

We walked away from the slums and headed to the nearest food stall on the street which was about a five minute walk from where we were. The people who would pass me by would often look at me and then show shocked gazes.

'Wat da fuk?'

I turned to Elnino.

"Is there something odd with my face?"

He bent slightly to bow.

"I believe that there is nothing wrong with the young master. It's just that your cover would sometimes be blown by the wind and the entire thing becomes visible to everyone around you. You must be careful, young master. Although your armament is quite huge some people may covet it and target you as a plaything."

It was like cold water ran down my spine as I remembered that I was practically naked right now without the help of this coat. I even walked with the confidence of a true man to show everyone my status, instead I was showing everyone my little Johnny. Sigh* I can't help but consider his warning though. Although rarely talked about. There are men and some women who takes pleasure in indulging themselves in the pleasures of abusing a boy toy and as my current status is quite unclear, mostly unstable, it would in fact be wise to be careful.

"Thank you. I will heed your advice. Let's go."

We entered the rundown looking shop and ordered stewed brown wolf cutlets that are famous in this shop. I ate three servings of the shop specialty before my hunger was sated, it was bad for me as I felt terrible afterwards from my system suddenly having food but I didn't care. Let this s**t hurt. Its been bugging me all the time and when push comes to shove its complaining about having too much. God damn that's very mature way of thinking.

"So let's keep it simple shall we? I need some money."

Elnino closed his eyes and refused my speech intro outright.

"Whuat? Then why da hek did you even look for this young master for? You wanna see me suffering or something?"

"No. I have no such inclination. My orders are simply to see to it that you wouldn't die from outside interferences or be absorbed into an enemy plot that would affect the family negatively. Helping you out is not in my briefing, actually, I was warned about it severely. I am especially not allowed to give you financial or materialllklll help of any kind, in fact, I am not even allowed to talk to you. I hope to have your understanding on this matter."


'Trash of society.'

I can't help but blame the other guy from being such a prodigal son to the family. He spent all his time on drinking wine and f***ing fat cheap whores from the brothel, making trouble in the streets, or gambling the money which are not his own in the casino.

"I guess there's no choice then, I'm dungeon diving. You don't have to follow me. Thank you for the food."

I stood up and walked out of the stall, dungeon diving is very dangerous and people normally wouldn't be seen risking their asses into diving into one, especially if they are alone or ill prepared like me. But I don't have a choice, I would just have to wing it and make things work otherwise I'd die a horrible death from having no money to spend in this place. I would rather die than be poor and suffer from it.

A day later, I stood in front of the lowest level dungeon in Lucena city called 'goblin's paradise'. This dungeon is known to be housing goblins who are grade F in strength and are not that difficult to fight with on a one versus one scenario. Strength in this world is devided into levels, from weakest to strongest there's F, E, D, C, B, A, AA, AAA, S, SS, and SSS. Each level having low, mid, high tiers in between them.

So this dungeon run would be normally very easily accomplished. The problem is that these goblins are rarely alone, often forming groups of five or more whenever they move and I am alone, but there's nothing to be worried about since I have a very good plan about that which will hopefully work because I'll die if it doesn't.