified and started shaking their heads to say yes.

"who are you??" Beckett asked really confused, this man solved a ten year case and capture four trained hitman all alive.

"i'm just a friend, i believe you should be able to handle thing from now on, i better leave now" he said and threw the tape on me and then started walking away.

"oh, tell alexis i sent her a hug"

Johnny POV

now that everything is done, i have a flight to catch, good food and hot flight attendant's baby.

this chapter might fell kinda raw and rushed and it is because i'm having some troubles with my laptop charger, i already ordered a new one but it only arrives on tuesday and im typing this with the battery that's left.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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GOD_OF_PATOcreators' thoughts