

( Inside Theo's room )

It was night already and Meri decided to pass the night in Theo's place and she was so engrossed with her laptop as she inserted the flash drive on the computer USB port and all The information on it was written in coding language and she was confused "wait, is that Malbolge coding language? Oh my…" Theo asked as he was surprised to see the language he has dedicated his whole life to studying privately and perfecting "can you read those?" Meri asked "well, I won't really say yes to for but I can give it a try" he collected the computer from her and brought out a note book and paper a drawer and started Brian storming on it "how long is this really going to take?" Meri asks inquisitively as she knew she had to do what ever she is doing very fast and quick "you really have to calm down Meri, it takes two whole years to do this because this is actually considered the hardest programming language" Meri was frustrated, she knew she didn't have two years to wait for the files to be decrypted. She thought about everything that had happened, and how the men who had chased them had been determined to get the flash drive at all costs. And then, it hit her – she knew someone who could help her. "What if I called Tom?" she said, turning to Theo. "Tom's really good with computers, maybe he could help us decrypt the files faster?" Tom was Meri's best friend, and he had a knack for all things tech-related. As she thought of calling Tom, she had a flash back on the last time she talked with same and that she really shouted at Tom and got Tom angry but she didn't still back down she dialed her number immediately.

Tom was sleeping already when his phone ran endlessly and she was forced to wake up and pick up the call "why are you disturb…" He tried to finish his words and Meri cuts in immediately "Tom, it's me, Meri. I know it's late, and I'm really sorry to call you so late, but I really need your help." Meri said in a pleading tone. "What's wrong, Meri?" Tom asked, his tone softening. "I know you're probably not going to believe me, but I really need your help." Meri said. "Try me." Tom replied. Meri took a deep breath and began to explain everything that had happened. "Tom, I know this sounds crazy, but it's all true. Please, I need your help." "Okay what do you want me to do right now? You just said you are currently trying to decrypt some sort of code with your friend." "Yes, that's right." Meri replied. "And we're not making much progress. Tom, I need you to hack into the system. I know you're good at that, and I really need your help. Can you do it?" There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, and Meri held her breath, waiting for Tom's answer. "I can't believe you're asking me to do this." Tom finally said. "But... if you really need my help, I'll do it. What's the system's IP address? "Theo sends the system IP address to Tom and they both communicated as they worked together to decrypting the codes As Meri and Tom worked together, they started to make progress. "We're getting somewhere!" Tom exclaimed. "I think I can get into the system in a few minutes!" Meri's heart was racing as they got closer and closer to their goal. "We're almost there!" Tom said, his excitement growing. And then, finally, they did it. "We're in!" Tom exclaimed. "We have access to the system!" Meri's heart was pounding as she looked at the screen. They had done it. They had hacked into the system. As the code was decrypted the code, it was an exposition of a crime syndicates and they were all gripped with fear as they noticed that they weren't dealing with a small issue The information that was revealed on the screen was terrifying. It showed that the crime syndicate had been responsible for a number of crimes, including theft, drug trafficking, and even murder. Meri felt sick to her stomach as she read through the files. "What do we do now?" she asked Tom, her voice shaking. "We have to get this information to the authorities." Tom replied, his voice firm. "This is bigger than we thought. We need to tell someone." But as they thought about who to tell, they both realized they didn't know who to trust. As they pondered on what should be there next action, Meri's phone rings and it was a her mom "hello mom" after a long pause "it's not your mom sweetie, and I hope you know who is on the line but Incase you don't it's I Mr. Smith "A chill ran down Meri's spine as she heard Mr. Smith's voice on the other end of the line. "What do you want?" she asked, her voice trembling. "You know exactly what I want, my dear." Mr. Smith replied, his voice calm and sinister. "You have something that belongs to me, and I want it back." Meri felt a wave of panic wash over her. "I-I don't know what you're talking about." She stammered. "Oh, don't play dumb with me, Meri. You know exactly what I'm talking about. "please don't hurt my mom" she pleads as tears rolled down her Chick" I don't want to hurt anyone, Meri. I just want what's mine." Mr. Smith said, his voice still calm. "But if you don't give it to me, I'm afraid I'll have to take it by force. And I really don't want to do that." Meri felt trapped. She didn't know what to do. If she gave Mr. Smith what he wanted, she would be betraying her principles. But if she didn't, her mother could be in danger. She was at a loss for what to do. "okay, I will get you the flash tomorrow morning just name any location please it's curfew already I can't come outside" she still pleads with tears "That's more like it." Mr. Smith said, his voice triumphant. "I'll give you the location of where to meet me in the morning. And don't even think about trying to trick me, because I'll be watching you every step of the way." Meri felt a shiver run down her spine. "Please don't do this." She whispered, but Mr. Smith had already hung up. She was alone, and she had no idea what to do. "so are we really handing the flash over?" Tom asked "I think we're out of options" Theo replies " I know, but I don't like this. We're just doing what he wants." Tom said, his voice filled with worry. "I don't think we have a choice." Meri said, her voice sounding defeated. "We have to keep our families safe." "I know, but at what cost?" Tom asked, his voice full of frustration. "This isn't right, and you know it."this is my mom!" Meri shouted "this is my only family I already lost my dad and I'm not losing her this time" she concluded as she was at this time crying. Theo put his hand on Meri's shoulder, and she could feel him trembling. "I know, and I'm sorry. We didn't mean to upset you." He said, his voice gentle. "But I'm just scared. I don't want anything to happen to you or your mom." Meri wiped her tears and looked at Theo, her eyes pleading. "We're in this together, right?" she asked. Theo nodded, his eyes full of resolve. "We'll do what we have to, but I promise I'll be there for you every step of the way." "I think I have a plan" Tom said on his own end "You have a plan?" Meri asked, her voice filled with hope. "I think I know how we can get out of this without having to hand over the flash." Tom said, his tone suddenly confident. "I just need your help." Meri was eager to hear what he had to say. "Anything, just tell me what you need." she said, desperate for a solution. Tom smiled immediately "then let go for a heist" she said with a subtle smile on his face Meri stared at Tom in disbelief. "Are you serious?" she asked, her voice filled with skepticism. "I know it sounds crazy, but I really think it could work." Tom replied, his eyes filled with determination. "Please, just hear me out." Meri took a deep breath, still not sure if she should believe him. "Okay, I'm listening." She said. "But this better be good. "Tom was leaving close and he quickly removed his headset and packed up his things, picked up his phone and quietly came out and drives his truck to Theo's residence were he met Meri and Theo and they all headed to a warehouse for a little heist As they arrived at the warehouse, Meri's heart was racing. She had never been involved in anything like this before, and she was afraid of what might happen. But she trusted Tom, and she knew they had to do something to get out of this mess. "Are you sure about this?" she asked, her voice trembling. "I'm sure." Tom replied, his eyes locked on the warehouse. "Just follow my lead, and everything will be okay." Meri nodded, trying to steady her nerves. "Okay, I'm ready. "They all headed to the back of the warehouse and Tom elbows a glass window and it shattered immediately and they found there way in "we need one sniper, bullets and eggs" Tom said "what are the eggs for don't tell me you're planning to fry eggs for people that kidnapped Meri's mom!" Theo asks angrily "you talk too much just get them already we don't have much time" Tom concludes.Meri watched as Theo grumbled but went to find what Tom had asked for. She knew this was risky, but she also knew they had to do something. "Tom, are you sure this is going to work?" she asked, her voice quiet. "I have to be honest with you, Meri. I'm not sure." Tom said, turning to face her. "But we have to try, right?" Meri nodded, knowing he was right. "Okay, let's do this." She said, her voice filled with determination. As they grabbed everything they needed and we're heading out, Theo grabbed a packet of milk candy and left with them and they all drove back home. As they arrived back at Theo's house, Meri was still feeling nervous. She knew that what they were planning was risky, and she wasn't sure if it would work. But she also knew that they had to try something. "So, what's the plan?" she asked, her voice still trembling slightly. "First, we need to set up the equipment." Tom said, pulling out a laptop and some wires. "Then, we need to set up the trap." They all started making and marking out their plan on how to expose them. "I think we might have to disturb the council meeting tomorrow" Tom said to them as Theo was fixing a up a local bomb "have you gone crazy? The primal council? You wouldn't even get to too close and your head with be blown off by the security" Meri replies him with a pounding heart "I know it's risky, but it's the only way to expose them." Tom said, his eyes locked on Meri's. "I know you're worried, but I have a plan. Trust me." Meri looked at Tom, her heart still racing. She wanted to trust him, but she was scared. "How can you be so sure this will work?" she asked, her voice filled with uncertainty. "Because I know what they're planning, and I know how to stop them." Tom replied, his voice filled with conviction. "the president, the top ministers the governors of the united state of America all come to the primal council I wonder how we will make our way in" Theo concludes will uncertainty "We won't be going in, that's the beauty of the plan." Tom said, a small smile on his face. "I've figured out a way to hack into the surveillance system. We can control the cameras and watch everything from the comfort of our home." Meri's eyes widened as she processed what Tom was saying. "That's...genius." she said, her voice filled with awe. "So, we can just sit here and watch them fall into our trap."Nope you will be the one to stay back while I proceed with Theo" Tom tells her "what the hell are you saying? I mean this is my mom and you want me to sit back here and do nothing? Is that what you mean?" She asks with rage "it's okay Meri" Theo holds her shoulder as he concludes "we want you to be safe just stay back and trust us we will bring back your mom and we promise we wouldn't have even a scratch on her" he says with every form of seriousness. Meri hesitated, her mind racing with thoughts. She wanted to trust them, but it was hard. "I know this is hard, Meri. But I need you to trust me." Tom said, his voice soft and reassuring. "I know you're scared, and I know you're worried about your mom. But I promise you, we will do everything in our power to get her back." Meri took a deep breath, and then nodded. "Okay, I'll trust you." She said, her voice shaking. "We won't let you down." Theo said, a smile on his face.