
Threa - thus the journey begins

Threa a world full of mystery demi humans demons

DaoistyyfPmr · Anime & Comics
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once upon a time there was a boy named Mark. Mark leighnborg Serga. He lived in a most remote village in the middle of the forest also known as Far lands. This village is protected with a illusion magic in order to keep outsider's away. mark and his tribe is one of the rarest type of human possessing a huge amount of mana and power. So that they can protect the sword of the brave warrior located in the temple highest in the mountain mark was one of the talented kids even though he was 13 yrs old he already known all the magics and techneques that the tribe had. Mark is a good boy he also hunt and help his pregnant mother do the chores.

Mark was the most kind and helpful kid and son of the leighnborg family. Mark has a loving and caring family every day they lived with a smile in their face the village is full of happiness and they were cheerful the next day mark doing his chores when his pregnant mother strolling around because Mark was a kind son he scold his mother for being careless then his mother said it was a part of exercise so that he can give birth to a healthy baby.

Mark has no choice but to watch her mother stroll but then his mother told Mark that his injured father is on the forest hunting some wild boar. Then Mark was suddenly worried about his father and told his mother that he's a going after her father. His mother smiled and wave at her.

Then Mark found out that his father is OK but Mark was suprised that his father catch 1 wild boar and a 5 feet cave boar. The cave boar is a rarest boar and the most expensive type of meat.

Mark thought that his father is alone but then the hunting party suddenly appear. Mark was suprised that they catch a rarest cave boar without inflicting damage to the meat then mark told his father that his wife is out on strolling in the village.his father raged and worried and rushed back as soon as possible. Mark was laughing to his father's reaction.

This world is full of many type of races humans demons chemera demi humans and many more this world has a 57 super continent and has a 23 huge and popular citys

Then one night Mark had a dream. He dream about a school with unusuall design and a student with wierd clothes. Is it a dream? A dream from another world? Or a dream from another person? As Mark keep dreaming about a wierd school then suddenly he wakes up what kind of dream is that? Is it really a dream seems like real. Then as the sun goes up mark start his usual routine doing chores. But then that day a human suddenly appear in front of village's gate the villagers was confuse at first but they eventually knew who the man was it was their messenger a former top fighter in their village. The messenger send a bad news

the messenger send a very disturbing news the heroes has been killed by the demon King's admirals. The village was shocked that didn't know that the war between humans and demons has started again. The old head chief has call a meeting among the high rank villager the chief was serious about what's happening. The chief said that the war has already started. Because of this war we have a contract to the kingdom of dreslev the main kingdom that we must send a two most experienced fighter. The villager were surprised they didn't know about the contract the old chief tell them about their history.

In past 500 yrs our clan has fight among side the the kingdom in order to fight back the demons because our clan has a amount of mana we wer able to maintain our ability to fight. But still we were out power and out numbered the demons were too strong. Everyday the demons with admiral ranks became stronger and stronger. Then the kingdom of deslav were desperate they summon a heroes from another world. Then the four heroes appear in the magic circle the heroes told about anything that happen here it was only 3 month after the summon the heroes began to fight the demons even though they were not good enough to fight. But then eventually the demons starting to push the humans every day the demon continents continue to grow bigger.

But then suddenly the book of faith appear in the church the. book the speak heroes are not strong enough. Then the book of faith began to burn and leaving only a peace of burnt paper says that don't lose hope if you lose hope be strong and never surrender fight till the end and the sword of the brave warrior passed Down Generations to generations and among the souls of the wielders of the brave warrior sword will came Down to threa. to help the world threa to have peace. Then everyday they did not lose hope until the last contenent the last land of humans the kingdom of deslav. They have already lose but they still not give up then a light from sky began to shine brighter and brighter then the sword of the brave warrior appear. Then the demons touch the sword and burned to dust.

One of the four heroes were desperate and touch the sword and began to burned and turn into dust. Even the heroes are not allowed to weild the sword. Then after 3 days the demon lord walk toward the sword the Able to pull from the stone they were shocked and eventually lose hope. The last hope is gone the sword is in the hand of the demon Lord. Then a minute goes by a transparent shape human began to appear from the sword and give a demon Lord a big punch to stomach and was thrown far away. The humans began to cheer and then the transparent human from the sword spoke. I have come to this world to serve peace. And then he look towards to the brown people and see the boy and began to possess it. The tribe was shocked because that boy has no talent it only has a huge amount of mana capacity then the posses boy began to speak. You lose hope to this boy you avoid her and make his life miserable and eventually lose hope to this boy but this boy has not lose hope to everyone and to his self he still live a life with smile and laughter and this boy still sees this world wonderful even though his life was miserable this boy is the bravest among you people. he is worthy to become brave warrior. And therefore the new brave warrior was born and began to fight along side to the 3 heroes and the humans and eventually win the war against demons. Then the contract was signed every time there's a crisis we must send ou fighters to the kingdom. As the chief explained.

The villager agree and began to search a top fighter then Larry the father of Mark called the old chief that he willingly send mark the chief agree. Then then Rito the best friend of Mark volunteer. The chief smile. The best and experienced fighter of the village are going to the kingdom. As the chief shout. Then Larry talk to his son about sending him to the kingdom but of course Mark disagree. Mark says that. If we break the contract the kingdom will over take this village and force us to battle and the woman in this village will force to have children to become a fighter for the kingdom. Mark has no choice but to obey he's father's order. Then the day come. The day mark and his befriend Rito will go to the kingdom. It was a one month travel to the kingodm. After a 3  weeks they saw a group of people the same as Mark age. Then Mark remember their clothes. It was in my dream as Mark whisper.

One of the three strange people speak. Can you let us ride we don't know this place and we don't have an idea what to do. Then mark agree after a another 2 weeks they arrived at the Kingdom then they go straight to the kingdom's training grounds and found out that there are 60 more people with a strange clothes. Then the three student shouted to the others like they know each other then the head Knight speak. So you two are the villagers top fighters?. Mark reply. Ahh yes! They send us here. Then the head knight explains. These people are the summons heroes but we need to train Them we only have 3 yrs. As Mark says. Who will train them?.

The Knight reply

You two will train them

Mark was shocked

W-why? I thought..

You two will train them and don't be harsh hahaha

As the Knight ride away

Mark doesn't know what to do he only speaks to the person he know

Umm rito can you do anything?

As Mark says

Rito reply

AHH yes yes we can train them I have been a trainer in the village it might be a little easy maybe..

So then let's introduce us to them

Then rito and Mark Introduce the self and the heroes were shocked their trainers were a children

Then one of the mean looking guy speak

Are you kidding me this child is our trainer huh I bet I can beat you with a single blow ha ha ha

Then mark laugh loudly. Mark has a strong will and Mark is not an ordinary he has a two side a good kid and a war freak.

As rito says

Mark don't to harsh

The guy says. Don't be ridiculous this kid is nothing

Then Mark jump and do a series of combo to the guys then launching him The air

The heroes were shocked then Mark says

OK don't speak tome like that and you will survived rito train them if anything happens call me I need some sleep.

After a one year training the heroes mark along with rito separate them into groups then the one of the knights telling rito that the heroes along with the knights will have an expedition in the 3rd sector dungeon mark were stunned and says

There are not ready what are you thinking there not stronb enough to go Into the 3rd sector dungeon. But the knight didn't listen then after 3 weeks they come back the 60 summon heroes are now half ther were only 30 left they were killed by the ogre beetle the heroes were afraid ad some of them are shouting that they want to go home rito and Mark were angry.

I don't know what to do we can't do anything this king dom is heartless as rito speakRito and Mark go to the court and complain about the state of the heroes then no one would listen to them then then the kingdom order to have another expedition then rito and mark insist that they will come along with the heroes then at the 3rd sector dungeon the super huge beetle ogre appear then the heroes knights and rito began to fight the ogre them suddenly the whole floor of the dungeon then mark was shot with a strange magic and sending him to the bottom floor the most dangerous floor of the dungeon then mark began to lose consciousness. then rito were adn the remaining heroes are going back to the kingdom rito had file a complaints to the court and still no one would listen then rito suddenly remember that the 30 heroes are now 18 the kingdom were not thinking about their dicisison then rito began to search for mark. After 3 weeks rito are now one of the best adventurer in the guild within the kingdom. Then rito suddenly had a request from the guild to rescue a small group of people from the slavery then rito accepted the request after the arrival rito began to fight the bad guys. Then after that rito discovered that the female heroes become a sex slave. Rito became angry and speak.

What happen to the other's

Then the girl speak

Some of the females become slave and three of them is the kings slave. Then the most of the male are killed then the remaining are on the run escaping the kingdom and hiding

Rito take the heroes and hide them in his house and rito began to train them in order to save the other heroes