
Meaning of Life - 1.0

"Welcome to our first topic of discussion, given to us by our dear author!"

The Narrator takes a small index card and reads out loud.

"The Meaning of Life. Interesting."

Biologically, life is to be alive and keep your species alive. This is found everywhere, really. Animals and plants trying to survive, and even humans. But humans are special in that their brains have developed a consciousness. They are aware of their own existence, and have the capabilities of wondering why we exist in the first place; what our place in the world is.

To that question, I don't really know. But, I am religious so I'll say God has a place for all of us. But that doesn't answer our overarching question of what the meaning of life is.

Well, in today's world, there have been many metaphors of life. One particular example that has stuck out to me is "Life is a Highway", a song by the Rascal Flatts. It's pretty good, check it out.

Anyways, its metaphor refers to life as a path that is filled with bumps and blocks and it's never smooth sailing. You may find yourself in a rut or a sinkhole or even a dead end. It's a great representation of life where it explains our road in life.

Another great explanation of life was a particular episode of "The Amazing World of Gumball", the Meaning of Life in which the characters try to find why life exists. Well, in the end, a fairly odd character answers, "You see, life's not about the destination, it's about the journey and making friends along the way. So, really, the only true meaning of life is finding your own way to enjoy it." - Sussie.

It's a great metaphor, yet both of these mention the journey or a path that you take, and that begs the question, why go set out into the world into the first place? You wouldn't drive out on the highway for no reason, would you?

No, but I think I have an answer. Similar to Sussie's answer, life is about enjoying your journey, but that is what all humans seek: happiness. People yearn for it, whether it be through love and starting a family, or through a good job that pays well, or even simply out on a log cabin near a lake and enjoying the little things. But to each and everyone of us, that happiness is different. A different story with different endings, and for us, the hope is that our resolutions are one of joy.

In another popular culture reference, Douglas Adams writes in his book, "The Hitchhiker's Guid to the Galaxy", that the answer to the answer to life, the universe and everything is...42. It's quite an arbitrary number, and it is on purpose. It was all simply a joke, a small, seemingly insignificant number. Yet, it was all just a simple laugh, but it made him happy because it was funny! And maybe that's part of it.

The meaning of life is: Our own path to happiness.