
Threads of Destiny : Shirou Emiya's Journey through Myth

Osayanhu_Imoisili · Anime & Comics
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Welcome to New York

Shirou's arrival in New York had left him with a sense of wanderlust and curiosity about this mythic realm. As he settled into his new life, he couldn't help but feel that there was a greater purpose to his presence here. But first, he needed to find a job to sustain himself in this bustling city.

Day after day, Shirou roamed the streets, searching for employment. He handed out his resume to numerous restaurants and hotels, hoping that his cooking skills would catch someone's eye. However, the job hunt proved to be more challenging than he had anticipated.

Shirou (to himself): "I thought finding a job as a chef would be easier, considering how much I love cooking. But I won't give up."

Meanwhile, Rin, who had been exploring the city as well, stumbled upon a flier advertising a job opening for a head chef at a prestigious hotel chain.

Rin (smirking): "Ah, this might be the perfect opportunity for Shirou. I should let him know about it."

She immediately called Sakura and informed her about the job opening. Together, they decided to surprise Shirou with the flier.

Sakura (excited): "He'll be so happy to hear about this! Let's go find him and share the news."

Rin and Sakura quickly made their way to where Shirou was, eager to deliver the good news.

Rin: "Shirou, guess what we found! There's a job opening for a head chef at a prestigious hotel."

Shirou (intrigued): "Really? Where is it?"

Sakura: "It's just a few blocks away. Let's go check it out!"

With hope in his heart, Shirou followed Rin and Sakura to the hotel, where he was ushered into an elegant interview room. The interviewers turned out to be the unsuspecting Apollo, Hermes, and Aphrodite in their human disguises.

Apollo (grinning): "Welcome, Mr. Emiya. We've heard wonderful things about your cooking."

Shirou (nervous yet determined): "Thank you for considering me for this position."

Hermes (playfully): "We're curious to see if your skills live up to the hype."

Aphrodite (smiling): "Show us what you've got, and don't be afraid to dazzle us."

Shirou knew that this was his chance to make a lasting impression. He took a deep breath, channeled his passion for cooking, and got to work.

In the luxurious kitchen of the hotel, Shirou began a culinary performance that left the interviewers in awe. His knives danced in the air as he sliced through ingredients with precision and flair. Flames erupted from the stove as he infused his dishes with a touch of magic.

Shirou (to himself): "This is it. I'll put my heart and soul into this meal."

With every dish he prepared, the room filled with an enchanting aroma that tantalized the senses. The interviewers watched in amazement as Shirou's culinary prowess unfolded before them.

Apollo (mesmerized): "I've never seen cooking like this before. It's like a symphony of flavors."

Hermes (excited): "This guy is a culinary wizard! His dishes are like works of art."

Aphrodite (impressed): "His passion for cooking radiates from every dish. It's intoxicating."

As Shirou presented his final dish, a beautifully crafted dessert that seemed almost too exquisite to eat, the interviewers couldn't contain their excitement.

Apollo (clapping): "Bravo! You've certainly lived up to the hype, Mr. Emiya."

Hermes (smirking): "We've found our head chef. Welcome to the hotel chain!"

Aphrodite (winking): "The guests are in for a treat. You're going to make this place even more magical."

Shirou (grateful): "Thank you for this opportunity. I won't disappoint you."

And so, Shirou Emiya became the head chef of the prestigious hotel chain, unaware that the hotel's owners were none other than Apollo, Hermes, and Aphrodite in disguise.

As days turned into weeks, Shirou's culinary creations became the talk of the city. The hotel's restaurant was always filled with eager guests eager to taste his extraordinary dishes.

Guest 1: "This food is unlike anything I've ever had. It's like a symphony of flavors in my mouth!"

Guest 2: "I heard the head chef has a secret ingredient that makes every dish unforgettable."

Even the staff members were enchanted by his cooking, with the waiters and waitresses eagerly taste-testing his new creations.

Waitress 1: "I can't believe we get to eat this delicious food every day!"

Waiter 1: "The head chef is a culinary genius. It's an honor to work with him."

As Shirou's reputation soared, he continued to cook with passion and dedication, unaware that his exceptional skills had caught the attention of not only the mortal world but also the gods of Olympus.


In the lofty halls of Olympus, the gods convened to discuss recent happenings among the mortals. As they gathered around a grand table, the air buzzed with excitement and intrigue.

Hera: "Have you heard of the mortal who's been causing quite a stir in New York? His culinary skills are said to be divine."

Poseidon: "Ah, I've heard the rumors too. They say he can conjure delicacies that rival ambrosia itself."

Zeus: "Interesting. We gods rarely take an interest in mortal affairs, but this one seems to have caught our attention."

Athena: "I must admit, I'm curious. What is it about his cooking that has captivated both mortals and immortals?"

Hermes (grinning mischievously): "Perhaps we should have a taste and find out for ourselves!"

Aphrodite (raising an eyebrow): "Hold your horses, Hermes. We shouldn't interfere in mortal lives so blatantly."

Apollo (smirking): "Indeed, we own the hotel chain where he cooks. We can enjoy his meals whenever we like."

Hermes (chuckling): "Right, sometimes I forget how privileged we are."

Athena: "But we still need to be mindful of how our actions affect mortals. We can't reveal our true identities."

Hera: "Agreed. Let's respect his talent and not disrupt the natural order of things."

As the gods discussed, Aphrodite quietly listened, her gaze distant as she considered their words.

Aphrodite (softly): "There's something about this mortal's cooking that speaks to the heart. I can sense it."

Hera: "What are you thinking, Aphrodite?"

Aphrodite (standing up): "I declare that this mortal, Shirou Emiya, is off-limits to all of us."

The room fell silent, and all eyes turned to Aphrodite in surprise.

Hermes: "Off-limits? But he's just a mortal chef!"

Aphrodite (firmly): "His talent is a gift from the heart, and we must respect that. If any of us wish to taste his cooking, we must do so as mortals, not as gods."

Zeus (intrigued): "And how do we do that, my dear Aphrodite?"

Aphrodite (with a playful smile): "By reserving a seat at his restaurant like everyone else. But be prepared to pay a price worthy of his extraordinary creations."

Hermes (panicking): "What price are we talking about?"

Aphrodite: "A budget of 5500 dollars."

Athena: "That's quite a steep price for a meal."

Aphrodite: "If we truly appreciate his talent, we should be willing to pay the price."

Apollo: "But does Shirou know that people are willing to pay that much for his cooking?"

Aphrodite: "We'll cross that bridge when we get there."

Hermes (more panicked): "And when exactly is that?"

Aphrodite (with a mischievous glint in her eyes): "Oh, my dear Hermes, that bridge is arriving next week."

As the gods pondered Aphrodite's decree, the prospect of experiencing Shirou's culinary marvels as mere mortals piqued their curiosity. The idea of partaking in something so extraordinary without their divine powers intrigued them.

Hera: "It seems Aphrodite is right. We should appreciate his gifts from a mortal perspective."

Poseidon: "Agreed. Let's respect his talent and not interfere in his journey."

With Aphrodite's proclamation, a newfound sense of appreciation and wonder filled the hearts of the gods. As they eagerly awaited the arrival of the next week, they looked forward to experiencing the culinary magic of Shirou Emiya and discovering the essence of his captivating creations as mortals. Little did they know that this decision would set them on a path of unexpected discoveries and lead them closer to the enigmatic threads of destiny that intertwined their lives with the mortal realm.


In Camp Half-Blood, Grover, the loyal satyr, had returned from his encounter with the mysterious newcomer, Shirou Emiya. He rushed to Chiron, the wise centaur, eager to share what he had discovered.

Grover: "Chiron, you won't believe what I found in New York! There's this guy, Shirou, and he's... well, he's different."

Chiron (raising an eyebrow): "Different how, Grover?"

Grover: "For starters, he fought off a harpy and these Stymphalian Birds with ease. I thought he might be a demigod, but he doesn't smell like one."

Chiron (intrigued): "What do you mean he doesn't smell like a demigod?"

Grover: "You know how demigods have that distinct scent? The mix of human and godly essence? Shirou doesn't have that. He smells... different."

Chiron: "Different how?"

Grover (pausing to recall the scent): "He smells like a sword, the kind of sword that's seen countless battles. And there's something else, a faint scent of justice, like the scales of balance. But the most peculiar scent of all is... fate."

Chiron (arching an eyebrow): "Fate? What do you mean by that?"

Grover: "You know how we can sometimes sense the threads of destiny woven through the lives of demigods? Shirou's scent is like that, but more potent. It's like the scent of fate itself, as if his life is bound to some grand design."

Chiron (thoughtful): "That's quite an unusual combination of scents. I wonder what it could mean."

Grover: "Exactly! And when I asked him if he was a demigod, he seemed just as puzzled as me. He said he had no idea about this world and couldn't even remember how he got here."

Chiron (stroking his beard): "This is indeed intriguing. If he's not a demigod, then who is he? And how did he end up here?"

Grover: "I have no idea, Chiron, but I can't shake the feeling that there's something special about him. Maybe he's not connected to the Greek gods, but he's certainly connected to something greater."

Chiron: "We must be cautious, Grover. If he truly possesses the scent of fate, it could mean that his presence here is no accident. He might have a significant role to play in the unfolding events."

Grover: "I agree. I'll keep an eye on him and try to learn more about his past and how he ended up here."

Chiron: "Good. And be discreet in your investigations. We don't want to draw unnecessary attention."

Grover nodded solemnly, understanding the importance of handling this matter with care. The scent of fate was not to be taken lightly, and they needed to unravel the mystery surrounding Shirou Emiya.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an ethereal glow over Camp Half-Blood, Grover's mind was filled with questions. Who was Shirou, and what role did fate have in bringing him here? Only time would reveal the answers.


In the heart of bustling New York, nestled among towering skyscrapers, stood Shirou Emiya's restaurant—a place that had become the talk of the town. Little did he know that this evening, he would be visited by three prestigious guests—Hera, Demeter, and Hestia.

As the doors of the restaurant swung open, the air seemed to still, as if in awe of the goddesses gracing the establishment with their presence. Hera, the regal queen of the gods, led the way, followed closely by the nurturing Demeter and the gentle Hestia.

Hera (haughtily): "Chef Emiya, we've heard rumors of your culinary prowess. Prove yourself by preparing the best dish you can conjure."

Shirou (bowing respectfully): "It is an honor to have such esteemed guests. I shall do my best."

Shirou's senses tingled with excitement and determination. If he were to impress these (obvious) VIPs, he would need to draw upon his culinary expertise and create a dish that transcended the ordinary.

In the kitchen, Shirou's hands moved with the grace of a maestro, as he meticulously selected the freshest ingredients and infused them with his passion for cooking. He combined traditional flavors with innovative techniques, guided by his belief that a meal should not only satiate hunger but also touch the soul.

The scent of his creation wafted through the air, capturing the attention of the goddesses and the restaurant patrons alike. As the dish was presented before Hera, Demeter, and Hestia, their eyes widened in anticipation.

Demeter (with a smile): "It looks divine, young chef."

Hestia: "Indeed, the aroma alone is tantalizing."

Hera (impatiently): "Enough with the pleasantries. Let's see if it tastes as good as it looks."

With that, the goddesses took their first bite. A moment of silence followed, but then their expressions transformed into sheer delight. The flavors exploded in their mouths, a symphony of tastes that transcended mortal comprehension.

Hestia (savoring the dish): "This is incredible!"

Demeter: "The balance of flavors is unlike anything I've ever experienced."

Hera (impressed): "You've earned our praise, Chef Shirou. Your skill is commendable."

As they continued to savor the culinary masterpiece, the goddesses were overcome with a gastronomic discombobulation of ecstasy. The mortal patrons in the restaurant were left in awe as they witnessed the divine delight on the faces of the goddesses.

At that moment, Shirou had no idea that he had just orchestrated a culinary experience that would be spoken of in the halls of Olympus for eternity.

After they had eaten to their hearts' content, Hera, Demeter, and Hestia expressed their appreciation with a generous tip that could fund the entire city of New York for a week.

Hera (smirking): "Keep up the good work, Chef Shirou. Your talents deserve recognition."

Demeter: "Indeed. We shall return for more of your delectable creations."

Hestia: "It was a pleasure, Chef. Thank you for this extraordinary meal."

Shirou (humbled): "Thank you, esteemed goddesses. I am grateful for your kind words and the honor of serving you."

As the goddesses departed, a commotion ensued among the restaurant staff, who were astounded by what they had witnessed. But the real surprise came when the hotel's CEO approached Shirou with an amused grin.

CEO: "Chef Emiya, I must commend you on your impressive skills. However, next time, please refrain from serving dishes that cause gastronomic discombobulation without my consent."

Shirou (with a sheepish smile): "My apologies, sir. I'll be sure to keep that in mind."

And so, the reputation of Shirou Emiya's restaurant soared to even greater heights, attracting not only mortals but also divine beings eager to experience the magic of his culinary creations. As Shirou continued on his journey as a chef, little did he know that he had caught the attention of gods and goddesses, who found themselves irresistibly drawn to the taste of his fate-woven dishes.