
Threads of Dreamscapes

Have you ever wondered why, as readers, we often rush to judge a book by its cover, swiftly dismissing it as "not our type" or "out of trend"? We fervently declare "Don't judge a book by its cover" on our social media platforms, all the while ourselves judging individuals based on mere appearances or possessions. Let's take a moment to recall those vivid dreams, the ones we cherished as children, untainted by trends and the clamor of competition. Consider the world beyond your own, where the dreams of others starkly contrast with the life you lead. A child gazes skyward, yearning to soar through the heavens, while a pilot, cruising the endless skies, longs for the tranquil simplicity of a farmhouse nestled firmly on the ground. Life unfolds as a journey; it's easy to become ensnared in discontent. If riches were the key to joy, the wealthy should dance in jubilation, yet, it's often the poorest who find solace in the carefree dance of the heart. If power indeed assured security, officials would roam without guards, but, instead, it's the humble who slumber untroubled. And what of beauty and fame? Shouldn't they weave the tapestry of ideal relationships? In truth, life often sketches a different portrait. Shakespeare once mused, "I stopped crying when I had no shoes, but I stopped crying when I saw a man with no legs." In our ceaseless quest to mirror others, we may inadvertently misplace our unique dreams, those vibrant illustrations from the book your soul is crafting about your very existence. These words serve as a poignant reminder, urging you to rekindle the flames of your individual dreams, to embrace the beauty of simplicity, and to find contentment in life's authentic moments. "I don't know if anyone will like my novel or not," but just remember, far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead. Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of their life, every quality of their mind, is written large in their work. Other writers certainly influence my writing. What encourages me and inspires me is when I read a good book. It makes me want to be a better writer.

samar_ahmad · Teen
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4 Chs

"Classroom Crossroads"

On the first day of class 4, Sam stepped out of the car, bidding her mother goodbye, the familiar reassurance of home slowly fading as the school came into view. Her journey to the classroom was intertwined with casual conversations. The morning sun cast long shadows, and the school's façade held the promise of a fresh start. She bumped into Jia, a fellow classmate, as they discussed their holiday experiences. Jia, whose mother was a teacher at the school, had an intriguing piece of news to share – the school had undergone a significant reorganization. What used to be known as the Green, Orange, and Red sections were now shuffled around like pieces in a cosmic puzzle. The shock hit Sam like a sudden gust of wind. In the midst of their conversation, her heart raced as she realized the profound change that had occurred. She was placed in Class 4 Red, while her best friend, the one with whom she had created countless memories, had landed in Class 4 Green. Meanwhile, Sofia and Maya, who were an integral part of their trio, found themselves in Class 4 Orange. The trio that had shared laughter and adventures, forging an unbreakable bond, was now divided by the hands of fate.

Filled with a sense of hope, curiosity, and a longing to reunite with her best friend, Sam decided to embark on a quest within the school's labyrinthine corridors. She strolled along the brightly lit hallways, each classroom door holding the possibility of a cherished reunion. With every glance, her heart pounded with excitement and trepidation, knowing that around the next corner, she might finally glimpse the familiar face she had been yearning for. The disappointment of each encounter weighed heavily on her, though she refused to let it diminish her determination. After a relentless search, a mixture of worry and uncertainty etched on her face, she returned to her designated class. There, she took her seat with a brave smile, concealing her inner turmoil.

As she began searching her bag for her textbooks, it was then that Sofia made her grand entrance. Her presence was felt before she even spoke, the aura of anticipation and curiosity palpable in the room. The atmosphere crackled with intrigue as Sofia cleared her throat, echoing through the classroom. With an enigmatic smile, she effortlessly hushed the room's chatter and commanded the attention of her peers. Her gaze locked with Sam's, casting an enigmatic charm that made everyone lean in to listen. The words that followed held a promise of shared secrets and newfound alliances. "Dear classmates," Sofia announced, pausing for a moment to let the words linger, "I have a special announcement to make. There's a new addition among us, a girl seated quietly, and it's our collective responsibility to look out for her. She's a bit sensitive, and you might notice her peculiar habits, like her aversion to seeing her bag on the floor. Please be understanding and patient, as she's making an effort to establish good friendships. Sometimes, she might seem a bit unpredictable, but rest assured, she has her reasons." With these cryptic words, Sofia handed Sam a small, wrapped package. The room held its breath, each student feeling a connection to this unspoken bridge between past friendships and new beginnings. Sofia then left the classroom, leaving behind an air of mystery that clung to the walls and desks, a silent promise of the adventures and challenges that awaited in the chapters of their shared journey.

In this chapter of their lives, as the pages turned, the lessons of friendship, change, and the unbreakable bonds of the past came into focus. The tapestry of their shared experiences was being rewoven, and the threads of destiny were being spun in new, unexpected directions. The challenges that lay ahead would test their resilience and unveil the true colors of their characters. As the clock ticked and the classroom buzzed with whispers, Sam held the small package in her hands, its weight a testament to the mysteries that had begun to unfold.