
Thousand lives

Kaido Mikael is a genius who graduated university at the young age of fourteen. A boy who had eyes for science and technology only. Such a genius soul could have become a scientist, a inventer to help the world. Alas! poor boy couldn't do so as after a few years of graduation, he met with an accident along with his family. Now that modern day teenager finds himself in anciant Chinese era, devoid of any tech and the science that he loves. A antisocial and oblivious boy in the body of Phoenix, the empress of the Chi empire. But this transmigration does not end here. He reborned in one world after another. Has God blessed him with immortality or is there something else behind this unnatural phenomena. Join Mika in his adventure to know more. --------------------

dazai253 · Fantasy
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173 Chs

Chapter 8

"Mika-chan come on help me, I can't do it all by myself." Yuu was calling out to Mika while standing on ladder to decorate a christmas tree.

"I am not helping you unless you stop adding chan in my name." Mika glared at Yuu.

"Come on Mika-chan don't be shy, I already know that you like it when I call you 'Mika-chan." Yuu teases Mika.

"I don't."

"You do."

"I said I don't."

"I know you do." Yuu laughs.

"I said I don't, damn it.' Mika shouts and throws a cupcake at Yuu's face.

"Oh, So you want a cupcake fight, Mika-chan?" Yuu once again teases Mika and throws a cupcake at him. "Here have it to your heart's contant." With 'I don't's' and 'You do's' both brothers threw cupcake at each other, when they saw all cupcake were thrown then Mika throws christmas cake which Yuu dodge and their father, who has just came in the room, was behind Yuu, got cake all over his face. At looking at their father, they both laughed which soon was joined by their father. The three of them laughing when a sudden caugh halts them in statues. They looked back slowly, trembling in fear, only to see an angry woman glaring at them.

"I was working since morning to make all these cake so we could enjoy them at night but guys dared to ruin it." Mika's mother was really pissed and started to throw the grocery that she just bought, at her husbamd and both sons. Three prey who were about get into clunches of their predater, were running away from the lady demon.

Suddenly the scene changed to an accident scene. All the lived in the car were unconscious and bleeding as the car was rolling in the air. Mika tried to scream but his voice couldn't come out . He wanted to call out for his family but his voice was just stuck that he couldn't do anything. He started to chock and feel unconscious.

Suddenly Mika jolts to wake up. He was drenched in cold sweet, heart beating faster then ever before. He sat on his bad, looked at his surroundings to see he was still in Chi empire's phoenix palace where his room resided. "So that was a nightmare." Mika started crying. "Mom, dad, Yuu-chan I miss you. I-I won't yell at you even if you call me cute, girl or add 'chan' in my name. I just want to see you guys. Please god just give me one more chance to live with them." Mika says while crying. He cried a lot that made him tired and he drifted to sleep.


Su Mei came to the empress's bad chamber early in the morning to wake her up for the day. But the site she witnessed was something she never saw. Her mistress slepping, hanging between bad and floor with a pillow on her head. So the thing left for her to do was to put a blanket over her. She turn to door, exited through it, closed it completly and make sure to not to let anyone in to witness such a site of the first woman of empire.

"Is my sister-in-law awake." saying Chi Han Zhi, Chi Long Xin and their guest walkes past Su Mei, without letting her speak. Han Zhi opened the door which Su Mei just now carefully closed. Inside the room waiting for them was something that no one whished to see. There the empress was slepping peacefully without care for anything. Her carefreenass was at the extent that she slept directly on the floor with one lag on the bad and other hanging in air. Her hands were over her head. And her clothes, they were as Unpresantable as possible.

The three man quickly turned their heads, leaving their back facing the sleeping woman. They were feeling embarrassed. They were cursing themselves in their mind for barging in like that while thinking how can a person sleep in such a posture in which even a monkey won't sleep.

'I just put a blanket over her and some what fixed her posture, how did she managed to turn it much worse in just a couple of seconds. I finally found a talent of her that only she could possess.' thought Su Mei amused of a new found quality of her mistress.

"I think we should wait outside as to not to be a hindrance in her majesty's beauty sleep." the guest managed to suggest, still feeling embarrassed. His suggestions was quickly accepted by the other two.

Su Mei then led them to empress's sitting area, right outside of her bad chamber, so that they can wait there and she left them alone.

"I have never seen a woman like that." guest said expressing his surprise.

"You still consider her as a woman after her act yesterday." asked Long Xin in serious face on which Han Zhi laughed.

"Have to agree with my dear naphew." After that they chatted themselves while waiting for the person of their intrest.

In bad chamber...

"Ah...Ah." sounded a groaned as Mika finally woke up. He groaned once again as his body was aching all over in pain cause of his bad sleeping posture. He set quitely on floor still feeling sleepy. Finally resistingly conscious, he loudely thought "How did I ended up on floor, weird." He got up from the floor, streching both hands in the air. He made his way out of room.

"Ah!What a good sleep I had." he said, making his way out.

"Well it has to be, given how longer you have slept. It's already afternoon." said Long Xin, siping his tea, scarring the hell out of Mika.

"Whouhh." Mika jumped, hearing a voice in pindrop silence, with his hand over his heart.

"What was that for, You scared me all of sudden. I thought I was a gonner." Mika turned towards those uninvited guests while complaining.

"I scared you? but your appearance says otherwise." commented Long Xin , looking at Mika who was looking like a bagger..no a vengeful spirit would fit her correctly. His clothes totaly haggared, messy hairs, some on his face, red pluffy eyes, threatening to pop out at any moment. With an angry look which he was giving to the trio.

"Leave it, guys. We are here to the have a quality time of our own. So stop barking." Han Zhi said to them as a responsible adult would say. "Let all aside , first tell me, my dear sister-in-law. Why are your eyes red? did you cry? huh?" he further said turning to Mika

Suddenly being asked like that, Mika touched his eyes. Then turned his face "No, I didn't." he firmally said. "Don't chang the topic. Just tell me why the hell are you guys here early in the morning. You just have to ruin my day with your ugly faces that I had to see first thing in morning. My perfect plan for a perfect day, all ruined." he again complained to them while turning to look at them.

"It's already after...." Han Zhi began to explain himself buy couldn't do as Mika cut him in middle.

"Whoa, who is this new face here. Where did a person as free as you guys pop out from?'' he said, surprised to see new person with the duo, "But seriously guys. I thought that in this era only freeloader and useless people are you guys. And here I found one more. Such a pity you uncle-naphew's only talent doen't seem to be that unique at all." Mika genuinely pitted the duo.

"What kind of nonsance are you spouting. We are not useless." annoyed Han Zhi grouned, not accepting his accusation.

"Who are you Mr.? How did you get stucked between them." Mika directly asked their guest totally ignoring Han Zhi.

"I am really dissapointed, how did empress forgot this general after snatching his sword just yeaterday," He questioned feeling wronged while further adding "But I shall formally introduce myself as it does count as our first meeting. I am Mu Xichan great general of this empire and just returned from boarders a couple of days ago."

"Hello Mu Xichan, so you are not a free person, good to see that. But do not wrongly accuse me of what I didn't do, I don't rremember ever snatching your sword. I might look like that but I will fight you for myself." He firmally said to Mu Xichan.

"Well, you did that, that to in court. Not only that but you also threw it at the emperor. Good thing it stopped a foot away from him." Han Zhi seriously said to which other two nodded their heads in agreeing.

"Don't joke with me."

"We are not. Oh, yeah, you also called him trash."

"No, you are lying."

"No, we are not."

Suddenly some memorise began to force their way in his consciousness. He now remembered what he did in rush of adrenalin. Yeaterday after court incident he was so tired, as if someone sucked all his energy out, that he slept without giving his actions a second thought but now when he has a good night's rest and the adrenlin level in his system has also reduced, he freaked out 'What have I done?' he thought then shouted "No Noooooo....."