
The times our eyes meet together

Time bypass really fast without my notice 3 classess already gone through. Its a student favourite time, its recess time. On my way to the canteen, i bypass his class which is just beside mine.

His teacher still teaching them even the class supposedly be over by then. As i walk through his class, he just looked outside of the window where i walk at. That time he just looked at me with his shiny eyes yet empty look.

I still remember how i am blushed at that time and screaming excitedly in my heart cause we got to meets the eyes by eyes. My heart still beating fastly and loudly at the time that i cannot hear my friends is calling me.

Just that one time it take to make me fall in love over head with him. And i feel the luckies person at the time because i have friends in his class so that i can known him more in future.