
Chapter 59: Rescue, Part 4

He nodded and led me to the infirmary wing. There was a guard along with a nurse and about five patients, each lying on stretchers atop gurneys, resembling a M.A.S.H. unit. As soon as we entered the room, I saw her, lying on the bed right in front of me. Without showing any emotion, I walked over to her and said to Derek, "You! Grab that end!"

He nodded and reached down to take the gurney.

"Wait just one minute," the insurgent standing guard asked, crossing the room to me. "Where the hell do you think you're going with that patient?"

Mom woke up and her eyes flew open wide when she saw me, but I warned her with my eyes and she quickly recovered herself. "She's scheduled for execution, along with this prisoner," I said, motioning toward Derek, in a voice filled with authority.

"On whose order?" the insurgent asked, standing nose to nose with me.