
Thousands of Years

Long gone the days of man, once the rockets set off, there's no way of stopping them. The whole world cursed the hacker, who brought the apocalypse. During the aftermath, one man decided what will kill him first? Lightning or radiation? With impossible chance, he survived a lightning strike near his end from radiation poisoning. But is that all the lightning strike did? And then, he now she becomes the last human standing on this earth. This is my first time attempting to writing something longer than a short story, and my first time writing for the public. I hope you all enjoy it. Welp, Life came in and recked me for writing... AKA Bootcamp is rushing up to me, so it's been on hiatus until I finish and settled down. (ETA around Feb 2022)

Kanse_Noitanse · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Waking Up

My vision slow recovers. My body is burning and a strange sensation flares on my body. My head does not seem to be aching as bad anymore.

God, did I really decide to take on a lightning strike?

Sometimes, being close to death causes people to go crazy.

Picking myself up, I saw the burnt arches on my uniform, and a blade melted into the ground. I wonder how I survived that strike.

I take off the vest, as most of it now rendered useless by the lightning strike.

I start to notice my body had slimmed... Nothing else seemed to be off, but what caused my body to slimmed to the point where I had to tighten the belt by 1. Good thing I didn't get fully up yet.

I quickly recollect my gear

Food - enough for another 6 weeks

Water - enough for a week


Pistol with 6 spare clips, no 4. The lightning rendered 2 useless

Combat Knife


Swiss Army Knife

Map of the Eastern States

Various Survival Tools

Now what to do with the biggest issue of them all.

Radiation. Even if I survived that lightning strike I don't think I'm living for another week.

I pack everything into the bag and carry the tarp that covered it.

I look down the road, nothing in sight. I take out the map from my bag. The nearest city is close, I'll get to it in a day.

After walking a bit, I notice that my body seemed to be breathing something and it helps stave off the exhaustion built up from constant hiking.

The land looks like it's dying. Sunlight has yet to pierce the skies after nuke day.

When night approach I see the outline of a city in the distance. I don't want to enter during the night, thus I set up camp nearby and snacked on my MREs. I barely consumed water, it seems this amount of water will last me a few months at this rate. Maybe my body can absorb water vapors? Then again, I only snacked on the MREs so I also have enhanced fuel/food efficiency?

Somethings feels off, something definitely changed with this body. The burning sensation continued, but it's not that bad. I haven't had signs of radiation poisoning for the whole day.

Mutation. This could be good, this could be bad. So far, I believe it's been really good. But someone has told me, with every good thing in life a bad thing will occur. I really hope it's not bad. But if I could get to live another few years, I guess it's good enough.

What would be the penalties of having a body with reduced consumption and radiation immunity?

Yea, I think I'm going to keep the chapter-length variable to keep in theme with the chapter title. If it's short I may write another chapter. If I'm bored I'll write a chapter. Early chapters may be frequent, but after the preludes are done, I'll start reviewing them and editing them and they'll become longer. Please do commit to make the story better.

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