
Threads of Destiny : Shirou Emiya's Journey through Myth

Osayanhu_Imoisili · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Unexpected Arrival

The war had ended, and the smoke of battle had cleared. However, Shirou Emiya found himself in a completely unfamiliar world. Without any warning or explanation, he had been unceremoniously transported to the realm of somewhere.

It had been a normal day in Fuyuki City when Shirou noticed a peculiar distortion in the air. Before he could react, reality seemed to bend around him, and he found himself in a place unlike any he had seen before.

Shirou: "What... What just happened? Where am I?

Unaware of the nature of this new world, he couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity, as if he had been here before.

Meanwhile, Rin and Sakura, who had been keeping an eye on Shirou from a distance, were taken aback by the sudden shift in reality and also realized that they too were no longer in Fuyuki.

Rin: "Sakura, did you see that? Shirou disappeared!"

Sakura: "I did! We need to find him. Let's follow the traces of mana and see where it leads."

With a sense of urgency, the two girls set off on Shirou's trail, determined to bring him back safely.

Back in Fuyuki, Zelretch, the mischievous and trolly magus, chuckled to himself.

Zelretch: "Well, well, young Shirou, welcome to a world of myth and monsters. I wonder how you'll fare in this new environment."


In the unfamiliar world, as Shirou wandered the bustling city, a harpy's piercing cry echoed through the air, jolting him out of his thoughts. A monstrous bird swooped down from the sky, targeting an unsuspecting civilian.

Shirou: "I won't let anyone get hurt!"

His instincts kicked in, and without hesitation, he traced his twin swords, Kanshou and Byakuya , into existence.

Shirou: "Trace On!"

The gleaming blades clashed with the harpy's sharp talons as the battle commenced.

Harpy: "Squawk! Intruder!"

Shirou's valiant efforts drew the attention of more monsters. Soon, a pack of hellhounds and Stymphalian Birds joined the fray.

Shirou: "This is getting out of hand!"

Rin and Sakura's voices echoed in his mind.

Rin : "Shirou, you can handle this. Remember your training. Focus!"

Sakura : "We're right behind you. You're not alone in this.

With renewed determination, Shirou unleashed his skills upon the monsters. The clanging of swords, the swirl of flames, and the crackling of lightning filled the air.

Shirou: "Trace On! Caladbolg !"

With a swift motion, he launched his twin swords, the legendary blade Caladbolg cutting through the air like shining streaks of light, striking down the hellhounds.

The Stymphalian Birds responded with their metal feathers raining down like deadly arrows, but Shirou dodged and parried them with a grace that spoke of years of training.

Grover, the curious satyr (the aforementioned unsuspecting civilian), arrived on the scene, witnessing the young stranger's impressive display of power.

Grover: "Whoa! What in the name of Pan is going on here?"

He sensed something extraordinary about Shirou but couldn't quite put his hoof on it.

Rin (to Sakura): "We need to be cautious. We don't know much about this world or its rules."

Sakura (to Rin): "Right, Onee-chan."

The battle raged on, with Shirou and his allies working in perfect harmony to overcome the relentless onslaught.

The metallic feathers of the Stymphalian Birds whistled through the air, while the hellhounds' fiery breath singed the surroundings.

Shirou: "I won't let you harm anyone! Not on my watch!"

With each passing moment, Shirou's resolve grew stronger. The fighting prowess he had honed in his own world served him well in this new and unfamiliar place.

Sally, clear-sighted mortal and Percy Jackson's mother, observed from a distance, awestruck by the display of power before her.

As the battle reached its climax, Shirou's resolve intensified, and with one final, powerful strike, he managed to subdue the remaining monsters.

Shirou (panting): "Is it over?"

Rin and Sakura had found him

(Turns out the bastard did not drop them far away from each other. How kind)

Rin: "For now, but we need to find out what brought you here. This isn't our world, Shirou.

Sakura: "Right, we need answers. And we'll face whatever challenges come our way together."

Back at his apartment,(Apparently the old man set up one for them, along with an unlimited spending credit card. Needless to say, Rin was thrilled.), Shirou and his companions began to piece together the mystery of his unexpected arrival.

Meanwhile, on Olympus, Shirou's mother felt an inexplicable disturbance in the fabric of reality.

As she ventured out, the other deities of Olympus felt the ripple of her movements.

Whispers spread like wildfire through the divine ranks, each of them uttering the same phrase: "She is moving."

Unbeknownst to Shirou, the threads of fate had woven his destiny into this new world of myths, legends, and gods. Little did he know that his actions would soon entwine with the fate of Percy Jackson, leading to a grand adventure of heroism, friendship, and self-discovery.