
Those Years I Arrest Ghosts While Seducing My Husband

I waited a few millenniums in order to get close to you. But so many problem keeps getting in my way. Husband, hold on. I'll come back to seduce you after I clean up this mess.

Relinquishblue · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 53: Back To Hell

The awareness of a blade puncturing through her chest is just so undeniable and strange that she thought it was a dream at first. It did not hurt as much as she thought it would, but it throbbed in pain nonetheless. Seeing the anguish shown on Xie Luochen's face made her breathing hitch and her body tremble. It's okay, she tried to smile in reassurance only to stain her lips with blood.

Ah. So troublesome she thought with empty eyes as her view shrunk to the point of containing that one person only. If I knew this would happen I would've planned for a movie date instead…

The blade slid out her chest without sound followed by the sigh of someone, "it's been a while since we met." A deep male voice rang next to her ear making her gaze turn towards him. The last thing she remembered are those hateful purple eyes crinkling into a smile and the words left behind, "I'll see you later."


19th level of Hell.

Chu Nuan's eyes flew open with anger as she sprung up from her bed. "Duanxian Yu!! You are seeking death!"

Panting in rage, Chu Nuan's hand tightened around the bed covers as her teeth clenched strong enough to hear the creaking of her jaws. Time flew by in minutes until her anger began to dissipate. Slender fingers ran through her bangs and brushed the ground length hair away from her face as she moved to the side of the bed.

Dainty feet made contact with the cold wooden floor while the slight noise of her pattering feet echoed across the large empty chamber. She arrived at the table in the middle of the bedroom where a tea set still brimming with hot tea is placed. Pouring herself a cup, billowing mist obscures her exquisite features as she took a sip.

Not bad.

While enjoying a moment of peace, golden eyes survey the familiar yet foreign design of the place. Similar to the design of her dwelling in the sect, there are very few decorations placed in the room. But it's humble layout boasts an horrific amount of wealth incomparable to others. Even the deities in Heaven avoid her palace due to fear of damaging even a corner of her wooden flooring.

Take this carpet she is standing on for example, lifelike images of clouds floating on the sky seemed to weave in and out of the mist. As if in the next moment, they will burst forth along a stream of wind. This item is woven by the weaving girl in Heaven. After her wedding with the cowherd, she quit her weaving job and went on a two thousand seven hundred and fifty year long honeymoon that's still continuing on to this day. If it wasn't because the person asking her is yours truly, she wouldn't even bother to listen to the request.

Or consider that bed she just came down from. Intricate carvings of cranes and clouds cover its surface as the glossy sheen of frigid crystal glass shone its beauty against the lighting of luminous pearls overhead. It took her a long time to find a piece big enough to be her bed. Usually, one inch of crystal is enough to buy the body of the Jade Emperor a hundred times. At least, that was what he offered years ago when he came to bargain for a corner of her bed.

Well the main point is, she's rich!

"Cough, cough."

Setting the cup back down on the table, Chu Nuan thought for a minute before gripping onto it again. Turning the ceramic over with three fingers, she felt the smooth surface of its design absentmindedly. Then suddenly, with a loud clang, expensive ceramic shattered onto the floor at the area near the dividing screen. Shards litter the boundary marking the inner chamber apart from the outer chamber.

"Come out." Her cold gaze swept across the folding screen before moving away.

Instantly, a shadow slipped into the room and knelt with a loud thud on the hardwood floor. "Please have mercy Your Honor!" Knocking their head repeatedly on the ground, a crisp sound akin to a hammer beating a nail sounded out in the room. Full of rhythm and strength, you can tell the person isn't acting. "Your Honor, this subordinate is careless and has disturbed your rest. But please have mercy!"

Peering at the figure from the corner of her eye, Chu Nuan narrowed her gaze. "You're not from my palace. Who are you?"

Shivering from nervousness, the figure answered with trembling lips. "This, this subordinate came from Qinguang Palace, a servant working in the outer halls of the first King of Hell."

Showing interest, Chu Nuan continued to ask. "Oh? The King is looking for me?"

Without clearly answering her question, the servant took out a piece of white jade. Presenting it over with both hands, he waited patiently for her to take it. For some odd reason, the fear and nervousness from before vanished from the servant without trace. As if the anxiety shown is only a mask to let her guard down and the calmness he excludes now is its true form. If it wasn't for the large red mark on his forehead, it might seem like an illusion.

A slight snap of her fingers and the jade flew into her hands. Smooth, glossy white that includes a section of emerald color feels cool to the touch. An impressive dragon is carved onto the surface of the item and on the back in a small font, the character for "Chu" is also engraved on the corner.

"....." Chu Nuan's finger unconsciously tightens on the jade, her expression unreadable.

"My master is waiting for you. He said whether you wish to meet or not, he'll still show up."

"..." Imagining the aggravating smile and shine of those annoying purple eyes, Chu Nuan twitched her lips. But refrained from speaking in the end.

Sitting on the table alone, her hands caress the sleek carving in silence. From its glossy sheen and occasional scratches on its surface, you can tell that this is an item well loved by its owner. Jade can only receive this type of glossy sheen when worn directly on someone's body. And due to the fact that it's worn frequently, obtaining scratches is a very common thing.

"To think he would still have this on him…."

As if making a decision Chu Nuan stood up slowly while stretching her back with a lazy yawn. The bell hung on top of the window sill rang twice without the use of wind, bringing out a clear chime into the room. Instantly, a stream of servants rushed in from every entrance of the palace, shocking the still kneeling figure in front.

Separating themselves on both sides of the chamber, they all raised and folded their arms before them and as if on cue, all knelt in sync with absolute reverence. "We welcome the return of our Master!"

Each and every one of the figures presented in the hall revealed a very powerful presence. Without a doubt, they are all experts in their own realm. Any one of these figures, if left out into the three worlds can cause a wave of bloodshed. Which one of them cannot cause the world to shake with fear, even the youngest servant girl emits a dangerous aura contrary to her age. But that is not the scariest part, the scariest part is the fact that these mighty experts that constantly carry an aloof temper are willingly kneeling to the figure in front of them.

An intense aura seemed to envelope the hall as Chu Nuan made her way to the side entrance of her room. Giving a glance at the shocked servant from before, she gave him a smile full of disdain as she walked by, "how did you think you were able to come in so easily?"

Her words caused the figure to tremble, cold sweat slid down the side of his pale face and back. He secretly rejoiced in the fact that he was smart enough not to blatantly offend the master of this palace. If not, he probably wouldn't be alive at the point in time.

Disappearing into the entrance without looking back, the only thing left behind is her voice, "clean the place up, I want to take a bath."