
Those who are lost in the snow

Ryan Harty, a trained survivalist, is hired by billionaire Virgil Hailey to search for the remains of Mr. Hailey's missing wife in the ice landscape of Antarctica. He and a team of people find that they are in over their heads as they experience and bear witness to unnatural dangers that lurk on the plains of one of the coldest places on Earth.

Megan_Coffee · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


After they woke up, Ryan tended to the inventory and instead of Roberto keeping to his dogs, he traded off to help Elucid with his leg. When Virgil and Ryan passed them in the hall, they could overhear Roberto giving him a hard time, "What's with the stupid thin skin? Don't you eat? How do you intend to stay alive? You're gonna snap like the twig you are in one of those creature's mouths. You look like a wealthy little boy." Elucid glared at him. "Go spend your healthy white boy money that you got from your parents and get some good food."

"Shut up, Mexican," Elucid snapped back. "I don't need your lard ass to tell me how to-!"

He shouted in pain as Roberto squeezed his wound, "Oh no~! You rich suburb mom, how will you make it back to your colonizer family?"

"I am not a suburb mom-!" Roberto tightened the bandages more, making Elucid almost kick him.

"Mh-mm," Roberto wagged his finger. "If you get to call me cruel names, I get to do that same. Freedom of speech and all."

"This isn't America," Elucid sneered.

"And it isn't Cracker kingdom, but here we are," Roberto scoffed. "Now hold your tongue or you're gonna lose it." Roberto gleamed a cruel smile as he teased, "If not, I'll give it to my mother as a souvenir. That's how you think us 'Mexicans' are, right? Savages?" He shared a sharp glare to him, "So does the privileged boy that doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut have anything else to say about his blatant racism?"

Elucid bit his lip but didn't continue on that. Virgil and Ryan chuckled a bit outside and left them to their venomous arguments. Happy that someone was going above and beyond about being on it with Elucid.

They gathered supplies, but Virgil found a locked radio room that seemed to be unused for some time.

"We could call for help on this," Ryan noted.

"Will it do any good?" Virgil questioned. "It'll endanger the people coming to rescue us, don't you think?"

"Yeah, but we got to try," Ryan used his weight to bust down the door and when they entered, they saw destroyed technology everywhere. Wires and sparks fizzed out and metal was slashed into. There was an axe thrown onto the floor, Ryan sighed, "We're really on our own out here."

"Ryan..." Virgil said, "When we get out of here..." Ryan turned back to him, "I'll be living alone. Do you want to live with me?"

Ryan blinked and asked, "Are you sure?"

Virgil nodded, "Yeah, I am... Please?"

Ryan stared at him then answered, "I don't see why not?"

Virgil beamed at that and replied, "Then we'll have something to look forward to."

Ryan smiled then moved to Virgil and held him. Virgil made a small gasp and turned to Ryan. They walked backward and Virgil's back met a door. Ryan opened it and they closed themselves into one of the spare bedrooms with bunk beds and a porthole window.

Virgil spun Ryan around as he pushed him onto one of those bottom bunks. He placed his lips on Ryan and started kissing him softly. The heat was growing between them and for several minutes they let each other get lost in each other's taste.

Ryan pulled up Virgil's shirt and started biting into his skin, Virgil felt weak in his grasp. There was bruises and saliva, flushed cheeks, and stimulation. Ryan let go of his collar bone and Virgil slipped his hands down to Ryan's pelvis. Virgil expectantly glanced up at him and Ryan relaxed his back at the sight of those green eyes that were capturing him again. He couldn't imagine anyone not wanting to gaze into them.

Virgil unbuckled Ryan's pants and started to stroke it. There were gentle pants escaping Ryan's lips as he focused on the sensation of Virgil's fingers entangled his cock. He glanced down at Virgil's expression and saw something like satisfaction. Perhaps his expectations had been pleasantly fulfilled. He grew a curt smile then kissed Ryan, not on the lips of course. He kissed the tip, then licked its underside. He opened his mouth to envelope his length. He took short drops down on the flesh, but then somehow managed to go further than Ryan expected. The heat from his lips and saliva roused Ryan and he moaned at the feeling Virgil's tongue was servicing. He felt excitement building up inside and bit his lip as he filled up Virgil's mouth with cum.

Virgil took it down his throat, swallowing the cum. Ryan sighed with pleasure ringing his voice and watched Virgil pull his mouth back up, the man who took the whole load. He opened it to Ryan, showing traces of white were swirled inside.

"Wow," Ryan devilish grinned. "You're a hot tease, aren't you? I'm almost thinking you've done this before."

"I surprised myself honestly," Virgil mumbled, trying to hide a smile. "It did taste better than I thought it would."

"You imagined doing this?" Ryan asked, a bit startled.

"Not just anyone's," Virgil smirked. "Just yours."

"I'm flattered," Ryan snickered, he sat up then said, "Let me try."

"Wha-?" Ryan scooped him up and placed him on his back onto the bed.

"Relax," Ryan told him. "Don't think I have the hidden talent like you, but I'll try."

Virgil mischievously chuckled, "Well, do your best."

Ryan nodded, tugging off Virgil's pants and started to grope his cock. He stroked the skin then began to play with it, watching Virgil steadily become undone before him. Rubbing the length, he soon took the opportunity to spill saliva down onto the dick and dip his head onto the tip. His lips swallowed the cock, making loud sounds that echoed in their small room. He bobbed his head up and down, feeling the spasming excitement that Virgil couldn't control. His eyes were becoming dazed and he was letting soft moans escape from the electric feeling of the wet walls of the inside of Ryan's mouth.

Ryan smirked from seeing the man becoming so weak, twitching on the sheets with every pull. He watched him twist and turn, and Ryan took a chance to slip a finger inside the billionaire. Virgil pulled forward and gasped loudly at the feeling. His expression was thrown off, but he didn't reject it. Ryan twisted it around inside of him and Virgil moaned down into Ryan's ear. Ryan hummed a satisfied sound that vibrated on the redhead's cock. He twisted a finger in there and must have hit something nice because Virgil quickly grabbed onto his head desperately as he whined with pleasure. And as he pressed his finger in, Virgil suddenly climaxed into Ryan's mouth.

Virgil struggled to hold onto Ryan's head as his legs had found their way over his shoulders. Ryan was feeling the heat trail down his throat and was able to pull back to see a teary-eyed Virgil who pouted, "You said you didn't have any hidden talents."

Ryan snickered with a hoarse voice, "Thanks."


They gathered together in the common room to formulate a plan on where to go to next, "We're gonna have to take a long way around, huh?" Roberto stated.

"There's a section where we could travel on a wide open area," Ryan pointed out on the map they spread out at a low table. "It's far away, but if we get to this space, we'll have enough room to escape without getting entangled in any mountain passes or any other of nature's obstacles that would hinder us if we run into these monster things. It'll be a straight shot to the finish line."

"Yeah, but we have to circle around what looks like some pretty treacherous areas," Elucid noted. "And we'll be closer to the pole, meaning the temperature will be at their worse there too."

"Yeah, but no one wants to go back to where we came from," Virgil stated. "We barely survived."

"And besides, this path might not have any supernatural things like before," Roberto replied.

"But we at least knew what we're going against if we go back," Elucid countered.

"Elucid, just think about it," Ryan said. "A path that will most definitely have monsters that have just injured us and has already gotten two of our group members, or a path where there might not be any monsters at all. I would like to think that there is a chance that there are no monsters the way we're going."

"Also..." Virgil changed a bit, seeming to have darker thoughts swirling in his head, "There was something else... in that tunnel. I know the rest of you felt it too."

The others glanced away at that, not really wanting to talk about it willingly. They all felt that same dread, that something else was in there, something that was just a few hair strands away from getting them. The thought unnerved them, and they all had this gut feeling not to return there.

"...Okay," Elucid nodded. "Perhaps a new route would be better..."

"Yeah," Ryan sighed. "That will probably be for the best."

"But we should at least recoup here," Roberto gestured to one spot on the map. "Until the racist's side heals up."

"Shut up, I'm fine," Elucid snapped. Ryan's eyebrow quirked that Elucid didn't deny it.


"We'll stay here for a few days and leave on the third," Ryan answered. "Until then, we can rest properly."

"Cool," Roberto agreed. "Then we don't have much else to say." He turned and left the room, presumably back to his dogs. Elucid soon departed as well, and all that was left was Virgil and Ryan.

Virgil was a bit worried, "Is Roberto okay?"

"Huh?" Ryan didn't notice if he was upset. "He's like the rest of us," Ryan responded. "Tired. Exhausted. Finding solace in the few dogs he has left."

Virgil nodded then said, "Is it really okay to stay here this long?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well... that screaming beast," Virgil recalled. "It found us a second time. Who's to say it won't find us a third time?"

"Actually..." Ryan grew a bit of a smile, "I found something for that." He brought Virgil over and opened a spare room where inside was some sort of office, but behind the desk was a gun case. There were two rifles inside, but it was locked, "Thinking we'd break the lock with one of our ice picks."

"This is brilliant, Ryan!" Virgil exclaimed with excitement. "Now, we won't be so defenseless."

"Yeah, but I only see one box of ammo," Ryan stated. "Can you see if you can find more somewhere. Maybe like in a supply closet."

"'Course!" Ryan watched Virgil leave and took the moment to have a breather for himself. He went to the common room and sat down, looking over the new path that they would be crossing. He dwelled over it for a bit, but then decided to write a large passage in his journal. It filled about four pages of all his thoughts and worries at that moment. He had no idea if the way they were going would have more monsters, but he knew he couldn't go back from where they came from. He wrote out these, hoping if someone finds what's left of him out here, that they would understand his fears. Maybe these words would help someone else out there, maybe it would lead them away from chaos and give them a second chance at living a fairer life than his.

He also wrote to this metaphorical stranger that he would like this sent to his daughter; he wrote long paragraphs for her. Apologizing for not always being there for her and apologizing to his wife for their relationship that didn't work out. He apologized for if he didn't make it, that he was leaving behind all the responsibility for taking care of their daughter and he was so sorry for that. Sorry for everything he had done.

Ryan's face was getting a bit hot and his eyes were becoming wet as he wrote more and more. The more he wrote and faced the reality and dangers of this situation, the more he became sorrowful because of it.

It was in the middle of the afternoon when he finished writing down the last sentence when he heard screaming from the other end of the outpost. He immediately bolted up to the sound and dashed to where it originated. He heard smashing and a loud thud. He ran into the supply room where Virgil had a snowshoe and was beating somebody on the floor with it. Ryan went to stop him, but then he saw that this person wasn't Roberto or Elucid and they were covered in a ragged cloak and were wearing some skull-like mask. The figure was trying to get up, but Ryan decided to follow Virgil's method and kicked the guy in the stomach, having him fly across the floor. They tackled him and bound him with nearby hiking gear rope.

After they subdued this stranger, Ryan looked up to see Virgil had blood coming from the top of his head. Ryan went to him, but Virgil quickly reassured him, "It doesn't hurt much, I'm okay."

Ryan took his hat and holding it to Virgil's injury, having him sit down on a nearby crate. He let Virgil hold it, then turned around to the stranger, absolutely ready to deck him. He growled, "Who are you? And what the hell are you doing here?"

The man was truly something else, his skull mask had twisted fangs that pointed in all different directions. The shadows of the eye sockets of the skull shaded his eyes, making it hard to see them. He had this hair that was long, red, and shaggy, his tattered cloak was a dark brown and he had torn clothes underneath. He was a bizarre sight, that made Ryan uneasy. He snickered something sharp and conniving, "He eats the flesh of the ones he loves. He doesn't want to eat it, but he'll do it anyway."

"What are you talking about?" Ryan snapped, rather disturbed that this guy may have just confessed to eating people.

The man turned over to Virgil, he smiled wide, some of his teeth broken, "He kills an old friend. Yes, old friend, die in mercy."

"What is he saying?" Virgil asked.

"I don't know," Ryan answered. "He looks crazy... Hey! What is your name?"

"Me? Me?!" the guy laughed, cackling as he kicked his legs around.

"What's happening, what was that sound?!" Roberto came in to see Virgil hurt and a suspicious new man. "Who the fuck is that?!"

"Yum, yum, dog food! Dog food!" the man screeched happily.

"We don't know," Ryan explained. "He was in here attacking Virgil."

"Chow down, fall, fall into their mouths," the man chuckled "Digested into dog shit."

"Hey!" Ryan shouted. "I asked you what your name was! Answer it!"

"Or what? Or what?!" the man giggled.

"Or we'll throw you out in the freezing cold," Ryan threatened. "It's below freezing out there, you'll die in less than an hour."

"No, no, no!" the man grinned. "Can't feel cold! Can't die from it! I'm immune!"

"You... you can't feel cold?" Virgil questioned. "...How?"

"I changed, changed so much down here," the man answered with a cunning smile. "So I win! I win!"

"What is your name?!" Ryan barked.

"Name...?" the man fell silent, then thought for a bit to answer, "Jack. Name's Jack. Jackey boy's my game!"

"Okay... Jack," Ryan muttered. "Why are you here? Are you part of the expedition?"

"All those people with dogs?"

"Yeah, them."

"No, most are dead or turned," Jack snickered. "Some survived. You though..." He looked at them and gave a leer, "Well, time will only tell, won't it?"

"Ryan," Roberto pulled him aside, "This guy's a psycho. Obviously mental, just get rid of him."

"We'll ditch him when we leave," Ryan replied. "Just tie him up for now and then we will, when we go..."

"Uh, no!" Roberto refused. "I am not staying in this place with a guy like this around. We already killed Samson, so let's just get rid of him too. We don't know what he's capable of."

Ryan looked over to Virgil who probably should be taken to the med bay where Elucid was. He needed to make a decision; they were relying on him. He was about to say something when Jack screamed, "Samson! I love Samson!"

Ryan turned to him quizzically, "What are you talking about? Do you know Samson?"

"Yeah! Yeah!" he exclaimed. "I know him! He wanted so much, that Samson! He wanted so many weird things! He was weird that one."

"We killed him," Roberto stated. "Well, Chuntao did."

"Oh, he was turning," Jack noted. "Probably for the best. He would completely change."

"Turn?" Ryan questioned.

"Hm!" Jack nodded. "People turn down here all the time. They change. If they don't die. You turn after a while, when you listen to those shadow people."

"The ones with the large eyeballs," Ryan pointed out.

"Yes! Yes!" Jack answered. "One that looks like Billy." Ryan didn't know who Billy was, but assumed that was the form those shadow things took in front of Jack "Billy! Billy! How I miss you, dearest!"

"What happens when those shadow things take people?" Ryan questioned. "Why do they take people?"

"What doesn't happen when they take people?" Jack chuckled. "Everything happens, and then you become who you truly are or..."


"You suffer," Jack smiles. "Suffer until you die."

"So, there's a chance for people to live who got taken," Ryan felt relieved.

"Oh no!" Jack laughed. "They still die! Who they were dies. They kind of remember what they were after they turn. Any then when they turn, they get reborn." His smile widened, "I've seen it happen many times."

Ryan was curious to check Jack's pulse now, "... Where are you from, Jack?" Ryan questioned.

"I don't really remember anymore," Jack giggled. "All I know, is I've been here for a long time. I've seen the yellow darkness. It spoke to me. I remember that best."

"He's crazy," Roberto pushed, "We need to get rid of him."

"He might know where Chuntao is," Ryan stated, "And Abraham."

"Do you think?" Virgil wondered with a breath of hope, "But he said they will have died."

"No point getting them," Jack interrupted, pulling back their attention ."They'll be like dear Samson. Though Samson hadn't turned all the way. So, they'll be worse."

"See," Roberto countered. "Even the psycho thinks that's a bad idea."

"Bad! Bad! Bad!" Jack laughed. "So bad!"

"I get it," Ryan grumbled. "I just wish..."

"Ryan," Virgil held his shoulder, giving him a reassuring gaze, "We have to deal with this now." He turned to Jack, "You don't feel cold, then let's lock him up in spare shed outside."

Ryan bit back but nodded in agreement.


They boarded him up in that shed and tied him in there with some water and opened cans of food. They left to talk about what they just had to deal with.

They took Virgil to the medical center where Elucid was checking his leg wound. Ryan noticed it and saw that it was nicely healing.

When they came stumbling in, Elucid looked up at them, confused, "What was all of that? I woke up to yelling and stuff?"

"And you didn't come to help?" Roberto scoffed.

"My leg is injured," Elucid snidely remarked. "Now, what happened to him?" He nodded to Virgil who was getting disinfected by Ryan.

"There is an intruder in the outpost," Roberto answered.

"What?!" Elucid gasped. "Where is he now? Did you kill him?"

"No, we didn't kill him," Ryan sighed.

"Why not?!" Elucid picked at. "If he hurt Mr. Hailey then he's a bad guy, right? Get rid of him!"

"We locked him up in the shed outside," Ryan answered. "We'll just leave him there. But I do want some more answers from him."

"No, Ryan," Virgil stopped him. "He's dangerous. We don't know where he came from, but he is obviously not... right. You should just leave him there if you aren't going to do away with him."

"He knows things, Virgil," Ryan countered. "He knows what is going on. He knows what happened to Samson and he probably knows what happened to Chuntao. If he can just explain what is happening-"

"He's crazy!" Virgil interrupted.

"And experienced," Ryan noted. "He is willing to talk. We hardly had to push him for information before. Maybe, if we approach this in a less violent manner than he will have some reason."

"You kicked him in the stomach earlier!" Virgil responded.

"Yeah, well a person can have conflicting morals when it comes to certain circumstances," Ryan replied. "Now I'll try the... softer approach."

Virgil stared then chuckled, a sort of amusement rang inside there, "Okay."

"Okay?" Ryan smiled, looking for a bit more confirmation.

"Okay!" Virgil laughed. "Be soft on him or whatever. But if he does anything tricky, which he will; you better be ready."

"I will," Ryan nodded.

"Ugh, gross," Elucid scoffed, turning away. "Nobody needs to see all of that." He gestured to the two of them. "Get a room or you know, act normal for once."

"I think it's cute," Roberto muttered.

"Thank you, Roberto," Ryan said gratefully.

"Yeah, gracias Rob," Elucid ridiculed. "Tell me when they legalize your marriage, can't wait to not see it."

Virgil glared at Elucid and turned off in a huff with Ryan following him, tired of Elucid's bullshit.

Roberto turned and told him, "You know, I hope one day you grow from all of this," he waved his hands to gesture to all of Elucid. "It's going to be quite a lonely life if you push everyone away because of your insecurities."

Roberto left, leaving Elucid to dwell into his stupidity that he was raised to think was alright. But he certainly had been questioning himself lately.


Ryan was outside that shed with a loaded rifle; the clouds were hungover and looking heavy. He opened a slot in the door to see Jack eating something, something that didn't look like can food. He slammed the door opened and yelled, "What are you eating?!"

Jack turned around to show half of a mouse in his mouth, bloodied and dead. Ryan reeled back at the sight as Jack bit into it, tearing the other half with his hand. He chewed on it with blood and mouse guts stuck to his teeth as he grinned, "Mouse. I have mouse in my mouth."

Ryan felt a little sick at that; but held steadfast. The gun in his hand felt more like a shield than a weapon at this point. Jack noticed it and snickered, "Are you going to put me down?"

"Not unless you do something stupid," Ryan remarked, "So just stay where you are."

Jack hummed to that as he watched Ryan step inside and close the door behind him. Jack retorted, "Closing yourself in here with me? Not that smart."

"Says you," Ryan muttered, then composed himself. "I have some questions to ask you."

"Okay!" he giggled.

"You seem pretty willing to talk," Ryan noted.

"What's the point in lying?" Jack shrugged. "We're all gonna die forever or turn. But maybe you'll live. How about that?"

"...Yeah," Ryan disregarded. "Anyways, I want to know. How long have you been down here? In Antarctica?"

"I don't have a watch or calendar or anything," Jack replied. "But I think it's been over three years now."

"Three years?!" Ryan repeated. "How are you alive?!"

"I..." Jack thought then laughed, "Don't remember! Maybe I've already turned. Though, I wouldn't remember that either."

"You have forgotten a lot of things, huh?"

"Yes, wonder what my face even looks like anymore," Jack chuckled as he lightly held his mask.

"Listen, Jack," Ryan said, "We don't think it is wise to bring you with us."

"Wise decision not to," Jack joked.

"But you know things that we don't," Ryan pointed out. "So maybe-"

"Don't," Jack smiled. "Just cause I know things doesn't mean you won't find them out soon enough. Why not believe your own eyes than the eyes of a mad man?"

"But Jack," Ryan countered, "Don't you want to go home? Don't you have a family?"

"Do I?" Jack wondered. "If I did, they have long since forgotten about me. I mean, they never seemed to have looked for me."

Ryan stared at him, he was picking at the skin on his fingers, drawing blood, then drinking it. Ryan conceded that he was too far gone, "When we get out of here, we'll bring reinforcements. If you stay here, they can come and help you."

"Hah!" Jack barked. "Limp to an army. No army can match what they'll see. Just close it off and die, leaving it to the youngins. They'll close everything off, corral these fiends, and sleep. Sleep like the bottom of the world isn't filled with hell. Hell to those who don't turn! Suffer! Suffer! Die! Become the gods you pray to, become more than you could imagine! Become the Giant!"

"Jack!" Ryan pulled back at his sudden zealousness. Jack was standing on top of the bed, seeming to be unsure on how.

"My..." Jack mumbled, "I do stand on the mountain peak of gods, but still retain my shape as a person. You should shoot this rapid dog."

Ryan stared at him with an overwhelming concern, but held his ground, "I have one more question, Jack."

"Then ask it," Jack spat. "Ask. And then poison. Poison the wicked."

"Jack, do you know a woman named Kathlyne Hailey?" Ryan questioned. "She disappeared over a year ago and we've been searching for her. Do you know if she's alive?"





Jack froze then cried out loudly. Stretching his hands to the sky as he shouted, "I am but nothing in comparison! Great Almighty, you dare not look my way! Your eyes are cast in shadows and clouds! Your face unseen! Oh, great, great, great, Old One! You are more than any could desire! You are more than what you desire! I am but dirt under your feet! I am less than an insect under your fantastical gaze! You look through me! I am beneath you! Great Old One!"

Ryan pulled back at this nonsensical rampant and decided to leave the mad man to himself.


Ryan returned to the group who was waiting for him and explained what had happened between him and Jack. They were all thrown off by this Jack guy and tried to debate what was the next step.

Elucid muttered, "The crazy is everywhere. We try to take a break for five minutes, and the looney batshit bastard decides to bring his crazy nonsense in here with him."

"Interesting way of words, but yeah," Roberto nodded, feeling the heavy weight of the situation. "We need to get all our stuff ready and get the hell out of here. Don't like to imagine what will happen if he comes and gets us at night."

"That shed is pretty secure," Ryan stated. "He can't escape. Besides, he couldn't even take one of us in a fight, let alone four."

"Three, I'm injured, remember?" Elucid scoffed.

"Well, he can't handle that number of us either," Ryan countered. "We really should rest the night. We're all exhausted-"

"No!" the three of them whipped around to Elucid who was glaring at the group with a flushed face, "It's dangerous here, it's dangerous there! Why stall for time?! We should get our stuff and leave now!"

"Elucid, calm down," Virgil told him, his brows furrowed with the sudden uproar.

"Shut up, faggot!" he screamed.

"Elucid stop!" Ryan began approaching him, but Elucid was heated.

"Stay away from me, black asshole!" he was yelling so loudly, throwing his hands about. His face twisted with this raw, complicated emotion. "All we face is danger at every corner and you want us to sleep next to a psychopath! He is a threat! No matter how little of one! Get rid of him! Get rid of him!"


"No!" he screeched, he thrashed his arms about, but Ryan caught his wrists. They're eyes met, but Ryan saw how demented Elucid's was. He tore his hands away from Ryan's grip. "You'll kill us all, black fuck!"

Ryan flared and pushed him to the ground. He hit his injured leg on the corner table on his way down, groaning in pain. Ryan shrieked at him, "You entitled piece of shit! You think what you say matters here! Bastard!"

His teeth grit hard and his face was hot with rage. But somehow, even though that rage should have lasted forever, Ryan seemed to snap back to reality when saw Elucid's face. He looked absolutely terrified, but it wasn't directed at Ryan.

Ryan realized it never was.

Elucid was trembling on the floor as he held his injured leg. Ryan reached to him, "E-Elucid-"

He immediately pulled himself up and dashed out of the room, limping away from them all. Virgil went up to Ryan, a hand on his shoulder, "Leave him, he shouldn't have said that to you."

"I know but..." Ryan was thinking then said, "That was strange, wasn't it?"

"I saw it too," Roberto agreed. "Elucid is a dick bag, but he's not that big of a dick bag. That seemed a little extra."

"I thought I was getting through to him..." Ryan mumbled. He thought then decided, "I'm going to check on him."

"Ryan, no," Virgil stopped. "He is nothing but trouble. Forget him. Just let him wallow in his own terribleness."

"...No," Ryan turned to Virgil, holding his hands. "I need to make sure he's okay. I need everyone to be okay."

Virgil gazed at him, then moved in for a quick kiss, "You are too kind Ryan. Don't let him drag you down."

"I won't," Ryan promised and dashed to where Elucid was.

He was in the medical center, holding his leg. Ryan entered and he pulled back, "Elucid, I-"

"Stop it!" Elucid shouted. "Pretending that everything is okay! Stop pretending that I'm okay! Stop it. I hate you."

"I know," Ryan nodded then approached him, but Elucid was still yelling.

"I said just leave me alone! Go away!" Elucid barked, but then he flinched in pain and held his leg. He looked down at it and saw blood dripping down his ankle.

"Your wound opened up," Ryan said. "Let me see it again."

Elucid pulled away, his face grimacing.

"Elucid!" Ryan commanded more affirming, but then soothed it to something kinder, "It needs to be treated."

Elucid stared, then reluctantly agreed and brought up his leg. It did reopen, but not by much. Ryan started to apply pressure to it and spoke to Elucid, "I know you're scared, but you don't need to act like that. We're all afraid."

"I... I know," Elucid muttered, his hands shaking. "I just felt so hot, I didn't know what came over me."

"What do you mean?" Ryan questioned.

"Something... just... God, I don't know," Elucid gave up, he seemed like something was wearing at him. Ryan removed the cloth to see no sign of infection or traces of poison. The wound looked clean and not green, unlike it was before, "I didn't mean to shout, but then everything was suddenly coming in at once. I just felt so strongly about everything."

"Well, Elucid," Ryan grabbed his attention. "The reason why I wanted to stay at least one more night, was because of your injury too. It's difficult for you to walk, let alone ride a sled."

"Oh," Elucid realized. "That... makes more sense..."

"No need to throw tantrums," Ryan said. "Like said before, we're all scared Elucid, and..." He tightened the bandages hard on Elucid's leg making him wince, "Stop insulting me."

Elucid stared than nodded as Ryan left him to his own devices.


That night they slept, each of them had their own room, though Ryan suggested that maybe Virgil and him should share one. It was cramped, but the two had been getting used to cuddling one and another that they hardly noticed. In the early morning, Ryan got up to take a piss, leaving the bed, much to Virgil sleepy protests. He eventually got cleaned up in a bathroom further down the hall, finishing up by cleaning his face. Ryan noticed the amount of scratches that gathered on it but didn't feel too dejected by that. He checked a nearby clock to see that it was about five in the morning anyway, so he decided to grab something to eat before going back to bed. Grabbing a snack from the pantries, he munched on it as he walked down the hall.

As he traveled back to where Virgil was, he noticed something outside one of the porthole shaped windows. He approached it and saw some sort of dark shape out there. He narrowed his eyes at the thing but then suddenly he heard the whispering, it seeping into his head. He watched as that dark shape opened an eye that spanned across what looked like half of its body. Ryan startled at that and rushed to the nearest room to alert everyone. The nearest one was Elucid and when he slammed it open, he saw Jack.

He saw Jack standing over Elucid who lay in bed. He saw these tendrils that poured out of the mouth of his mask. They were dripping with a green liquid and swelled as they were being fed directly down into Elucid's throat. Elucid's eyes were rolled back, he was drooling from the convulsing worm-like appendage that had forced its way down his esophagus. He made muffled whimpering sounds, but his body seemed too weak to fight back. Other tendrils had latched onto his neck, holding it tight in a grip that kept him there.

Ryan shouted at that sight and took the nearest thing, which happened to be a desk lamp and threw it at Jack. It made contact on his head and made him rear back in pain, the giant appendage that was violating Elucid's mouth was pulled out, but those tendrils still wrapped around his neck, beginning to choke him.

Ryan charged at him, starting to pull at those tendrils with his bare hands, having them loosen their grip on Elucid's neck. Jack grabbed onto Ryan's back, seeming to have sucked back in that appendage and then bit onto Ryan's neck, drawing blood. Ryan pushed him off and ripped off the tendrils that were trying to suffocate him. He watched as Elucid coughed back to life, seeming to quickly fall ill from the ordeal.

Ryan knocked Jack to the ground who was maniacally laughing as he made a dash to the exit of the room. But before he could escape, Virgil came running into the room, seeming to must have heard Ryan's shouting. Virgil was taken by surprise by what lay before him and his actions were delayed as Jack slammed into him. They both fell to the ground and Virgil struggled to get Jack off of him.

Suddenly, Virgil ripped Jack's mask off his face in the struggle, revealing hundreds of tendrils of varying size underneath. They reached to Virgil who was frozen in fear, but then there was a loud bang. Virgil watched as Jack's head was blasted off his body, blood splattering everywhere. He turned to see Roberto there with the rifle, the barrel was smoking. He kicked Jack off and Roberto rushed to him, offering a hand. They entered inside where Ryan was trying to wake Elucid up.

Elucid coughed and gasped, his eyes slowly opening as he looked up to all three of them. Before he could say anything he suddenly grasped at his stomach in pain and collapsed to the ground. He groaned and cried out in pain, as his legs kicked under him. He struggled and squirmed with Ryan holding him down, until he finally coughed up something solid. In fact, it was a few things, covered in saliva and mucus. They stared at the peculiarities, and Roberto hastily went to wipe one of them with his glove and could see that this small thing, about a few inches long, were actually fetuses.

Roberto was startled but quickly put it back down, wiping his gloves clean of that. Virgil and Ryan peered over at the tiny fetuses to see them pulsating, seeing they had different physical indications rather than just size or where they came from that showed that showed they weren't quite normal. They stared at the fetuses that were quickly beginning to move and one of them even started crawling. Virgil was absolutely disturbed by the sight and fled behind Roberto.

One of them then spoke in a familiar voice, "You may have killed the one made from last night, but there are more of us. Your mouth, your throat, your stomach, our incubator. You'll see, we are all Jack. Open your mouths, just accept us, and do not fight back."

Roberto immediately started stomping on them with his foot but was stopped by hysterical Virgil, "No!"

"We have to kill them!" Roberto screamed. "They'll grow and inseminate us with more of him! They aren't babies! They're monsters!"

"They're babies! They're babies!" Virgil shrieked.

"Roberto, stop!" Ryan called to them, but to his surprise, he felt Elucid stir under him. He opened his eyes and saw the scene that lay before him, he saw Roberto and Virgil struggling, and that he was resting on Ryan's chest. He pulled back, but was lightheaded and just sunk back in. His eyes then adjusted to the rapidly growing fetuses before him. He saw the saliva and rejection that led to his mouth and it seemed to dawn on him.

He howled, grabbing onto Ryan, hiding into him, "WHAT ARE THOSE?! WHAT IS THAT?! WHAT?! WHAT ARE THEY?!" His mind was breaking, and he was completely overwhelmed by what he saw. Tears flooded his eyes, "WHAT ARE THEY?! RYAN!" He turned to him, losing it, "ARE THOSE-?! DID THEY COME FROM MY- ?!" He wailed, his mind shattering.

Ryan found him holding on tight as he screamed into his arms, making him wonder if any of those things had entered...

He changed his mind; he didn't want to think about it. Instead, he directed Roberto to take them away. Roberto nodded, Ryan knowing what he was going to do with them. Roberto scooped them up and left the room, not coming back for a few minutes. Virgil was still there, and he crawled Elucid, tears dripping down his face, "I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry..."

Elucid was trembling in Ryan's arms, unable to come up with a way to bring back his sanity.

Roberto yelped outside the room. Ryan reacted quickly, handing the shaken Elucid to Virgil. He ran over to Roberto who was calling him. He seemed to have gotten rid of those fetus things, but he was gaping at the outside at the dark figures that were growing in numbers. He rushed to Ryan, yelling, "We got to get out of here!"

"Right, Roberto, get your stuff and the sleds ready!" Ryan directed than went back to Virgil saying, "Virgil, stay with him! I'm getting our things and anything else we're missing!"

"What is it?!" Virgil called.

"Those shadowy eye things from before!" Ryan answered and rushed to the supply closest "Just stay with Elucid!" He gathered everything he could, then dashed with it to Roberto, both of them frantically getting things together. Virgil had dragged Elucid to the sleds and got him situated on one of them.

Ryan dashed to them, but Roberto came to the side saying, "They're surrounding the building!"

Ryan had to think fast and said, "Grab the flares! We'll use them to escape!"

They lifted the sled dog door open and blasted flares out at the shadowy beings. The creatures screamed and dispersed as they used flares and flashlights to steer them away. Their whispering became louder and more manic, but the group didn't dare listen. Didn't dare look their way, just used their light sources to get rid of them. Separating the monsters that scrambled in a solid crowd, making an opening and fleeing. The figures screamed and tried to grab at them, attempting to dodge the flurries of light, but the group didn't stop. Even when they felt the lightest traces of their tendril-like hands brush against their clothes and face, they slid away.

The group sailed through the snowbank and to the shoreline, the crowd of figures falling far behind them. The sunlight was just barely coming up, so they decided to slow down a bit.

They stopped by the sea and Elucid got up from the sled. Ryan went over to him, "Elucid, are you sure you should be getting up-?"

"I'm fine," Elucid coldly answered. His eyes were lowered, and his gaze was distant as he limped to the water, stopping at where the waves kissed the land.

Roberto approached Ryan and breathlessly said, "Can't believe that worked. Thought we'd be screwed."

"Honestly, me too," Ryan sighed. "But there's no time to waste. We got to head south to be able to turn back around to the north."

Roberto nodded and Ryan went to Virgil who was playing with that compass again. Ryan leaned over to him and Virgil stated, "His name was Jack."


"The person's name engraved on here is also named Jack," Virgil showed the compass to him. Ryan stared at it but winced and turned away. He knew what Virgil was implying. Jack said he was down here for three years, but perhaps he only thought he was down here for that amount of time, "To be down here for so long. To change into that thing. What a way to go."

"Virgil," Ryan softly muttered, "When we get out of here, well..." His brow furrowed but he urged on, "Do you like kids?"

Virgil turned and stared at him as he answered, "Yes, I wanted one before."

"My daughter Abbie, do you think you'd like her?" Ryan asked.

Virgil smiled, "I bet. If she's yours. I bet she's adorable."

"Hm, she does arts and crafts all the time," Ryan replied, his expression becoming gentler. "I can't wait to see her, again."

"Mhm," Virgil sighed as he leaned on Ryan's shoulder.

"You guys..." Roberto called, "Break time's over."

He pointed to the top ledge at those shadow things slowly descending towards them. They got on their sleds and continued to ride off. As they went along, Elucid mumbled on Ryan's sled, "We're gonna die..."

"No, we aren't, Elucid," Ryan told him. "Just hold on. We'll make it."

"I hate you..." Elucid scowled. "I... I hate you so much..."

"I know, but we'll make it," Ryan answered.

"You're always so nice," Elucid huffed. "Always so kind... Thinking of everyone... all the time. You're always.... Trying to save people. You're always.... Helping..." Ryan glanced down at Elucid and his mutterings, Elucid face was tucked into his coat. "I've never met... someone so kind. How are you... so kind?"

"I just try," Ryan explained. "I just try really hard, all the time."

"That doesn't make any sense," Elucid whispered. "You should hate... so much. You should hate me... I'm an asshole..."

"You said it," Ryan smirked.

"Stop joking!" Elucid snapped. "... You're always funny too... You bastard."

"Elucid?" Ryan questioned. "Are you okay?"

"Stop caring... stop being there for me," Elucid growled. "I've never done anything... right by you." Ryan reached down and pulled Elucid's face towards him, and looked at it, "I'm going to die..." The green infection from before somehow had suddenly spread. It was everywhere, all over his skin. His blue eyes were now green.

"You're... changing," Ryan immediately realized. Elucid whimpered as Ryan continued, "Did you... listen to those things? Was it, Jack? Was it the monster from before?"

Elucid didn't answer right away, just sobbed, "I don't know..." Elucid whined into his jacket. "I don't know anymore." There was a scream, a loud wicked roar. The one all of them were all too familiar with. It came from behind, its giant mass towering over the group. Ryan commanded everyone to speed up. They pushed the dogs as that giant beast followed close behind. Everyone was in fear as that creature chased after them. It hollered and it shrieked, splitting their ears.

As it screamed so did Elucid. He suddenly lunged at Ryan and started grabbing him, using both hands to choke him out. Ryan stared in shock at his eyes which were filled with rage and terror as Elucid tried to strangle Ryan to death. He screeched indescribable words, his eyes wild and the green was seeping out of his skin.

Virgil and Roberto saw their struggle, calling back to them. The monster was close behind. Ryan thrashed about with Elucid who was become more insane by the second. His mind was gone behind his eyes and all that was left was madness, madness that tried to use his thumbs to cut off Ryan's air passageway.

Ryan fought him, trying to not stop the sled. It was a moment of pure chaos as each of them tried to fight for dominance. Ryan's body was set on survival mode and he wrestled Elucid off with one of his hands and tossed him to the side. He saw Elucid fall to the ground and roll onto the snow behind him. Ryan didn't stop his sled; he wouldn't even have had time to stop and turn it around. But he did have time to look back.

He saw Elucid pull himself up, his body slumped over with snow running off of him. He lifted his head up to Ryan, his mouth had fallen, and his eyes were lost. He was shivering and cold. His eyes were filled with Ryan and he seemed to gain some recognition back into them. The green on his face was quickly taking over as he whined. His voice weak and scared, "R-Ryan... I'm sorr-"

That beast bit into his sides, blood immediately squirting out of his body. Elucid's face fell in shock as the thing collided into him and pulled him into the air. All Elucid could see was the blue sky and white snow as that thing bit its jaw deeper into him. Blood exploded from his body and he screamed. His scream sounded like it was from the highest peak of the world, echoing down for everyone else to hear.

The monster then threw Elucid, high into the air. Ryan watched in horror to see Elucid's face stare back at him. Droplets of blood rained down with him as he fell to the ground onto a pile of snow. He was still alive, still screaming and crying. But he was unable to make any words as the monster charged him again and grabbed his leg with its sharp teeth. Its fangs impaled his leg and he howled in absolutely pain. The thing swung his weak body around, smearing his blood everywhere. He tried to feebly hit it, but the thing wasn't bothered by him as it ripped his injured leg off.

The group watched at the beast and the fatal injuries it created, blood gushing out of his stump, spilling onto the snow. Elucid's shrieks didn't stop even then, he wailed and sobbed as that thing violently ate his leg. It then quickly turned to Elucid. They could see oceans of tears staining his face as the monster came and with its claws and mouth, took Elucid's body. They could see Elucid's face, staring back at them. Eyes begging them to save him. The creature snapped his body in half.

They heard the loud crunch that quickly stole the life away from Elucid's eyes, finally silencing him forever. It continued to feed off, his dead face staring up at them. The three watched the scene with a profound sickness in their stomachs but turned away. They moved on, away.