
Annoying Kids - 1.1(final)

Now that's not to say that all children are bad. In fact, when I visit my aunt and uncle's for the holidays, I get to see their two children. They're only babies, and the oldest is literally two, but they let me see the appeal of children.

When they laugh or smile, it feels like the world shines with them. It fills you with an indescribable joy, an infectious happiness, that nothing else can give you.

Of course, with babies comes a lot of cons. Financial obligations, sleepless nights, tons of chores, looking after the baby, and more. 

Is it worth it?

I would say yeah. Also because they're literally keeping the population going.

But they're lovely, even if they get a bit too loud sometimes.

It's when they grow up that it becomes bad. Ever heard of "terrible two"? It's basically saying that the worst part of a baby's life is when they're two due to increased physical activity, more temper tantrums, and emotional turmoil. Honestly though, this can be applied to any child age, like "terrible toddlers", or "terrible tweens/teens".

It's awful because everyday, I've been hoping that my brothers would get to middle school already because that was the time that I became quieter and matured. Unfortunately, that hope is dwindling quite a bit because I'm realizing now that maybe they'll always be loud. Maybe they'll never shut up. 

It fills me with existential dread. So the only solution for me?

Go to college and get the f*ck out of here.

Honestly, it's really my only real reason to go to college. Isn't it sad? The only reason to go to college is to escape the brutal bickering of children. 

Solutions for others?


Other than that, and you plan on getting children, well it's going to be a rough ride. 

I keep hearing stories of when I was a child and how bad I was. When I was a baby I'd cry for no reason and keep bothering my mom. Thankfully I grew up, but now I'm experiencing that too. Damn, I feel awful.

It's why I don't really enjoy my family as much as I should. There's this feeling that I'm always annoyed with them, whether it be that they're too loud, or that they're not doing anything about it, or because they're my sister.

I know that you need your family. But sometimes, when they act like that every single day, you would probably go crazy. But it's understandable (I hope).

A solution for my family?

I don't know. 

Some of you might just tell me to talk it out. In response, I'd laugh in your face and say that I have, numerous times. 

In fact, in attempts to connect with me or figure out my problems, my mom has pulled me aside for private talks and a lot of the times, I'd complain about the noise. 

Nothing happens.

I yell at my brothers for screaming while playing, when even my mom tells them to be quiet, and...

Nothing happens.

So for now, I've given up on talking. It simply doesn't work.

Send prayers for my ears. I need them.

Leave your wild children experiences in the comments

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