
Thousand lives

Kaido Mikael is a genius who graduated university at the young age of fourteen. A boy who had eyes for science and technology only. Such a genius soul could have become a scientist, a inventer to help the world. Alas! poor boy couldn't do so as after a few years of graduation, he met with an accident along with his family. Now that modern day teenager finds himself in anciant Chinese era, devoid of any tech and the science that he loves. A antisocial and oblivious boy in the body of Phoenix, the empress of the Chi empire. But this transmigration does not end here. He reborned in one world after another. Has God blessed him with immortality or is there something else behind this unnatural phenomena. Join Mika in his adventure to know more. --------------------

dazai253 · Fantasy
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173 Chs

Chapter 164

"I chellgnge you Ryouta Hasino, in this mid terms, I will earn more marks than you." KItagawa chellanged Ryouta in front of the entire school.

The three who were taking among them selves, ran towards KItagawa with jaw droppen face. "Are you out of your mind, do you ahve any idea what you just said right now?" SHingo shouted on KItagawa.

"WHatever wrong happened with you mind, but just wake up fro now before it is too late." Mika shaked KItagawa by holding him from his collers.

"Kita - chan, step out of this nonsense beofre you regret it after being too late." AKira also tried to make Kitagawa understand as he did not want his friedns to do something that became his nightmare for the life time.

"THere is nothing wrong with me, I know what I an doing." Kitagawa had MIka's grip loosened from his collers as he stepped ahead, now facing Ryoua, he again opned his moutea dn arrogently said "Why aren't you saying, are you afraid to accept my challenge."