

Shirou's eyes fluttered closed as he drifted into a dream. He found himself standing in a mysterious realm, surrounded by a soft, ethereal glow. In the distance, a figure slowly materialized before him. It was a woman with an aura of divine grace, her features both familiar and unknown.

"Why am I here? Who are you?" Shirou asked, seeking answers to the questions that had plagued him.

"You know the answer already," She said. He could feel it at the tip of his tongue.

Mother?" Shirou whispered, his voice filled with longing and confusion.

The woman smiled warmly, her eyes gleaming with love and sorrow. "Yes, my dear Shirou, it is me," she replied.

Shirou's heart swelled with emotions he couldn't quite put into words. He had always wondered about his parents, especially his mother, but his memories were hazy, like fragments of a distant dream.

The woman stepped closer, her presence enveloping him in a sense of comfort and familiarity. "Though I am your mother, my true identity is something I must keep hidden for your safety. You were born in this world, but it was not safe for you to stay," she explained gently.

Shirou frowned, trying to make sense of her words. "Not safe? What do you mean?"

His mother sighed softly. "As my first child with a mortal, you carry a unique and powerful essence. Your presence was strong enough to affect the world at birth. Some would seek to control you, others to harm you. It is not a fate I could allow for my beloved child."

Shirou's mind raced, his thoughts going back to the Fuyuki Fire. "Was I the cause of the fire? Did my presence in that world lead to that tragedy?"

His mother's eyes softened with sadness. "Not directly, my dear. Your arrival caused ripples in the fabric of fate, disrupting the delicate balance that governs that world. The fire was but a culmination of the chaos that ensued."

"But I never wanted any of that to happen," Shirou protested.

His mother reached out and gently touched his cheek. "I know, my love. It was not your fault. You are a child of destiny, and whatever involves you will have far-reaching consequences, whether you wish for them or not."

Feeling a mix of guilt and determination, Shirou asked, "Why can't I know your true identity?"

"There is safety in ignorance, Shirou," she replied cryptically. "But you must know that I love you deeply, and I will always be watching over you, guiding you from afar."

Before Shirou could inquire further, he felt a strange force pulling him away from his mother's presence. Panic surged through him as he tried to resist, reaching out desperately.

"I don't want to go! Please, let me stay!" he pleaded.

His mother's expression softened with compassion. "You must wake up now, my dear. But remember, I am always with you, in your heart and soul."

As the force intensified, Shirou's vision blurred, and he felt himself being drawn back to consciousness. The last thing he saw was his mother's loving smile before he woke up in his apartment, tears glistening in his eyes.

As Shirou woke up from the dream, he found himself deep in thought about his mysterious mother and the revelation she had shared. The weight of her words lingered in his mind, leaving him with more questions than answers. He couldn't help but wonder why his presence would cause such chaos and why he seemed to be a target for various beings.

He decided to share the dream with Rin and Sakura, hoping they could provide some insights. The trio gathered in their apartment, the books Zeltrech had left for them lying on the table. Shirou took a deep breath and began recounting the dream to his two friends.

Shirou: "I had a strange dream. My mother visited me. She told me I was born in this world, but for my safety, she couldn't keep me here. She said that as her first child with a mortal, I would be a target for many, and that's why she had to send me away."

Rin and Sakura listened intently, absorbing the gravity of Shirou's words. They could see the mixture of confusion and determination in his eyes.

Sakura: "So, you were born here, but you don't know who your mother really is?"

Shirou: "Yeah, she wouldn't tell me her identity directly. She just said there's safety in ignorance and that she loves me. She promised to talk to me when she has a chance."

Rin: "It sounds like she's trying to protect you, but it also raises more questions. We need to find out who she is and why your presence seems to affect the fate of the world."

Shirou nodded, appreciating the support from his friends. As they brainstormed possible leads, a strange phenomenon occurred. Shirou's eyes began to glow faintly, and his voice seemed to shift to a third-person perspective as he uttered a prophecy.

"In forge's fire, a child is made.

Of The forger's blood, fate is named.

Fate's touch weaves threads divine.

In sword and stars, his power shall shine.

The world stands still, his actions decree.

A ripple in fate, a destiny set free.

Moirai tremble, foretell the strife.

As his path shapes the threads of life."

After Shirou gave the prophecy, Rin and Sakura were thrown into a state of confusion and bewilderment. They had always known Shirou to be skilled in swordsmanship, but the sudden manifestation of the power of prophecy was beyond anything they had encountered before.

They tirelessly searched thoroughly , hoping to find some answers to Shirou's newfound abilities. Could it be some hidden trait in his swords, or perhaps an inherent ability he had all along? But all research offered no explanation, leaving them even more puzzled.

Rin finally suggested magically inspecting Shirou to see if any changes had occurred within him since they arrived in this world.

Sakura, intrigued by the idea, agreed to perform the Sakura and Rin focused their magical energies, a faint glow surrounded Shirou. They carefully observed the changes in his magical aura, hoping to find the source of his unexpected prophetic powers.

"Rin, look at this!" Sakura called out, her voice filled with shock and excitement. "Shirou's Origin has altered. It's still Sword, but there's something else now."

Rin approached Sakura, her curiosity piqued. "What do you mean? What's the additional component?"

Sakura hesitated for a moment, trying to put into words something so profound. "It's... the threads and flow of fate," she finally said, her voice carrying a mix of awe and uncertainty.

"Fate?" Rin echoed, her mind racing with the implications. "Are you saying that Shirou's connection to fate itself has strengthened?"

Sakura nodded, her eyes fixed on Shirou, who was still unaware of the changes within him. "Yes, it's as if he's now entwined with the very fabric of destiny. It's almost like he's become a conduit for the threads of fate to flow through."

The gravity of the situation began to sink in. Shirou's connection to fate and destiny was now undeniable, but they had no idea what that meant for him or how it was related to his mysterious mother's warning about the fate of the world going haywire.

Shirou, who had been observing their reactions silently, finally spoke up. "So, what does this mean? Am I somehow connected to some powerful being?"

Rin took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure. "It's possible. Your new Origin could be a result of your involvement in this world. But we need to be careful. If there are beings out there who can change Origins, then they must be extremely powerful."

Sakura nodded, her expression serious. "We should continue to investigate this carefully. We don't want to attract any unwanted attention."Shirou understood the seriousness of the situation. "Right. I don't want to put you both in danger because of me."

In the grand hall of Olympus, the Twelve Olympians convened for their regular meeting, discussing the affairs of the mortal world and the unfolding events that shaped the cosmos. As the meeting progressed, Apollo, the god of prophecy, couldn't help but speak up.

" I have a concern," Apollo said, his voice filled with a mixture of amusement and bewilderment.

Zeus, seated on his majestic throne, looked at Apollo with mild interest. "Go on, Apollo. What has captured your attention now?"

"It's fate," Apollo replied, his radiant aura flickering with an unusual hue. "For the past few weeks, it's been acting like an excited toddler, twisting and turning in ways I've never seen before."

The Olympians exchanged puzzled glances, intrigued by the notion that fate, the very fabric that held the universe together, could be behaving erratically.

Hera, queen of the gods, furrowed her brow. "What do you mean, Apollo? Is there something influencing fate to act this way?"

Apollo nodded, a knowing smile on his face. "It's not a what that's causing this, but a who."

Hermes, the messenger of the gods, chimed in with curiosity. "How can one have such an impact on fate? Surely they can't be that powerful?"

Apollo shook his head, his expression solemn. " it's as if fate recognizes such as a kin."

In the midst of divine beings, the ability to influence fate had sparked curiosity, fear, and awe (there was a reason why all feared the moirai). It was a turning point in the tapestry of existence, and all they could do was watch and wonder how one individual could have such a profound impact on the fabric of destiny itself.


In the bustling city of New York, Shirou's hotel restaurant, now popularly known as "Emiya's Feast" was experiencing a sudden influx of customers.

The scent of delicious dishes wafted through the air, drawing in food enthusiasts from all walks of life. Unbeknownst to the guests, among them were two inconspicuous figures – George and Tina Cornwell.

In reality, these two were none other than Zeus and Hera, disguised in mortal forms to enjoy the culinary delights that had taken the city by storm. Remembering the delectable meal she had experienced on her last visit, Hera approached the front desk with a warm smile.

"Good evening," she said to Shirou, who was busy orchestrating the culinary symphony behind the counter. "We'd like to try the special meal you prepared for us the last time we were here."

Shirou, who had a keen eye for recognizing faces, couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity. Nonetheless, he replied politely, "Of course, madam. However, I must request permission from the CEO before preparing that menu."

Hera's temper flared at the mere mention of seeking permission. "I don't care about your CEO! Do you know who I am? I can have him flattened with a snap of my fingers!" she threatened, her eyes flashing with divine fury.

Before Shirou could respond, Apollo's voice echoed through the room, surprising both him and Hera. "Alright, alright. No need to cause a scene."

Apollo, who was enjoying his own meal as a regular customer, had intervened, knowing full well the potential consequences of her wrath.

Relieved, Shirou smiled and nodded gratefully. "Thank you for understanding. I'll prepare the it right away."

True to his word, Shirou poured his heart and soul into creating a feast fit for the gods. The aroma of the dishes reached Zeus's divine senses, and he couldn't help but feel intrigued. With Hera watching intently, Shirou presented the dishes one by one, each bursting with flavors that danced on the taste buds.

As Zeus took his first bite, a look of sheer pleasure crossed his face. The taste was divine, and he couldn't believe he had doubted Hera's description of the meal. "This is incredible!" he exclaimed, a smile gracing his lips. "You've truly outdone yourself, young man."

Hera's satisfaction was evident as well, pleased that Shirou had lived up to her praise. "See, Zeus? I told you he was extraordinary," she said, an air of triumph in her voice.

Zeus, being both pleased and annoyed, decided to leave a substantial tip that would have the FBI and CIA wondering about its origins. As he placed the generous amount on the table, he couldn't resist a mischievous thought. "I should have made him work tirelessly with a blessing of endless customers," he muttered to himself.

However, Zeus didn't realize that Shirou was no ordinary mortal – he was a master at balancing the chaos of a busy kitchen. As the days went on, "Emiya's Feast" only grew more popular, and despite the steady stream of customers, Shirou maintained his composure with a smile on his face.

Meanwhile, in Hera's disappointment, she tried to enter a couple of times only to find the restaurant full once , courtesy of Zeus's unwitting blessing. She couldn't help but let out an exasperated sigh, knowing she would have to give her husband an earful later.

In the end, Shirou's culinary prowess not only won the favor of the gods but also brought prosperity to his restaurant. Little did he know that the mysterious couple who had graced his establishment were none other than Zeus and Hera themselves, leaving behind a tale of divine encounters in the heart of New York City.

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