
School - 1.1 (final)

When the idea of a block schedule was proposed, it had already been too late. Teachers had rigid structures to their classes. Everything was pre-planned, and no one felt like doing the extra work to change it all. 

So, unfortunately, the effort to change the system was just too much to handle. Way to go, our taxes are really for the benefit of our students, huh.

Issue #3 - Content

The kind of stuff that they're teaching us is...well sh*t.

I don't care about anything that they teach. English? I can grammar well enough. Math? When will I every use an arithmetic sequence? Social studies? I don't care about what happened in Europe in the 1800s. French? Only for a requirement to graduate. Science? AP Chem is only for college credit.

So many things they teach us and I don't feel motivated by any of them. 

There should definitely be a class dedicated to our lives after school and teach us how to live in society and teach us about money or something. Supposedly it's taught in math class but I don't remember sh*t.

Anyways, there's a lot of things that they can change for school. Also almost forgot school shootings but that's almost only America's thing. (We're literally the number one country in school shooting incidents in the world.)

It''s really disappointing and I hope that we change a lot of things about it.

But that's the end of my rant and see you in the next one.

(I know that this one was a short one even if it should have had more chapters but I don't want to think about school much longer.)