
Threads of Eternity: The Reborn Physicist

"Threads of Eternity: The Reborn Physicist" follows Valdorin Marlow, a reborn theoretical physicist named Ethan Marlow, who, after a laboratory accident, is reincarnated in a world of magic and fantasy. He discovers that his connection with the universe's threads grants him unimaginable powers. As Valdorin, he embarks on a journey to master these threads, unravel ancient mysteries, and rewrite his destiny. Along the way, he forms alliances, faces powerful foes, and grapples with the temptation and responsibility of shaping the universe itself. The story delves into power, redemption, and self-discovery in a world where theoretical threads become the fabric of reality.

Jair_Fortes · Fantasy
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Chapter 3: Instructor

The golden sun of dawn painted the backyard with warm hues as I held a wooden sword in my hands. My movements were fluid and graceful, a dance of learning and determination. My Espada dos Laços Familiares rested, forbidden to use by my mother who insisted I was too young to wield it.

My trained hands swung the wooden sword with skill, executing strikes and parries precisely. Each movement was a quest for improvement, a burning desire to grow stronger.

As I trained, I felt eyes upon me. I turned to my parents and saw their proud smiles, beads of sweat glistening on their faces. "Our child is amazing," my father said, admiration in his tone.

My mother nodded, a glint of pride in her eyes. "He has inherited more than we ever imagined."

Yet, even with their praise, my determination to improve only intensified. While I performed complex maneuvers, the desire to push my limits consumed me.

At the end of that week, as I prepared for another training session, my parents surprised me. Accompanied by an unfamiliar man, they walked towards me.

"Valdorin, dear, we'd like you to meet someone," my mother said, her smile holding a hint of mystery.

The man was imposing, exuding confidence in his stance. My heart quickened – I'd never seen him before. "Who is he, Mother?"

My father regarded the man with respect. "This is Master Alistair, a former client of mine. He has agreed to become your fencing instructor."

The name Master Alistair reverberated in my mind. He observed me for a moment before extending his hand. "Valdorin, it's a pleasure to finally meet you."

I shook his hand, feeling strength and experience in his grip. "The pleasure is mine, sir."

He smiled, a light in his eyes suggesting he saw more than just a young boy. "I've heard many good things about you. But I want to see your potential for myself."

We walked to the backyard, the air thick with anticipation. He positioned himself, his gaze fixed on me. "Attack me, Valdorin. Show me what you're capable of."

Without hesitation, I advanced, delivering strikes with agility. Each movement was calculated, every thrust an attempt to impress. However, the master parried effortlessly, his refined technique outmatching my efforts.

Still, something seemed to catch his attention. Throughout the fight, I noticed his eyes gleaming whenever I executed a move flawlessly. And then, without warning, he began to laugh, a contagious laughter.

I stood perplexed, pausing for a moment. "What are you laughing at?"

He regained his composure, still smiling. "You, my young friend. I like you."

I blinked, utterly surprised. "You do?"

Master Alistair nodded. "I like your passion, your determination. And especially how you execute the moves even when you're being defeated."

I smiled, unable to suppress a sense of accomplishment. "So... you'll be training me?"

His smile widened. "From now on, you'll be my apprentice. Get ready, Valdorin. You have a long journey ahead."

At that moment, a new phase of my journey began. Under Master Alistair's guidance, my determination and quest for improvement would have a clearer direction. That encounter wasn't a coincidence, but a moment destined to guide me toward greatness. And so, with a new instructor by my side, I was ready to face the unknown with courage and determination.