
Reflections on the echo of the Cold War

The world is not simple. The 21st century is the era of fake information. Puddle information is far from reliable, and we do not know public information. Sometimes it turns out that public information is the exact opposite of non-public information. This is such a world. All countries are more or less susceptible to a crisis of consciousness, a political crisis.

The once-awesome USA, the number 1 country in the world that it became thanks to World War II. When all the minds and geniuses of the world flocked to the United States, when its economic power grew, it turned the United States from a regional power into the number 1 empire in the world. An empire of freedom, democracy, a developed economy. SGA set the fashion for the whole world.

But time passed ... the competitor of the USSR was gone. It was no longer necessary to prove to the whole world that the USA was the coolest country.

Those who have been to the USA say that the country itself is very powerful. In terms of economy and stability. Each ranking - in social terms, knows its place, they have this place, both in terms of getting a job, implementing their creative plans and their stores. Where quality clothing, shoes are sold, but by their class. Therefore, de, the United States will not undermine any crises from within. But those who have not been to the United States and do not know this inner essence, they are judged by external signs. But they say that the United States has a political crisis .. Other countries can influence their elections, and they are the number 1 country in the world, they cannot oppose anything to this. And this suggests that the once the most powerful player in the world, is not the one that was before. Gave slack.

On the other hand, a new superpower of the future, China, is beginning to appear in Asia. Unlike the history of the United States with more than 200 years, China has a history and cultural heritage exceeding 6,000 years. And this is not just like that, it is a great power, great knowledge of human nature and how the world works.

In some 26 years, the Chinese economy will be twice as high as the US economy. According to forecasts.

This is so reflection on public sources of information.

Meanwhile, the world is in crisis, from the point of view of ideology, or rather self-awareness. Some struggle with hunger, but cannot defeat it in any way, others rekindle hysteria about bird flu, spend huge sums of money, and the result will turn out to be the problem of 2000 ... but ... and billions of money spent in vain. Although of course, someone on this, raised a pretty good money!

They say that although stopping climate change, but in general it is against it, this is reflected in today's economy. But they talk a lot, hold conferences, congresses, symposia and workshops ... and the result? Besides populism and screams ... zero. All these international actions to save the climate - do not turn on the light for one day, do not use an aerosol, this is all profanity for fools. But it is very popular among fools who work for themselves that they help save the planet. While the industrial giants with might and main continue to emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

People on the one hand are very prosperous cynics and on the other very naive people. The paradox of human consciousness.

The echo of the Cold War is not only an abandoned bomb shelter, but also people's consciousness. It seems that there are already new generations who have never seen this war, but still think in its categories. Namely - Own or Enemy!

It was enough to turn the already seeming cold coals of the Cold War to rekindle the flames of new generations. Ideology is a terrible weapon, it dulls, makes a person incapable of thinking adequately, comparing and comparing, analyzing and checking information - fake or true. In general, those who believed - they were deceived and did not give anything, but rather took their property.

Those who have already seen the collapse of ideology, the hypocrisy of the ideologists themselves, who spoke about equality and fraternity, that capital is evil, then they themselves became owners of capital and completely forgot about their ideals. Those who remember this, they no longer believe in any of the ideologists. And fools are bred for three cents.

What will happen to the world? Everything will be fine, for sure! But when it will be, it is not unknown. A person is not able to say what will be with him in a minute. So, why worry about the future, live today, as our Persians say.

Or as the Americans say - never mind, take the world calmly, do not worry, and you will have peace and happiness.

And do not care about the echo of the Cold War, this is the defeat of the dark forces, political schemers. And ordinary people should live in non-politics, happily and joyfully.