
thoughts and things throughout my day and life

This really isn't anything cool or entertaining well it might entertain you, but anyway this is just gonna be me writing down thoughts that appear to me throughout my days in school or at home P.S pic is just random pic from google images of brook from one pice

Yasser_Samir_8538 · Urban
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15 Chs

Who Would Win If We Had A Race War

Now you might be thinking this MF is crazy talking about a race war. Well yeah I am.

Anyways I got this idea when I was in my GCS class. In my head the usual was going on. "what am I gonna eat for dinner" "why do the wuxia characters like calling them selves 'I your grandfather'" and, " what would happen if someone just got up take a shit on her desk like Eric Cartmen"

Then it struck me "what would happen if there was a race war and who would win" so I kept thinking and came up with this "the Asians are winning no doubt about that." I have stuff to back it up to.

Think about where is most stuff made. Answer China so that should mean that if the war did happen the Asians would rule the world. Now some of you might be thinking "what about the whites nobody asks the whites why they would win nobody cares about how the whites could win" (south park reference)

To that I say " I mean... well you did rule most of the world in the middle ages with the UK but now everyone has guns nukes bombs and the Asians have Kim Jong FUCKING un". You know the supreme leader and guy with no FUCKING BUTTHOLE. But in summary the Asians would destroy everyone then, create hentai and destroy themselves and the world. Now if anyone ever reads this which probably won't happen but, if you do then, tell me who you think would win and why.

<3 Yasser (The sexy big penis having Arab author)

wow that was a pretty cool take right I bet that author has a big penis but seriously I wrote that in like 10 minutes pretty cool right

Praise me call me cool and say I have a big pp

PS chapter had like 269 words aint that nice

Anyway stay sexy

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